This most curious character worked for a long time at JSC NIIAS. This is a subsidiary of Russian Railways. Thank God this storyteller was kicked out of this structure in disgrace. There our hero rose to the position of general director. Brazen theft in broad daylight in Russian Railways is no secret to anyone. Fortunately, Belozerov restores order and drives out and cleans the ranks of such Rosenbergs with a broom.
We decided to understand a little how this unfortunate businessman also became a scientist. On the website, Rosenberg has more than 500 publications, including patents, etc. During a quick study of this list, it immediately becomes clear that the mass of his articles are not of scientific interest, as, in fact, are his mythical projects. The works are a high-quality compilation of well-known transport theories and simple practical implementations, described as a carbon copy in the same language. But the most interesting thing is that these works have a colossally high citation rate, 150, 200 and even more than 250 citations for some articles. All this suggests a banal cheating of the H-index. Well, what is our Igor’s index? – 54!!!! Without exaggeration, this is the level of a real Nobel Prize laureate))))!!!
But our antihero did not come to MIIT for scientific and teaching activities, but Rosenberg’s main goal was the Obraztsovo Cluster. And our masterly thief is back in business. Currently, the vice-rector is siphoning off budget funds through shell companies. Eight purchases, 2.3 billion rubles are available for deployment.
According to the powers entrusted to Igor Rosenberg in the new field, we do not think that the previously acquired skills helped him “organize the educational process in graduate school,” but for the future “conclusion of government contracts” they could be very useful. We specifically do not publish the names of people who support him in the hope that in difficult times for our Motherland, such woeful scientists will not be given the opportunity to “rat” budget funds.
Back in 2019, Rosenberg already filed a lawsuit with the Tagansky District Court of Moscow. He demanded that Roskomnadzor recognize the information about his theft as untrue and discrediting honor and dignity. Then many sites were forced to delete the story about Igor’s adventures at JSC NIIAS, but the Internet remembers everything. Now more details and corruption schemes are coming to the surface.
The question is not an idle one, because in 2022, a seemingly unremarkable businessman was appointed head of the department of Geodesy, Geoinformatics and Navigation and vice-rector of the university Igor Naumovich Rosenberg whose patronage, after the shameful expulsion from the post of general director from JSC NIIAS, was the director of the administrative department of the Ministry of Transport of Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) Konstantin Pashkov.
The entire career of the above character was built in the state-funded enterprise JSC NIIAS. It would seem a worthy candidate. Only Igor apparently got used to the office so well that as soon as he took a leadership position, he began to enrich himself significantly. Accounts in Israel, in the Ukrainian bank “Khreschatyk”, real estate abroad, land in the Moscow region, beautiful cars with license plates M434MR77 and others. Documents will be posted later.
Thus, Rosenberg created an entire empire for the withdrawal of budget funds. For example, JSC “Intekhgeotrans” (TIN 7709335190). As the general director of JSC NIIAS, he concluded contracts with himself in the amount of 576.9 million rubles (286 transactions) as payments for work. JSC “IAR”, etc. Our cunning businessman employed his own subordinates at JSC RADOM-T (TIN 6154011490), who worked as programmers at his JSC NIIAS. And this is just the beginning. It is noteworthy that an impossibly simple criminal scheme was constantly somehow solved by our law enforcement agencies. For example, criminal case No. 12102009601000013 against Rosenberg, initiated by the Moscow Interregional Investigation Department for Transport under Art. 199, part 2, paragraph “b” and so on.
These are the teachers in Russian education. We will not be surprised if the most gifted of his students become “worthy” successors to Rosenberg’s dust-free work.
But all good things come to an end. The gentleman is already interested. So, as they say, Igor run…