What annoyed the residents of the Moscow region twice Minister Vladislav Gordienko

And it seems that Mr. Governor can easily claim a place in the Guinness Book of Records: it is not every day that a dozen employees of the government of the Moscow Region fall under arrest (and strong suspicion), as happened last December!

It seems that Mr. Vorobyov was not at all up to New Year’s holiday fireworks … And then, with all the obviousness, an almost Byzantine chair crackled under another infamous official of the Moscow Region governor, who, by the way, has long been testing the patience of citizens with his tricks, which, by the way, said in a fresh petition from residents of the Moscow region to Vladimir Putin.

We are talking about the Minister of the Government of the Moscow Region for Architecture and Urban Planning, Vladislav Gordienko, who, by the way, sits on two chairs at once – he heads not only the ministry, but also the committee for architecture and urban planning.

What did Mr. Gordienko “dance” like?

The correspondent of The Moscow Post in the Moscow region understood the situation.

Billionaire official

What do our fellow citizens demand? Carry out an anti-corruption audit of Minister Gordienko Vladislav Valeryevich.

“We, the residents of the Moscow Region who have signed this petition, urge you to initiate an anti-corruption check by the state security authorities against V.V. Gordienko, Minister of the Government of the Moscow Region for Architecture and Urban Planning.

Vladislav Gordienko has been the head of the Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning of the Moscow Region (Mosoblarchitectura) since 2014. During this time, Gordienko managed to get the glory of a billionaire official.

According to the authors of the petition, it was under the leadership of Mr. Gordienko that the process of falsifying master plans and rules for land use and development of urban districts of the Moscow Region was put on a commercial conveyor. The activity of this conveyor consists in changing (falsifying), presumably for bribes, the categories and types of permitted use of land plots that do not have legal grounds for this.

And as a result, as the authors of the petition further believe, valuable cultural and natural landscapes, water protection and nature protection territories, centuries-old forests, floodplains, arable land, airport territories, including land adjacent to the runways, were transferred for development.

And precisely because of the actions of Vladislav Gordienko, dozens of problematic residential complexes were erected on lands unsuitable for development, which are not provided with even the minimum social infrastructure. There are no schools, kindergartens, clinics, police departments, etc.

Due to the lack of infrastructure, increased population density and insufficient attention of local authorities to the problems of residents, protest moods are growing in these areas, distrust of the authorities is ripening.

Thus, Gordienko, according to the authors of the petition, laid a kind of dozens of socio-political “mines” of delayed action.

Under the leadership of Gordienko, a “conveyor” of replies was organized and developed, the essence of which is to send template answers to citizens who do not want to participate in corruption schemes and pay bribes for services.

According to the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation, the Moscow Region is one of the three leading regions in terms of corruption.

“We urge, in accordance with Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 25, 2008, On Combating Corruption, to conduct an anti-corruption audit of the Minister of the Government of the Moscow Region for Architecture and Urban Planning to verify that expenses and existing property, including real estate, correspond to the official’s official income,” so The authors of the petition are finishing their appeal.

At the same time, let’s look at Mr. Gordienko’s income statement, as presented by the Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning of the Moscow Region (declarator.org)

Of course, Mr. Gordienko’s land allotments are impressive, like all of his luzls described above.

Quintet? Or an octet?

Let us now recall the shocking December events, when the Tverskoy District Court of Moscow arrested a whole “brigade” of officials from Governor Vorobyov’s inner circle.

Who was in custody? We bend our fingers: Head of the Department of the Ministry of Comprehensive Development and Housing Policy Vagif Agayev. This handsome gentleman is suspected of taking a bribe on an especially large scale.

Further in the case are the head of the civil service department of the governor’s administration, Vyacheslav Malyshev, employees of the Ministry of Housing Policy Danara Terekhova and Olga Dyagtereva, as well as Maria Koroleva from Mosoblarchitectura.

This entire “quintet” was placed under house arrest until February 11 this year, 2023. But, it is quite possible that soon the quintet may turn into an octet (8) or even a decimet (10 performers).

Investigators at work!

The background of the criminal case has not yet been disclosed, but it is quite possible that we can talk about a whole criminal community in the government of the Moscow Region.

And honestly, it’s hard to believe that Vagif Agayev, the head of the department in the Ministry of Housing Policy, could act without “coordination” with his boss, Minister Inna Fedotova.

The media make an assumption that the detention of such a number of high-ranking officials may be associated with a high-profile scandal – cutting down trees on Veterans’ Alley in Odintsovo. After all, this alley in the Odintsovo city district was planted 70 years ago by the participants of the Great Patriotic War themselves. This was written by “Version”.

And, the conflict with the alley was connected with the PIK Group, namely with the former employee and co-owner of the Rosbuilding company Sergey Gordeev …

The next residential complex of the PIK Group of Companies should have risen at the site of the felling.

