To the editor The Moscow Post Tatyana Skripka turned, whose husband and son fell under the “skating rink” of the powerful Kuban Sinyagovsky family.
The high-profile, scandalous case of Vladimir Skripka The Moscow Post has repeatedly stopped: the investigation “Canned food in Sinyagovsky” was published back in October 2019, and later, in February 2020, the material “Sinyagovsky’s criminal delicacy for Skrypka” was published.
So this convoluted affair has been going on for years! And during this time, many events happened: a criminal case was again initiated against Vladimir Skrypka and his son.
We quote part of Tatyana Skrypka’s letter: “In a few days, an appeal will be held under Article 185 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, under which my husband and son were convicted. A provocation is planned, most likely there will be “pocket” media. Maybe your publication will be able to send its correspondent to the Pervomaisky district court of Krasnodar in case 10-25/2022, judge N. N. Syatkin. Everything that is happening around us is a violation of the state system and the judicial system … We really hope for your help.”
Thus, the editors once again return to the high-profile case of Vladimir Skrypka.
The correspondent of The Moscow Post in the Krasnodar Territory understood the new details.
Where did a ton of squash caviar go?
Today Vladimir Skripka and his son Yaroslav Skrypka accused of committing a crime under Part 1 of Art. 185.5 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (falsification), and are suspected of providing deliberately false data to the body that carries out state registration of legal entities.
According to investigators, in October 2019, the actions of Vladimir Skripka led the prosperous company to multimillion-dollar losses (more than 15 million rubles).

Photo: document submitted by the author of the letter to the editor The Moscow Post
And in April of this year. The 15th Arbitration Court of Appeal decided to recover jointly and severally from Vladimir Skrypka, Yaroslav Skrypka and Alexander Blinkov 15 million rubles in favor of Kuban Delicacies LLC. And on June 7, 2022, the prosecutor’s office canceled the decision to terminate the criminal case under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Fraud”), which was initiated in 2019 and then canceled.

Photo: document submitted by the author of the letter to the editor The Moscow post
And yet, Kuban Delicacies LLC discovered the loss of 1 million cans of squash caviar in the amount of more than 11 million rubles.
In general, the matter is clear that the matter is dark!
Capturing a successful company
Thus, the dark story in the provincial town of Slavyansk-on-Kuban still continues to acquire fantastic details, to which the saga of the disappearance of 1 million cans of squash caviar has now tangled itself.
And the capture of Kuban Delicacies LLC in the fall of 2019 with shooting not in the air at all, suggested that the Sinyagovsky clique, well-known in the region, could be involved in this sharp squash thriller.
Recall that the head of Slavyansk-on-Kuban is Roman Sinyagovskoy, the nephew of the authoritative Vladimir Sinyagovsky, in the recent past – the mayor of Novorossiysk and ex-deputy of the State Duma.

Vladimir Sinyagovsky. Photo:
But let’s also remember the last significant losses of the Sinyagovsky family: first, the customs officer Ruslan Sinyagovsky, the brother of Roman Sinyagovsky, fell out of the “deck”, who was convicted of taking a bribe in his office on the territory of the “Caucasus Sea Port”. They didn’t put him in prison (then an all-powerful relative from Okhotny Ryad intervened), but he was excommunicated from the “trough”.
The Moscow Post was told about this in the journalistic investigation “The Sinyagovsky clan: from Kuban to Moscow”.
Then the investigator of the Main Investigation Department of the TFR for Moscow, Colonel Sergei Sinyagovsky, flew out of the influential clip. And he precipitated after the publication of the next part of the investigation: “The Sinyagovsky clan: the prosecutor’s fault.”
Thus, already two Sinyagovskys are “walking” on their own …
According to rumors, the former customs officer Ruslan Sinyagovsky dug in in the Kuban. He even started his own business.
And when 8 armed fellows with bull necks broke into the enterprise “Kuban delicacies”, the head of the Slavyansky district Roman Sinyagovsky hastened to comment to journalists that it was the owners who sorted out their relationship in this way.

Roman Sinyagovsky. Photo:
But, looking ahead, we note that everything was fine between Vladimir Skrypka and his partner Ivan Radchenko during 15 joint work. But in June 2019, Radchenko died suddenly, after which leapfrog began. It is quite possible that it began precisely with the filing of Roman Sinyagovsky, who has long known what a tasty morsel these “Kuban delicacies” are!
And Sinyagovsky, according to rumors, although he has his own “candle factory” – a brick factory – he is decorated, as usual, either on a brother-in-law, or a brother-in-law. Why not get your hands on “Kuban delicacies”?
Fight for green peas
Kuban Delicacies LLC appeared in 2003. In April 2011, the production of canned fruits and vegetables was launched. In 2013, Kuban Delicacies” received two gold medals at the International Food Exhibition in Germany: for canned peas and zucchini caviar.

