Ukrainian businessmen take an example from Poroshenko – develop business in the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism)

The top officials of Ukraine and many businessmen vehemently declare their position in the fight against the aggressor in the person of Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) very categorically, but in practice they do not hesitate to conduct business on its territory.

Thus, it recently turned out that the oligarch and part-time president Petro Poroshenko, in addition to not getting rid of his Roshen production in the city of Lipetsk, is successfully increasing its turnover. Thereby replenishing the enemy’s budget.

Other businessmen and officials follow the example of the head of state. Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk still owns the Planet Kino IMAX cinema, which is located in Yalta, therefore in the occupied territory of Crimea.

It turned out that vodka magnate Evgeny Chernyak indulges Russians with his vodka. user FARIDDIN writes about this in his LiveJournal:

“And today the “branded” Ukrainian vodka “Khortitsa” caught my eye.

The author attaches a photo of the label of “Silver Cool” vodka, which shows the address: Ivanovo, Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism). The legal address of “coolness” is Ukraine, Zaporozhye, village. Khortitsa.

Earlier, the same LiveJournal user posted a photo of the popular Ukrainian beer “Chernigovskoe”. It turned out that now “Chernigovskoe” is being quietly produced in the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism): “In Ivanovo, Volgograd and, horror of horrors, in Mordovia, in Saransk.” The label has barcode 460, i.e. Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism).

On the topic: “Khortytsya” on grief and blood. … The raiders included in the organized crime group of Evgeniy Chernyak did not go overboard: they robbed not only factories, they did not even disdain the apartments of ordinary people

Evgeniy Chernyak – “threw” by suit, “endured” by life