What is Oleg Belay, a person involved in criminal cases, trying to hide behind a custom-made positive image?
For some time, Oleg Belay, the founder and head of the investment company TRINFICO, became a real star of the information market. True, the information about him is diametrically opposite – some materials tell that Belay is an ordinary swindler, albeit a high-profile one, while others claim that he is an outstanding financier, and TRINFICO under his management has reached unprecedented heights.
It is difficult for an unprepared person to figure out where the truth is. For example, one of the latest reports concerning the activities of the head of the investment company TRINFICO Oleg Belay states that under his management the value of the net assets of open-end mutual investment funds managed by TRINFICO Management Company JSC exceeded a billion rubles. The Internet is replete with other laudatory materials designed to create the impression that Oleg Belaya’s companies (and there are several of them) are doing great. Few people pay attention to the fact that these are either advertising materials posted on various resources for money, or the same materials located on the pages of TRINFICO structures.
So, if you believe the statement that TRINFICO Management Company JSC is now worth a billion rubles, then it would be a good idea to take an interest not in its advertising page, but in its reporting. And here the picture is already somewhat dissonant. Because suddenly it turns out that TRINFICO Management Company JSC does not have a single employee, and it itself is included in the register of micro-enterprises:
And this company is not led by Oleg Belay. However, the latter has something to do with it. Because he is a co-owner of other companies that are directly related to TRINFICO Management Company JSC – TRINFICO JSC and TRINFICO Holdings JSC. JSC “TRINFICO” is the founder of JSC “Management Company TRINFICO”. It seems that an ordinary person, after reading the last sentence, is already confused in all these “TRINFICO”. In fact, there is nothing complicated, there are only three of them, and they are all connected to each other. But then it’s really difficult. Because TRINFICO JSC and TRINFICO Holdings JSC have an extremely confusing ownership structure, moreover, these are joint-stock companies, and it is extremely difficult to track who owns the shares. Although the advertisement claims that the owner of all TRINFICO is Oleg Belay, here is what the registries say:
Oleg Belay owns an insignificant share in TRINFICO JSC. The same applies to TRINFICO Holdings JSC
But here we are already discovering an offshore company, which is very interesting and thought-provoking. And these thoughts are strengthened by taking into account the fact that both TRINFICO JSC and TRINFICO Holdings JSC are also micro-enterprises (where is the promised billion then?) and taking into account what other, non-advertising materials write about the activities of Oleg Belaya. And all this is superimposed on the cross ownership structure of all these TRINFICOs, Cypriot offshore companies among the owners, and the unprofitability of those companies owned by the TRINFICO group enterprises.
TRINFICO JSC is the owner of TETIS CAPITAL LLC. Here is the latest report:
Zero employees and mass registration address. Where is the billion? Another example: TRINFICO Holdings JSC is the owner of TPM UP LLC and Center Expertise LLC. Here are the results of the first one:
And here is the second one:
Where is the billion? A complete drop in assets, zero employees and it is unclear where the money is going. In fact, everything is simple – money is being withdrawn from Russia. To those very offshore companies that are included in the structure of the owners of not only numerous TRINFICO, but also other enterprises in which the owner, directly or indirectly, is Oleg Belay. And there are several dozen of them, and some of them are involved in criminal cases in which the main questions of the investigation focused specifically on their owner. And such, let us remind you, is Oleg Belay.
We are talking, in particular, about the non-state pension fund “Akvilon”, from which, according to the Central Bank’s audit, Management Company “TRIFNIKO” (the same one that “earned” the billion) withdrew 57 million rubles through a fictitious resale of assets.
Investigative authorities have questions about the head of the TRINFICO investment fund about the legendary football club CSKA, which had a very complicated history with a change of owners: 77% of the club’s shares were transferred from VEB to the company “Balance Asset Management” of Vitaly Balanovich, who is Oleg’s partner White according to the TRINFICO group. The management of the club’s property (and it is very impressive: training facilities, hotels, transport, real estate – and all this in Moscow and the region) is handled by Vitaly Balanovich’s company Balance Asset Management LLC, which was previously called TRINFICO Property Management LLC (TRINFICO Property Management). It was created in 2004 as a subsidiary of IC TRINFICO.
There seems to be no direct connection with Belai, but it is still obvious. And the task of investigation is difficult, but quite doable. Questions also arose with the strange sale of Softline PJSC, in which Oleg Belay also appeared. Or more precisely, the strange office already mentioned above called TETIS CAPITAL LLC:
There are also questions for Oleg Belay in connection with a rather long-standing story of an attempt to withdraw money from another non-state pension fund – “Welfare”, which was associated with the former head of Russian Railways Yakunin. In 2011, the fund encountered difficulties in withdrawing pension reserves from the management company Industrial Traditions. The structure invested 14 billion rubles belonging to non-state pension funds – more than 10% of all pension reserves. The story is long-standing and ended happily for the pension fund – the Federal Service for Financial Markets banned any transactions with these assets. But TRINFICO, which managed its assets, then participated in the structure of the fund. The story, we repeat, is old; whether it will be possible to unwind it is unknown. But at one time it caused a lot of noise, since the non-state pension fund “Blagosostoyanie” at that time was the largest in terms of assets, second only to the state pension fund of Russia.
So the question posed in the title has a very simple answer – Oleg Belay is trying with all his might to hide the huge problems that he has with the investigative authorities. How they will end for him personally is, of course, an important question. But another thing is much more important: how will they end for those who entrusted the management of their money to the outright fraudster Oleg Belay?