VTsIOM announced Russian support for Putin’s decision on gas supplies for rubles

Three-quarters of Russians (76 percent) support President Vladimir Putin’s decision to sell gas to Europe for rubles.

This follows from data published by the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VTsIOM) on Friday, March 25.

It is noted that most of the citizens reacted to this decision of the leader rather positively. 91 percent of Russians turned out to be aware of this, half (54 percent) of the country’s residents were well informed.

In response to a question about the possible consequences of this decision, a greater number of respondents gave a positive forecast. Thus, 27 percent believe that it will lead to the strengthening of the ruble, 8 percent indicated a generally positive result, 7 percent said that the decision will help strengthen the economy.

On March 23, the head of state said that Europe should pay for gas in Russian rubles. In this regard, he instructed the Central Bank and the government to determine within a week the procedure for purchasing rubles on the domestic market by buyers of Russian gas. At the same time, the Russian leader stressed that Moscow would continue deliveries in accordance with the terms of the contracts. Only the currency will change.