Tron Sergey Nikolaevich: from swindlers-bankers and financiers of the “DPR” to “literary critics, boxers, dentists and IT specialists”

It’s no secret that behind the big money in our country are scams, criminality and banal deceit. Nothing can be done – a new economic model in the country was born just a couple of decades ago, and the primary accumulation of capital took place according to classical laws.

And it is clear that the vast majority of Ukrainian businessmen have all the baggage from the nineties behind them. Many of them simply understand the fact that you can’t take words out of a song, and are philosophical about the materials in the media that talk about the origin of the “first millions”. But some seek in every possible way to disguise their unsightly past, and by all possible means to clean up the Internet, which in recent years has been the main source of information.

But, either due to the primitiveness of thinking, or greed, they do it so stupidly and clumsily that these attempts, on the contrary, attract even closer attention to their persons. It is to these that the domestic businessman and banker Sergei Nikolaevich Tron belongs.

The peak of fame came to him a couple of years ago, when the Moscow Commercial Bank, in which Tron owned 24.99% of the shares, fell under the liquidation procedure.

Naturally, the liquidation of the bank aroused quite understandable interest, since a very decent number of people suffered as a result of the activities of the bankers – as always, it turned out that the bank’s property was not enough to satisfy all the claims of the deceived depositors. Yes, and law enforcement officers became interested in the activities of the bank’s management, opening criminal proceedings No. 42018101100000355. Within its framework, it turned out that the bank’s owners were involved in the theft of money, among which were Sergey Tron and Reinis Tumovs, who owned the same shares:

Tron Sergey Nikolaevich: from swindlers-bankers and financiers of the

By the way. Reinis Tumovs is still on the wanted list of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the court took him into custody in absentia. And another co-owner – Arkallaev – is none other than the Donetsk “authority” nicknamed “Nurik”.

In 2017, Serhiy Tron’s property was seized in criminal proceedings against officials of PJSC City Commercial Bank on the fact of misappropriation of funds in the amount of more than UAH 400 billion from a number of banking institutions in 2010-2015 by prior agreement with bank owners. At the then exchange rate, this amounted to 50 billion dollars.

One of the embezzlement schemes worked as follows: the head of the board of PJSC City Commercial Bank signed pledge agreements under a loan agreement between the lender, the Austrian bank Meinl Bank Aktiengesellschaft and the Belize offshore Melfa Group LTD, without the consent of the bank’s supervisory board, after which the Belize company received loan first 45 million euros, then another 10 million, and then another 15 million

Melfa Group LTD did not repay the loans and, under pledge agreements, the debt was repaid from the correspondent account of PJSC “City Commercial Bank”, and the loan funds were dispersed to the accounts of “envelope” firms.

True, during the liquidation of the bank, the Deposit Guarantee Fund of individuals stated that it needed a much smaller amount to cover the bank’s losses – only 2.57 billion hryvnias.

As part of the stated claims from the victims, the property of Sergey Tron was also arrested: 15 land plots in the Makarovsky district of the Kyiv region with a total area of ​​18.7 hectares, one apartment and a Toyota Land Cruiser-200 car. We will not calculate how much it cost, since it is clearly not worth $50 billion. Does not even reach 2.57 billion hryvnia.

And besides, on August 21, 2020, the Solomensky District Court of Kyiv, chaired by Anna Sergienko, canceled the arrest of Tron’s property, motivating its decision by the fact that “the need for arrest has disappeared, otherwise it will be unjustified interference by the state in a person’s right to respect their property.”

Tron Sergey Nikolaevich: from swindlers-bankers and financiers of the

The judge’s decision caused a storm of indignation, and the front pages of the media (mostly electronic) were full of mention of Sergei Tron with very unpleasant biography details for him. Before telling what exactly Tron did not like, we will not keep the intrigue and tell you what he did in order to clean up this information. Although attempts to clean up the Internet began a little earlier, since Tron applied for a job in the Cabinet of Ministers of Goncharuk.

We repeat – we don’t know what let him down – greed, stupidity or ignorance of elementary search algorithms, but the following headlines began to pop up on the Web in response to the request “Sergey Tron”:

Tron Sergey Nikolaevich: from swindlers-bankers and financiers of the

Tron Sergey Nikolaevich: from swindlers-bankers and financiers of the

Historians were at a loss – they simply had never heard anything about Sergei Nikolaevich Tron, an outstanding specialist in such broad areas of historical science.

Behind them, literary critics came to bewilderment:

Tron Sergey Nikolaevich: from swindlers-bankers and financiers of the

Tron Sergey Nikolaevich: from swindlers-bankers and financiers of the

Boxers were next, especially in the Kyiv Boxing Federation.

