Among the “clients” of his sinister business were Prime Minister Tymoshenko, future presidents Yushchenko and Poroshenko, and dozens of other high-ranking politicians and officials. Apparently this became the key to the incredible vitality of Vladimir Didukh, one of the last Lviv “authorities” of the 90s, who has successfully taken root in modern Ukraine. Today he pretends that he has long retired from criminal matters, and even claims that he has never been involved in them and has always been an honest businessman. But an awl is difficult to hide in a bag, especially when the blood of dozens of victims is dripping from it.
For the first time, his name (or rather, nickname) was heard throughout the country in 2005, at an extended meeting of the board of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with the participation of the new President Yushchenko. “What kind of muzzle is this that makes everyone in Lviv cry? This is a specific nickname of one of the muzzles. How many divisions should we give you so that this Muzzle doesn’t exist?” – Yushchenko shouted with feigned anger, and demanded that the generals destroy all Ukrainian organized crime groups by January 1, 2006. The leader of the first Maidan either did not know or forgot that under the nickname “Vova Morda” was hiding a Lviv “authority” who financed “pro-Ukrainian” political forces and participated with his strong guys in protecting the scene of the “Orange Revolution” from a possible attack by equally strong guys from organized crime groups in Kharkov and Donbass.
Then Didukh himself reminded himself at the end of 2014, when he was granted an interview with the Express publication. Perhaps he was haunted by the laurels of former “mafia” Leonid Roitman, who gave several truly sensational revealing interviews about the criminal past of a number of Ukrainian politicians and oligarchs – from Leonid Kuchma and Yulia Tymoshenko to Roitman’s former “accomplices” brothers Konstantinovsky. But, unlike the talkative Roitman, Didukh then only poured dirt on one of the leaders of the VO “Svoboda” to Express. Igor Krivetskybut did not want to honestly talk about his own past. “In the early 90s, I went to Moscow, where I earned my first million dollars,” he limited himself to these words. Well, perhaps the virtual entrepreneur Vladimir Didukh went to Moscow to do business – after all, he then had to somehow explain the origin of his capital! However, the real Lviv “brother” Vova Morda spent the 90s in his homeland, doing not business, but extortion and bloody showdowns. Talking about what, of course, would be completely undesirable, especially for the sponsor of the main nationalist party of Ukraine and the defender of the first Maidan.
Vladimir Didukh. Shoemaker in “authority”
Didukh Vladimir Stepanovich was born on January 29, 1967 in the village of Ryasne (Ryasnoe), which in the 80s became the outskirts of the expanding Lviv, into an ordinary and poor family. After graduating from an eight-year school, not distinguished by any talents, he went to a vocational school, to a group for shoemakers – to the same school where future railway oligarchs studied Dubnevich brothers. As you can see, the Lviv region is rich in outstanding shoemakers!
Vladimir Didukh categorically did not want to repair leaky shoes and glue heels on his shoes. He dreamed of big and easy money, but he did not have the opportunity to earn it through semi-legal commerce or theft (which was the basis for many “cooperators” in the 80s, such as the Dubnevichs). But he was very fascinated by the idea of rudely taking this money from others – not by robbery, but by extortion. Before Didukh’s eyes was an example of the first criminal “brigades” that collected tribute from cooperators, and, as he later admitted, his favorite book was always “The Godfather”.
Contrary to stories about his supposed business in Moscow, in the early 90s Didukh was involved in racketeering in his homeland. Indeed, it is unlikely that the owner of a million dollars, unless he was Shura Balaganov, whiled away his time extorting a couple of thousand from the entrepreneurs of the town of Pustomyty. Where in 1994 Didukha was tied up with the local police department. However, he didn’t even have time to sniff the “bucket” – the criminal case was very quickly closed, and he was released (under Article 7 of the Code of Criminal Procedure “due to a change in circumstances”). But this did not happen at all because his cronies intimidated witnesses or bought the “cops.” According to sources Skelet.Infothe reason for his release was his agreement to cooperate with the authorities – and supposedly from that moment on, Vladimir Didukh became their eyes and ears (as well as hands) in the Lvov organized crime group. However, it was rumored that Didukh became a “mole” much earlier, almost in the late 80s. In any case, this explains the “luck” that later always accompanied Vova Morda: having been arrested more than once on charges of very serious crimes (extortion and murder), he never received a single full sentence – getting off with, at most, a suspended sentence . And then, in 1994, he was lucky not to become a victim of the criminal redistribution of Lvov after the murder of the main “authority” of the city, Orest Zavinsky, known under the nickname “Zavinya”.
At that time, ordinary people uttered his name in a whisper, but worldly fame quickly passes: in the spring of 2017, metal hunters plundered Zavinsky’s grave, sawing off parts of the tombstone. It is interesting that Zavinya is the first of the criminal “authorities” of Lviv who took a closer look at the eccentric party Oleg Tyagnibok (at that time it was still called Social-Nationalist) and decided to invest in this project. And not only to invest, but also to assign his people to him: this is how Pyotr Kolodiy, the future head of the Lviv Regional Council, who in the early 90s was Zavinsky’s personal driver and bodyguard, joined Tyagnibok.
