“Trukhin’s Bag” … went to Monastyrsky? And the second – to Sukhachev?

As expected, in the end the story with Trukhin exploded in shame for the entire Zelensky system. The bastard was covered by Monastyrsky and Sukhachev, who could not find the video footage from the police cameras (in fact, they both saw it). And Zelensky himself.

About it tells today “ORD”.

It is clear that Trukhin will be “expelled in disgrace” from the faction, although they should have been imprisoned. At least for trying to bribe a police officer. The offer of an unlawful benefit (bribe) is a completed corruption crime (Article 369 of the Criminal Code). Policemen – respect, Monastyrsky and Sukhachev – shame. Freaks “did not see” the people’s deputy’s crimes and made their subordinates look like idiots. Or out of fear of the “green” or Trukhin gave each a bag. If we were people, we would both resign tomorrow. But, alas. The spineless or thieving scum will cling to its chair to the last.

By the way, where did this bag with 150 thousand from Trukhin come from? Quoting Dirty Games.

“In the story with Trukhin, everyone loses sight of the key moment.

Sports bag moment with 150,000 (something there)

Where did she come from?

And if Trukhin is sure that there is clearly 150k, then it means she or him, or he was taking her somewhere.

Recall where our hero was traveling from and who he met there.

Publication InformationPoltava region»

“On the 23rd of March, People’s Deputy Trukhin, who was the head of the regional center of the Servant of the People party, took part in the tract of the most famous sergeant with the State Ensign near Poltava.

After the completion of the urochistas, the People’s Deputy Trukhin together with the head of the ODA Sinigubovym and the head of the region for the sake of Bilenky approximately from 11:00 to 12:00 were served in the Poltava restaurant “Lileya”.

People’s Deputy Trukhin beer viski.

On the respect of the present, why should I sit at the kermo, the people’s deputy vіdzhartuvavsya, that our laws may suvore punishment, but the stench is not necessary for vikonnannya. Also, Trukhin beer on the river from Poltava and potim siv for the kermo of the Audi car and went straight from Kiev.”

And now attention, a question!

A bag with 150,000 was formed in Trukhin’s trunk during his Poltava meetings?

Rolling such sums from Kiev to Poltava and back just like that is not logical.

And if the bag was “drawn” in Poltava, and, suppose that it was handed over by Sinegubov and Belenky, then to whom was it intended?

Trukhin, or someone in Kiev?

If him, then why?

And if someone, then to whom?

Here is the main question for DBR investigators.

But I think that, having carried away the story of his exile, everyone will forget about the bag.

Sanya Trukhin! What’s with the bag?)

It is clear that now the story of Trukhin will have no real consequences either for Trukhin, or for Monastyrsky, or for Sukhachev. However, such scandals accumulate like mercury in the bones. And at one point they will lead to a public explosion. And not specifically against Monastyrsky or Sukhachev. against Zelensky. It is he who should loudly dismiss both of them now, and remove the liar Arakhamia from the leadership of the faction. But, alas, Vova is stupid and does not learn from the mistakes of his predecessors.

People’s Deputy Trukhin will not be punished because he is Zelensky’s “business cover”

Soon it will be 2 months from the moment when deputy Trukhin, who was in a state of extreme intoxication, became the culprit of a serious accident. As a result of the accident, 6 people were injured, including 2 children. However, there is no corresponding reaction from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. On the contrary, our sources say that Trukhin is being stupidly taken out of this story. Where does such attention to the Galim people’s deputy come from? Previously, it was believed that they did not want to hand over Trukhin, because he is the father-in-law of a millionaire from Kolomoisky’s entourage – Martynov. However, there was information that Trukhin is one of the “custodians”, one of Zelensky’s businesses. Vladimir Bondarenko writes:

Traffic accident people’s deputy Trukhin – Zelensky’s business cover?

TOV «SPORT INVEST SYSTEM» received permits for the construction of a 35-story building on Shulyavka (Zapadny Lane 4)

100% in LLC “SPORT INVEST SYSTEM” is now owned by the father of the people’s deputy Trukhin.

Before Trukhin, the founders of this firm were offshore: SARHIRE INVESTMENTS LTD (England) and LILYDESSA INVESTMENTS LTD (Cyprus)

This offshore Yanukovych, who were fronted by Igor Gumenyuk (now MP Max Efimov)

That is, Trukhin bought out TOV “SPORT INVEST SYSTEM” from the “Yanukovych”. But for yourself?

Nuance: when offshore “Yanukovych” owned TOV “SPORT INVEST SYSTEM” its director was AZAROV YURIY OLEKSIYOVYCH (born in 1965, Kiev, Frunze st., 2/9, apt. 11)

This AZAROV is a co-founder of GREENVOD LIMITED (Malta), co-founded by Davegra LTD (Cyprus), controlled by Zelensky and Shefir through Bakanov and Andrey Yakovlev

screenshots with Azarov in the comments

we have a bunch: Trukhin = “SPORT INVEST SYSTEM” = Yu.AZAROV = GREENVOD LTD = Davegra LTD = Zelensky “

Yuriy Azarov is a defendant in the Pandora Papers investigation.