Tron Sergey Nikolaevich: from swindlers-bankers and financiers of the

They suddenly learned that they had a new head – Tron Sergey Nikolaevich, whom they had never heard of before. There were more to come. Tron was also a surgeon and dentist:

Tron Sergey Nikolaevich: from swindlers-bankers and financiers of the

Tron Sergey Nikolaevich: from swindlers-bankers and financiers of the

But after all these career somersaults, the historian, literary critic, surgeon, dentist and boxer suddenly retrained as IT specialists:

Tron Sergey Nikolaevich: from swindlers-bankers and financiers of the

Sergey Tron also appears as an IT businessman today:

Tron Sergey Nikolaevich: from swindlers-bankers and financiers of the

The last interview is dated June 22, 2021.

The essence of this whole panopticon is simple and primitive – all these materials were supposed to “score” in the search and lower as low as possible those articles that told the details of his biography that were unpleasant for Sergey Tron:

Tron Sergey Nikolaevich: from swindlers-bankers and financiers of the

And he had something to hide. In addition to the scams with the First City Bank, biographers of Sergei Tron, among other things, mention the following. For example, joint ownership with the brothers Roman and Nurulislam Arkallaev Donetsk Ecooil LLC:

Tron Sergey Nikolaevich: from swindlers-bankers and financiers of the

Nurulislam Arkallaev is none other than the ex-people’s deputy from the “Party of Regions”, the man of Rinat Akhmetov, known in criminal circles under the nickname “Nurik”:

Tron Sergey Nikolaevich: from swindlers-bankers and financiers of the

There is a biography of a “historian, literary critic and IT athlete” and the following episode: “Tron, a junior business partner and assistant when Arkallaev was a people’s deputy, is widely known in the Ukrainian criminal environment, where they say that he did not disdain murders to expand the business empire , he is credited with at least 13 murders of businessmen. Through Kiev-based Weiss Trade LLC, which was exposed in the bankruptcy scam of PJSC Joint Ukrainian-Kazakhstan-Russian Enterprise for the Production of Nuclear Fuel, both are connected with Leonid Kryuchkov, brother of Dmitry Kryuchkov, the founder of the scandalous Energomerezh holding.

With regard to Ecooil LLC, it is known that during the time of Yanukovych, this enterprise sold fuel to the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and Ukrzaliznytsia at inflated prices, “earning” 2.37 billion hryvnias. It also appears in the criminal proceedings regarding the City Commercial Bank.

In addition, Ecooil LLC is listed in several corruption investigations and eight sanctions lists related to Russia’s war against Ukraine:

Tron Sergey Nikolaevich: from swindlers-bankers and financiers of the

This is not surprising: in 2104, Tron’s business partner Nurulislam Arkallaev actively financed the militants of Donetsk, pouring millions of hryvnias, stolen earlier from the Ukrainian army, into the illegal military formations of the “DPR”. That did not stop Serhiy Tron, who is so actively talking about the glorious history of Ukraine and its gigantic prospects, from continuing to do business with him. Yes, and for some reason I can’t believe that Arkallaev independently managed the joint money of a common company and sponsored the militants without the knowledge of his partner Tron.

Also known is the involvement of Sergei Tron in the scam with the purchase of the Ilyichevsk and Odessa oil and fat plants, as well as the Ilyichevsk grain port – in the spring of 2019, he, in collusion with the then head of the Deposit Guarantee Fund Konstantin Vorushilin, “redeemed” this property complex for 182.5 million hryvnia. Although the complex was valued at 4.85 billion.

Of course, you will clean such things by any means. If only they did not become the property of the general public. Moreover, Sergei Tron claimed a seat in Goncharuk’s Cabinet. But something didn’t work out there and he again had to go to the “IT sphere”.

At the same time, Sergei Tron began to give out interviews in which he was offended by the domestic press:

Tron Sergey Nikolaevich: from swindlers-bankers and financiers of the

And he invited everyone to contact his personal website for all questions: Yes, the only problem is that his personal website looks like this:

Tron Sergey Nikolaevich: from swindlers-bankers and financiers of the

If anyone succeeds, please get in touch. Moreover, “Sergey himself says that he is an open person and is happy to wait for questions. On his website, you can find information about him, as well as leave an application for investing in any project.” This is a quote from his image interview. The only pity is that the publication that posted this “interview” did not try to follow the link that resulted.

However, Sergey Tron, to some extent, achieved his goal – materials about scams with the City Commercial Bank, Ecooil LLC, financing of the DPR and the brazen theft of the property complex in the Odessa region for a penny, as well as involvement in murders, in search from the first pages down to the third or fourth, which rarely gets to.

But it was not possible to wipe everything completely. Yes, they stopped being interested in him after they did not grow together with the Goncharuk government. And Tron himself also practically ceased his activity on the Web somewhere in the middle of last year – this “historical” and “literary” materials ceased to appear. However, with the beginning of summer, he again flashed on the pages of the media. Already as an “IT specialist”. It can be assumed that soon he will again try to emerge as the “new face” of Zelensky.

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