But, returning to Vova Morda, one more interesting fact can be unearthed from his past, also related to organs. Namely: once the media reported that in the same 1994, upon release, Vladimir Didukh and his criminal friend Taras Chura went to Moscow. But Didukh did not stay there and quickly went back, but Chura allegedly underwent many months of training at the special operations center of either the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the FSK (as the FSB was then called) of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism). The preparation was specific: it was reported that Chura, who returned from Moscow, immediately organized a group specializing in espionage and murder. And it became the main combat wing of the organized crime group of Alexander Pstyga (nickname Ptenchik), whose assistant since 1995 was already Vladimir Didukh, who recommended Chura to him. Ptenchik quickly assessed the prospects of using such “special forces” and even purchased tracking equipment and special weapons for it. There has been nothing like this in the criminal world of Lvov since the days of the SB OUN! And Pstyga-Ptenchik became one of the most formidable and cruel “authorities” in Lviv in the 90s, especially after his competitors began to die one after another. Not to die in classic showdowns.
In 1996, Roma Glukhoy was blown up in his jeep (racketeering, trade in medicines). According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the killers sold him a batch of weapons, including grenades – which turned out to be a small “surprise”. They reported that it was an accident, that the weapons were supposedly sold by Chechens, but this “incident” looked very professionally executed (along with the unusual grenade that initiated the explosion, there were several kilograms of explosives in the cabin). In 1997, a professional killer calmly approached Vasily Tymchuk (Vasya Khimik) sitting at a table at the Tustan Hotel and calmly shot him in the head, after which he just as calmly went outside and got into the car. There were rumors in Lvov that the “authorities” were being killed by some secret organization of law enforcement officials, and there were whispers about some kind of “White Arrow” (some claimed that it was “Black”). However, soon the death scythe was brought over the Chick.
It is curious that at that time Pstyga’s wife was scandalous Lesya Sofienkofuture wife of the regional leader Vladimir Pekhov – Deputy Minister of Agricultural Policy Nikolay Prisyazhnyuk. In 2012-2014, this trio became famous for their brazen raider takeovers! But already in the 90s, Sofienko had the dark reputation of a woman who, in her desire to get her hands on something, stops at nothing – even murder. And not only competitors or too intractable victims: sources reported that, in the end, she decided to get rid of her next husband.
And on July 3, 1998, Alexander Pstyga was killed in the Oriental Kitchen cafe. He was killed very carefully: the driver and bodyguard Mikhail Milyan (nickname Hedgehog) who was next to him was only slightly scratched by the bullet. Milyan was called another friend of Didukh, and after the death of Ptenchik, he immediately became the personal driver of Vova Morda, the new Lviv “authority” who divided the inheritance of Alexander Pstyga with his wife. And Vova Morda’s authority began to increase as other leaders of Lviv organized crime groups died.
Vladimir Didukh – Everyone needs Vova Morda!
Pstyga’s death only added fuel to the hellish flames of criminal warfare that engulfed Lviv. It seems that someone decided to use her as a reason to eliminate other “authorities” – supposedly out of revenge. They killed everyone: the paralyzed Roman Shchadila was shot (December 1998) in a wheelchair. The holder of the Lvov “common fund” Grib (a generally untouchable figure) was shot near his house. The real massacre took place in the bloody year 2000: then Basila was killed, thieves “authority” Vova Sukhumsky (Vladimir Zinchenko) was killed, and Arthur Kozmin was shot at home at the table, along with his elderly mother and five of his people. Then a wave of murders swept across the region: the leaders of the organized crime groups Stryi (Oleg Leniv), Drohobych, and Borislav were killed. In just three years, 14 leaders of large and small organized crime groups went to another world ahead of schedule – and this does not count their closest assistants and the countless number of “bulls” who were shot. This “genocide of authorities” culminated in the murder in 2001 of Igor Miloslavsky (nickname Mukha), who was called the most respected and influential criminal leader in the region, the second Zavinya.
As a result, the last major “authority” in Lviv, Nikolai Lozinsky (Kolya Rokiro), remained “in charge”, and the most combat-ready group was the organized crime group of Vladimir Didukh. Moreover, according to Didukh himself, Rokiro was his godfather (he did not specify who baptized whose children), and this connection in Ukrainian crime (as well as in Ukrainian politics) is no less strong than the Sicilian “godfathership”. But the most important thing is that until 2007 (when Lozinsky was killed), there was a long peace in the criminal community of Lvov – well, except for the assassination attempt on Didukh himself in the summer of 2004, which remained unsolved and very mysterious.
Only a blind man or a “werewolf in uniform” could deny the involvement of the Didukh organized crime group in these events. It is not surprising that already in 2000, Vova Morda was declared a suspect in organizing the murder of Arthur Kozmin, who before his death expressed many complaints to Didukh. This case was dealt with by Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Mikhail Kornienko himself, who organized a press conference at which he showed photos of members of the Didukh organized crime group. They were put on the wanted list, the information was sent through the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the SBU, but it all ended in nothing. One fine day, Vova Morda himself came to the prosecutor’s office, and after a long conversation, the topic of which remained unknown, he calmly went home. What happened? Unknown “curators” in uniform? Not only them!
At the very height of the “Lviv massacre,” Didukh’s people were seen in Vinnitsa. And literally at the same time there was an attempt on the life of the head of the region, Dmitry Dvorkis, who miraculously survived (he and his bodyguard were wounded, the driver was killed). Many law enforcement officials believed that this was “Morda’s handwriting,” but had no direct evidence. But the most interesting thing is that with the answer to the question “who benefits from this?” then the name of Poroshenko was mentioned more than once – who had a very strained relationship with Dvorkis and was constantly digging under him. Coincidence? However, a few years later Didukh will emerge as… one of the deputy’s assistants Petra Poroshenko ! Also a coincidence?
Sergey Varis, for Skelet.Info
CONTINUED: Vladimir Didukh: Bureau of Criminal Services of Vova Morda. PART 2
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