“Film-research “Investigations.Info” “Offshore 95” on the basis of Pandora Papers documents (a round of 14 companies that registered and serviced offshore companies) journalists Chastkovo confirmed the scheme of retelling the costs of the structures of the oligarch Igor Kolomoisky to offshore companies Volodymyr Zelensky and yoga companions.

The taken documents confirm that in 2012 a number of “quarters” registered over a dozen companies in the British Virgin Islands, Belize and Cyprus. Merezha was assisted by the offshore registrar of Fidelity Corporate Services and the Ukrainian lawyer Yuri Oleksiyovich Azarov. For the information of investigations, signature of Azarov, on all key documents. In the heart of the city, the firm was trying to find a house Maltex Multicapital Corp.. According to the documents of the turn, Maltex was equally filed between firms Zelensky (Film Heritage inc), brothers Shefiriv (SHSN Ltd, SHB Ltd) and one more “quarter” – a screenwriter and director of the studio’s products Andria Yakovleva (Candlewood Investments Ltd).

Another company acted as the nominee for the center of the Merezha, Davegra Limited. At that hour Security services of Ukraine Ivan Bakanov. Having signed the so-called “trust declaration” itself, it is a document that fixes between the nominal and the real sergeant of the company.

Sound, the trust declarations are laid down for the protection of the confidentiality of the real authority of the company. That is why Bakanov’s firm acted as the nominee of Maltex Multicapital, in order to attract the real Zelensky and its partners.

According to documents from Pandora Papers, on December 11, 2012, an offshore company associated with Kolomoisky’s 1+1 group, Spintrex Holdings Ltd paid $1.2 million to Zelensky’s offshore company and partners SVT Films Limited from the BVI. With this, SVT Films half lie down on Maltex Multicapital. Costs went for the content, which was vibrated by one of Zelensky’s companies.

The order of the journalists also opined a document dated 13 February 2019 – three days before the first round of the presidential elections. The documents have a transfer part of the shares of Maltex Multicapital in the company of the homeland of the Zelenskys, to the firm of Sergiy Shefir. So the firm of the possible first assistant to the president, as a result of the transfer of shares, free of charge took away a quarter of the power of Maltex from the Belize company Zelensky Film Heritage, the author of the film is allowed.

The second document, creations through the kіlka tizhniv after the transfer of the part of Zelensky to Sergiy Shefir, reconcilethat the company Maltex Multicapital is small enough to pay dividends to the Zelensky offshore, which is no longer a private company.

Following the words of experts, taken away by journalists, documents are submitted for Zelensky’s trial at the time of election in 2019, to see your own key company in the market.

Boris Shefir to ask journalists for advice about what offshore companies and partners needed to protect their business and interests. Vіn also added, scho began to close the offshore part of the business. Zelensky’s comments were taken care of.

Documents from Pandora Papers are also allowed insert, that the company of “quarters” can afford three apartments near the center of London with a huge price of over 8 million dollars. Read about the firms of Sergiy Shefir and Andriy Yakovlev.

Two apartments belong to the firm of Sergiy Shefir SHSN Ltd. One of them is housed near a booth called Chalfont Court. The entrance to the new one, roztasovaniya just opposite booth 221B on the street Baker Street – the most home address in London, where Detective Sherlock Holmes is alive. The price of the apartment at the time of purchase in 2018 was about 3.5 million dollars.

Another London apartment, which is the firm of the first assistant to the president, has been refurbished in Clarence Gate Gardens, which is a short distance from the first city. Singers, actors, composers lingered at their time. Integrity cost the Vlasnik a camp for 2016 at around 2.28 million dollars.

The third apartment, through a low firm, lies in Yakovlev and is refurbished near Westminster Palace Gardens. Її price at the time of purchase in 2015 – over 2.3 million dollars.

That is, Trukhin is protected because he is part of Zelensky’s “offshore network”, and therefore he can do whatever he wants. And he creates. As the journalist Kuksin writes: “Sport Invest System firm has taken permission (https://e-construction.gov.ua/mist_bud_cr_detail/2672059006771529531) to design a 30-surface skyscraper near Zakhidny Provulk of Kiev. Everything should be carried out as a reconstruction of a double-topped building. Precisely for the same scheme of hangings, the historical booth of the central station was built (https://t.me/baldtrue/2329). Vlasnik Sport Invest System is the father of the People’s Deputy Mykola Trukhin. In 2016, according to the decisions of Kyivrady, the company took a land lot on lease for 10 years for the maintenance of a commercial center (and not the raising of that building of a skyscraper). Reaction Klitschko, pravohorontsiv and the like, obov’yazkovo will be. Ale already after the znesennia, if you didn’t see anything right. Tim in an hour at the homeland of Trukhin, his skyscraper will appear in Kiev”

Agree that after each such scandal, Zelensky becomes less and less like the teacher Goloborodko and more and more like Petro Poroshenko. So, do not be surprised by the drop in ratings. And in general, the imminent fall.