Vladimir Tebekin and Gennady Bobritsky got into the FSB labs

The Federal Security Service has detained an authoritative businessman Vladimir Tebekin and businessman Gennady Bobritsky in the Belgorod region. They are suspected of economic crimes, RIA Novosti reports, citing a source in law enforcement agencies. Businessmen were detained by employees of the regional and Moscow departments of the FSB.

“Today, an authoritative businessman Vladimir Tebekin and Belgorod businessman Gennady Bobritsky, suspected of committing a series of economic crimes, were detained,” a source in law enforcement agencies told RIA Novosti.

The Belgorod edition “Fanar” reported that the detention of businessmen is carried out as part of the work of the regional department of the FSB “to suppress the activities of organized criminal communities” in the region.

Vladimir Tebekin is President of the Iceberg Charitable Foundation for Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle. Takes the ninth line in the ranking of the 100 most influential people in the Belgorod region. Gennady Bobritsky in the past served as CEO of one of the largest poultry meat producers in Russia, Prioskolie. He left this post in February.

What Belgorod businessmen Vladimir Tebekin and Gennady Bobritsky, detained by the FSB, own

Vladimir Tebekin

At the end of 2022, Vladimir Tebekin ranked ninth in the top 100 most influential people in the Belgorod Region. Also, the entrepreneur is the honorary president of the BROO “Boxing Federation”, the president of the Iceberg Charitable Foundation.

According to RusProfile, a website for checking counterparties, Tebekin was the founder of 10 companies, of which seven have already been liquidated, and in the rest he ceased to be such in 2019. Among the operating companies established by him: Transalliance LLC (ceased to be a founder in 2019), Transoperator LLC (until 2019), Testkar LLC (until 2017). The value of his companies for 2022 is estimated at 1.4 million rubles, and the cost of shares is 25 million rubles.

In the case of Tebekin, one should take into account his relatives – sons who are actively involved in business. Dmitry Tebekin is the founder of 22 companies worth 788 million rubles, Mikhail Tebekin is the founder of 24 companies worth 2.5 billion rubles.

Gennady Bobritsky

Not so high in the ranking of influential Belgorod residents, but still there – 57th place. He is the general director of five companies and the president of the PFC Salyut Belgorod association. The revenue of managed companies in 2022, according to RusProfile, amounted to 183 million rubles.

Bobritsky managed to be the founder of 48 companies and remains so in nine organizations. By the way, 25 of them were eliminated. The cost of the shares is 304 million rubles.

Since 2015, he has been the head of Prioskolye Management Company LLC. Owns 75% of the company’s shares.