Under Trump, the Pentagon also saw UFOs, but they were not reported to the US President

Under Trump, the Pentagon also saw UFOs, but they were not reported to the US President

Several Pentagon officials who worked under former US President Donald Trump monitored unidentified flying objects now believed to be “balloons”, but the incidents were not reported to the White House.

The Wall Street Journal writes about it.

The publication says that at that time it was not clear to the Pentagon what these objects were.

Earlier, the US authorities said that in the past there have already been incidents with “balloons”, but they did not say exactly where they occurred. They say the administration of former President Trump probably didn’t notice them.

Now, according to the publication, it turned out that the Pentagon was aware of the incidents and was even concerned that they were connected to China, which allegedly used them to test radar jamming systems over secret US military installations. However, the data collected on incidents that occurred during the Trump presidency is limited to baseline estimates, so they have not been disseminated more widely to the US leadership.

The publication says that the balloons discovered at the time were smaller and flew at a lower altitude and for a shorter amount of time than the one that was shot down on February 4, and also did not fly over the entire country.

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