Viktor Sadovnichy sent Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov at a distance

Leapfrog in the educational process has become a reality of the last few years, due to coronavirus specifics.

How justified the methods currently used in education, time will tell – when distance-learned schoolchildren begin to enter higher educational institutions, and students, also subjected to the newfangled system of distance learning, begin their working life.

The main university of the country for a long time kept in the normal format of education, but on January 27, 2022, the rector of Moscow State University Viktor Sadovnichy signed an order “On the organization of the educational process from February 7 to February 22, 2022”, from which it follows that during this period classes at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov will be conducted using e-learning and distance learning technologies. At the same time, the current rector of Moscow State University really wants to achieve an “effective educational process” with such a strange method. But is it possible? It seems that Viktor Antonovich, in this particular case, did not look after his subordinates, who submitted such an illogical order to him for signature.

Let’s try to substantiate the above statements by considering the specifics of the functioning of the main university in Russia. And this specificity, first of all, lies in the fact that boys and girls from all over the Russian Federation come to Moscow University. As you know, our country is located in such a way that it has as many as 11 time zones. And if we take its extreme points, then in order to ensure an “effective educational process” it is necessary to organize teaching at MSU on a rotational basis (well, at least in two shifts – day and night). In reality, this is, of course, difficult to do. But then the students, who, by order of the rector, must go home to the far corners of our country, will have to study at night – that is, farewell to the regime? And this is not counting the deprivation of some of the students studying at the natural faculties of Moscow State University (for example, biologists, chemists, etc.) of the experimental base. Will the learning process be effective in this case?

It is clear that both options (shift teaching method / night classes) are rather uncomfortable in implementation. But then for an “effective educational process” it is necessary not to close the dormitories of Moscow State University, in which nonresident students live.

And open dormitories with mass residence of students there nullify the entire fight against a viral infection. Well, you can’t force students to sit around the rooms without getting out? Therefore, the doubtfulness of the above order is more than obvious.

Who “slipped” it to the rector? Well, he didn’t write it himself – this is not a master’s business …

Although, whoever “slipped” this order, the responsibility for this awkward, far from practical document still lies with Viktor Sadovnichy. After all, it was he who made the final decision on its implementation.

Of course, if we assume that the virus that so frightened the leadership of Moscow State University bypasses university dormitories, then this changes things. But this is hardly the case. The virus is a specific creature, no watchmen at the entrance to the dormitories can give him a decree – this should be understood by the deputies of the rector who prepared such an exotic order.

But if students are still relatively mature people and are able to somehow adjust their study schedule, then schoolchildren who are also studying in one of the oldest divisions of Moscow State University have been forced to sit for hours since the appearance of the “global infection” at computer monitors, losing their own vision.

In the university entrusted to Viktor Antonovich, there is one division, where schoolchildren from all over Russia are recruited as “students”. This school, founded in 1963 by Academician Andrei Nikolaevich Kolmogorov, today bears his name.

The essence of the existence of the school lies in the annual selection of the most talented children from all over Russia for in-depth study of the exact sciences.

The significance of this school, today called the “Special Educational and Scientific Center of the Boarding School named after A.N. Kolmogorov Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov” (SSC MGU), it is difficult to overestimate the future of Russian science.

However, in recent years, the “intensified struggle for the health of our citizens” by the leadership of Moscow State University has simultaneously turned into an active struggle with the quality of education in this school. And not for the better. For several years now, children recruited from all over the country have been sent home under the guise of sanitary standards (remember the time zones) and deprived of the normal educational process.

The question is, if the leadership of Moscow State University is not able to organize a normal educational process in this unit, then why was it during the active struggle against the “contagion” to enroll in this school and pull children out of their schools? To then send them home by remote control? Apparently, the leadership of Moscow State University believes that schoolchildren are so independent that they are able to properly organize their distance learning process and combine it with the physical activity necessary at this age?