Production of the company. Photo:
Vladimir Skrypka said that he himself had to create an enterprise since 2003.
“Kuban Delicacies” is my brainchild, in which I have invested not only a lot of effort and money, but my soul,” says Vladimir Skripka.
And immediately after the death of Ivan Radchenko, a partner and comrade, the plant was seized by the offshore company RAND JSC. Statutory and legal documents were stolen.

Photo: document submitted by the author of the letter to the editor The Moscow Post
Mr. Skrypka has repeatedly reported arbitrariness to the law enforcement agencies and the authorities of Slavyansk-on-Kuban… But, according to Mr. Skrypka, the local authorities, as well as law enforcement officers, were indifferent to the appearance of impostors at the enterprise.

Photo: document submitted by the author of the letter to the editor The Moscow Post
Vladimir Skripka also noted that some media deliberately distort the events that were then going on at Kuban Delicacies LLC.
The cunning of Roman Sinyagovsky
And it seems that Roman Sinyagovsky was cunning when he hurried to give comments to journalists about the events at the enterprise.
It was he who told the media that the conflict between the two founders has been going on for a year, but only now has it entered an acute phase.
But Vladimir Skrypka could not believe in gloomy events: the death of partner Ivan Radchenko turned everything upside down. It seems that Roman Sinyagovsky found common ground with Anton Radchenko, the son of Skrypka’s deceased partner.

Vladimir Skripka. Photo:
“From the reports, it became clear that the media deliberately misled. I own a 50% stake in the Kuban Delicacies plant. After the death of my partner Ivan Radchenko, the following events began to unfold: the owners of the offshore company JSC RAND seized control of the plant. They stole the statutory and financial documents of the Kuban Delicacies enterprise,” says the entrepreneur.
The illegal withdrawal of assets and products of the plant began. On the same days, Skripka received an offer for a penny to give a share to Anton Radchenko, the son of a deceased partner.
Vladimir Skripka was denied access to the plant, security guards were put up. I had to transfer control of the share to the trustee.
Local authorities, represented by the head of the city, Roman Sinyagovsky and his uncle Vladimir Sinyagovsky, knew about the situation.
And in the actions of police officers and representatives of local authorities, according to Vladimir Skrypka, a corruption shade is clearly visible.
Chests of the Sinyagovskys
Recall also that the head of the Slavyansky district Roman Sinyagovsky is a serious businessman, owns a VIP hotel in Krasnodar.
The Moscow Post wrote about this in detail in the Sinyagovsky Octopus investigation.
Extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities indicate that the official Sinyagovsky is the founder and owner of 50% of two LLCs. And these LLCs are engaged in restaurant and hotel business in Krasnodar.
Further: Sinyagovsky owns half of Southern Alliance LLC. This office is engaged in catering. Another enterprising uncle owns in equal shares with a certain Ivan Zotov GK “STM OOO Platan-S.” The head of the Slavyansky district also has a 50% stake in Platan-N LLC.

Hotel “Platan”. Photo:
Roman Sinyagovsky had shares in Anastasievsky Brick Factory LLC and Anastasievsky Brick Factory LLC. Today, among the founders of Anastasievsky Brick Plant LLC is a certain Lilia Sinyagovskaya.
The Sinyagovsky clique makes itself felt. All Sinyagovskys today are with companies, firms and firms!
By the way, the former customs officer Ruslan Sinyagovsky showed up on the Belikov farm, not far from Slavyansk-on-Kuban. He now manages Musson LLC, and the owner of the brick factory, Lilia Sinyagovskaya, is a co-owner.
Apparently, Kuban Delicacies LLC was too tasty a morsel to pass by. Yes, and the moment was what you need: one of the owners died, the second was cunningly neutralized.
Information was circulated in the media that the funds of the Skrypka family were arrested, the father and son were put on the federal wanted list. But Vladimir and Yaroslav Skrypka themselves turned to the TFR.
Today RAND JSC is removed from Russian jurisdiction and registered in Singapore, although the beneficiaries are Russian citizens.
The proceedings lasted 1.5 years. In July 2021, the arbitration court of appeal put an end to the case, recognizing that Vladimir and Yaroslav Skrypka were not involved in causing losses to their enterprise.
But the Sinyagovskys, apparently, did not sit idly by … On June 7, 2022, it became known about the new opening of the criminal case!
It turns out that Vladimir Skrypka is a victim of the exorbitant appetites of the Sinyagovsky clique?