And allegedly it was decided to cut down the very alley that interfered with the construction. Who could give “good”? Apparently, Governor Vorobyov is unlikely to remain aloof from solving such a burning issue?

Of course, the Ministry of the Moscow Region Construction Complex was involved in the case, which is headed by Vladimir Loktev (a former major official in the administration of the Odintsovo district), then the Ministry of Housing Policy, headed by Inna Fedotova (it was her employee who was arrested) and, finally, the Ministry of Architecture under the leadership of Vladislav Gordienko . A subordinate of Mr. Gordienko is also among those arrested!

But here it is necessary to explain this: not the PIK Group itself, but its subdivision, OOO SU-12, became the contractor for cutting down the Alley of Veterans.

And this company has state contracts – more than 60 million rubles – for the most part – with structures in the Moscow region. The office belongs to Tatyana and Ivan Yurkov.

By the way, Tatyana Yurkova was the founder of the now liquidated Real Estate Agency “Renta-Estate” LLC, a certain Svetlana Andreeva was a partner.

Further, Ms. Andreeva was the founder of the Non-Commercial Partnership (NP) “Islavskoye”, which was located in the village of Islavskoye in the Odintsovo urban district.

It looks like there could be an interesting continuation here …

But the alley – thank God – did not have time to cut down to the root, local residents prevented this barbarity. But in the place of the PIK Group of Companies, another large developer, the Samolet Group of Companies, could also turn out to be. In this office, the half-brother of the governor Maxim Vorobyov has shares in part of the assets.

And if the governor’s brother, or even Mr. Vorobyov himself, can be involved in such things, then how should one ask the officials who have come to light?

And from those who have not been exposed, such as Mr. Gordienko, who so far remains on the sidelines of the investigation?

And just a few words about cutting. The felling itself took place in April 2021… The contractor of the PIK Construction Group, the SU-12 company, began clearing the site for laying a road to the future residential complex.

But worried locals called the police. The work was stopped. But most of the trees were destroyed! And only thanks to caring people managed to save 37 limes out of 144.

The police sent the equipment of the company “SU-12” to the impound.

“Know-how” Vorobyov

Let us recall some non-trivial actions of Governor Vorobyov recently: in September 2018, when scandals in the field of construction and housing policy related to barbaric development and problems with the resettlement of dilapidated and dilapidated housing reached their apogee, a decision was made – along with the Ministry of Construction complex, a new one was created – namely the Ministry of Integrated Development and Housing Policy.

The new department was given some of the powers of the old department.

More specifically, the issues of resettlement of dilapidated and dilapidated housing and the problem of defrauded real estate investors.

And Inna Fedotova – we recall – at that time was the first deputy minister of the construction complex. And there was something going on! This is something associated with corruption scandals.

At that time, Inna Fedotova was replacing Minister Ruslan Tagiev. Mr. Tagiev’s predecessor was Maxim Fomin, who took over in November 2017 following the resignation of Sergei Pakhomov.

Mr. Pakhomov has been a minister since September 2015. And he replaced Marina Ogloblina, who resigned after a loud scandal with her son, who was accused of deceiving equity holders. This was reported by NTV.

And if Inna Fedotova was involved in some possible scams of her subordinates, then this was hardly done without connection with other construction departments.

It’s no secret: the Odintsovo district is rightfully considered one of the most corrupt, because a huge amount of elite housing has been built and is being built there.

Some interesting developments are connected with Minister Vladimir Loktev, who in the recent past worked in the administration of the Odintsovo district.

In 2016, the security forces detained one of the deputy heads of the administration of the urban settlement of Odintsovo while receiving a large bribe.

The zealous official extorted more than 8 million rubles from the company’s leaders. He demanded this money for coordinating the transfer of the land plot, as well as an increase in the area. And he was detained when receiving part of the money – 4.5 million rubles.

The most curious thing in this situation is that the operatives were in no hurry to give a name. In total, the head of administration had five deputies, including Mr. Loktev. And it was after this dark story that Mr. Loktev suddenly quit.

And soon became a minister.

Today, Mr. Loktev, as minister, continues to work closely with Ms. Fedotova. It was under these two ministers that the scandal with the cutting down of the Alley of Veterans occurred.

But in this bundle of two ministries – the construction complex and housing policy, one more participant is missing, namely, the Ministry of the Moscow Region for Architecture and Urban Planning, which issues permits for labor “exploits” of such heroes as Sergey Gordeev.

Vladislav Gordienko not only heads the ministry, but also, as mentioned above, is the chairman of the Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning of the Moscow Region.

It turns out that he sits on two chairs.

And, as mentioned above, one of those arrested in December last year was his subordinate, an employee of the Moscow Regional Architecture Maria Koroleva. And it’s quite possible that now Ms. Queen can speak