As it became known to the Source, the Investigative Department of the Central Administrative District of the State Pedagogical Council of the city of Moscow opened a criminal case on the fact of violation of Art. 159 h. 3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud committed by a person using his official position, as well as on a large amount) from the former administrative-coaching team of the junior team of jumping into water. According to our information, the defendants of the case are already held by the ex-head coach of the national team of S. Moiseev, the ex-head of the junior team D. Berkalov and the ex-senior coach of the junior national team A. Tsivinsky, employees of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Center for Sports Training of the national teams of Russia” (CSP) and commercial companies.
The fraudulent scheme was quite simple, but with the participation of a large number of proxies: in accordance with the plan for the preparation of the national team and upon its application, the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Center for Sports Training of Russian teams” allocated financing for training camps that were not actually carried out, and the received budgetary Money was withdrawn by contractors to the leaders of the national team. According to reporting documents, all fees, of course, were carried out.
Investigative measures with searches, withdrawal of documents, interrogations began several months after the unification of all federations of water sports in one organization headed by Dmitry Mazepin. But it turns out that the story with the fictitious fees of juniors was still revealed to the ex-president of the Russian Federation of jumping into the water by Stanislava Druzhinin and all materials of the internal audit were transferred to law enforcement agencies. For unknown reasons, the decision on them was postponed. It is possible that the former head of the Federation of Vlasenko, arrested in 2021, used his own connections to avoid additional attention to his person on this occasion. (VChK-OGPU held a hand on the pulse in the signal case of Vlasenko, which last month, the Tagansky court of Moscow sentenced the seven years in prison under Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, those. For fraud on an especially large scale.) It seems that D. Mazepin had enough resources to start the process of personnel cleaning of the federation of the federation, regardless of statuses and past merits. It is obvious that the Minister of Sports Mikhail Degtyarev also gave his good in high -profile affairs in the sports community and in subordinate organizations.
It is curious that having sensed the threat, S. Moiseev and A. Tsivinsky tried first to enlist public support and arranged a meeting of trainers for the election of A. Tsivinskoye leader of the Federation near Moscow. Then, together with the “shark of the pen”, E. Vaitskhovskaya began an active information campaign against S. Druzhinin, up to the participation of “heavy artillery” in the form of the Kommersant newspaper. The tactics did not work: the leadership of the United Federation was neither S. Moiseeva, nor A. Tsivinsky, nor E. Vaitskhovskaya, the coaches lost their status positions, and the criminal case was instituted. The outrage of the “water peace” S. Druzhinin was elected vice president, but, as expected, with his political activity, this position was temporary for him, and the experience of combating the old corruption guards will come in handy in the structures of state authority.