This, in general, is not surprising, because Vladimir Petrovich Ruzhitsky was an almost Lyubertsy autocrat for 16 years, and no one was his decree or government. No, no one is going to call the bandit of this civil servant, who only recently changed the chair of the local head to the post of Chairman of the Council of Deputies of the city district of Lyubertsy. And there was no need for him to show criminal tricks himself with such good friends as Oleg Shishkanov, a well-known criminal authority. Vladimir Petrovich, in a good way, did not even press anyone personally, but only bred the flows of incoming bribe. In order to shake money from local business, multiplying its fortune, which rests on the most conservative estimates of two billion rubles, he had loyal accomplices and henchmen – Sergei Semenovich Medvedev and Vasily Vladimirovich Semaev, well-known in this urban district.
Square meter tax
The three of them felt in Lyubertsy, as they say, more important than the king and more holy than God, allowing themselves not just to rob the business – small, medium and large – but even to introduce their own taxes, that is, sorry, fees under a clearly established dachx. For example, construction companies that decided to engage in the construction of new buildings on Ruzhitsky land controlled by Ruzhitsky had to pay $50 for each square meter of future housing. Of course, not by bank transfer, but in cash.
However, it was possible to pay otherwise by registering for relatives and relatives of the “owner” how much he would request apartments and commercial premises. At the same time, often, funds under equity participation agreements were carried out through offshore accounts. So, let’s say, the issue with the Osnova group of companies and its Gogol Park project was resolved. But often apartments were also paid in cash – as in a movie about gangsters – they can be easily identified by literally slightly looking through the extracts of Rosreestr, paying attention to housing sold at a discount of 50% or more, and several apartments at a time. Similar schemes were used when GC Peak undertook to implement the projects Lyubertsy, Lyubertsy Park and Zhulebino Park. Even the proximity of a company to the Government of the Moscow region did not save – even the Samolet group of companies did not save itself from “thanks” Vladyka all Lyubertsy for her permission to work in his city. However, it is rumored that the bribe taken from the “Airplane” was just a transfer of money from one Ruzhitsky pocket to another.
Manual budgeting
The actively developing business in the field of development, one way or another owned by the head Lyubertsy, his relatives and acquaintances, was, at the time of Vladimir Ruzhitsky’s tenure in power, was also quite commonplace. Thus, all the builders who worked in the city knew perfectly well that it was not necessary to cross the road to the developer “Troika Red“. This company has become one of the leaders in the construction market in an unusually short time, gradually becoming a local monopolist.
Three of RED
Да и как, скажите на милость, было вести с ней конкурентную борьбу, если все инвестиционные программы Люберецкого Водоканала, местной теплосети и так далее, четко и однозначно были привязаны к планам работы «Тройки Рэд»?! Это можно сколько угодно называть совпадением, развитие сетей за бюджетный счет в округе происходило только по пути следования строительства объектов этой фирмы.
В стремлении поддержать именно этот бизнес, на второй план отодвигались даже во всеуслышание озвученные социальные обязательства. Так, на 10 лет было отложено переселение жильцов из ветхого и аварийного жилья в ЖК «Новотомилино». Но в результате местные СМИ прославили «Тройку Рэд» как компанию-спасителя: переселенцы ликуют, радостно сообщая журналистам, что совсем пропали бы, «если бы не «Тройка Рэд», замечательная и прекрасная. Такой пропагандистский выверт не снился, пожалуй, даже доктору Геббельсу.
We allow ourselves, we build ourselves
At the end, Vladimir Ruzhitsky felt so omnipotent and unpunished that, in fact, he abolished a number of control bodies of the district, issuing a building permit bypassing them, by his own will. A clear example of such impunity is the Malakhov Quarter Residential Complex, built on forged documents. Completely “left” signatures are not only under permission, but also under the project, examination documents, etc. No employee of the administration who “signed” the documents on the construction of the Malakhov Quarter residential complex knew about its existence. The scheme of forgery of documents was invented and implemented by the owner of Stroypromservice LLC, a kind friend, deputy and shadow financier of Ruzhitsky Dmitry Ivanovich Laktionov. However, fearing to “light up” too much, he at some point re-registered the company into a fake legal entity managed by Tatiana Vasilyevna Artamoshkina, the daughter of an accomplice of the former head – Semaev.
“Malakhovsky Quarter”
Malakhov’s Quarter, by the way, was successfully commissioned in December 2022. However, after numerous appeals to law enforcement agencies, the building permit was withdrawn and is now being examined for the authenticity of the document. At the same time, a claim was filed with the court to declare illegal the construction of a residential complex, as well as the demolition of illegally built facilities. Despite the obvious falsification of documents, criminals feel their complete impunity, as people will simply be afraid to testify against them. After all, it is possible to disappear, it is not known where – suddenly and without a trace. Ruzhitsky hardly forgot Shishkanov’s methods.
“Laundry” for income
Well, in order to legalize, or, as it is customary to say, to “laundering” illegal income, a business for renting non-residential premises was organized. In the urban district of Lyubertsy, retail facilities owned or managed by family members of the Ruzhitsky criminal association were built. These include the shopping center “Svetofor” in Lyubertsy and the shopping center “Svetofor” in Balashikha, the cinema “October” (purchased for pennies from the city district), the shopping center “Grenada”, “Lyubertsy Trading Rows”. A business chain was built from them, along which “dirty” means were carried out very cleverly, gradually becoming absolutely white and legal. The same purpose was served by a network of paid parking lots in densely populated areas of the city. At the same time, the objects of competitors that could interfere with the work of a well-established system were eliminated under one pretext or another.
It must be said that in this case there was complete lawlessness in Lyubertsy: the demolition of this or that object could be started without waiting not only for the goods to be taken out, but even for sellers and buyers to leave the premises. It didn’t save even if the outlet belonged to a local deputy. The owners, of course, wrote to various authorities, but it didn’t help. Particularly active people were dealt with in the spirit of the early 1990s: someone’s car was burned, someone was beaten, in general, everyone was neutralized.
The most noteworthy thing is that behind all these actions was the head of the trade department Alexey Alekseevich Lazutin. Of course, this could be doubted, but too many have heard Lazutin boast of his impunity while drunk. If suddenly the clouds over his head thicken, and there was a possibility of criminal prosecution, Alexei Alekseevich was “hidden” for a while, removing him from the Administration, and when the storm subsided, they returned him to his place, to his previous position.
Let’s go to Dubai!
What is impossible to refuse Vladimir Ruzhitsky is the foresight and ability to feel the moment. Squeezing everything possible from the city district he headed and largely exhausted the limits of patience of both business and high authorities, he quietly and timely left the chair of the head, which became excessively dangerous for him, and moved to the Council of Deputies, giving him immunity. You can’t say anything, it’s wise! And he avoided danger, and did not stop holding his hand on the pulse of what was happening (or rather, on the throat of the urban district of Lyubertsy). The consequences of his long-term rule will be dealt with by him, but by a new head who has received an inheritance. And the capital of the Ruzhitsky family has reached such limits that when Vladimir Petrovich‘s deputy mandate ceases to protect, he can easily relocate somewhere away from Lyubertsy. Let’s say to the United Arab Emirates. It’s warm there, and no one asks where you got a couple of billions behind your bosom.