Former employees of the DEB of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, previously dismissed due to high-profile corruption scandals from law enforcement agencies, using official connections in the FSB, as well as acquaintance Andrey Viktorovich Khorev, Shendrik Viktor Viktorovich With Arkady Romanovich Rotenberg created an organized community (OS) for the purpose of illegal personal enrichment. About how this OS works in the investigation of
Part 1
Appointments to key positions of former security officials took place under the patronage of Arkady Romanovich Rotenberg, Kirill Gennadievich Seleznev (LLC RusKhimAlliance) to control and distribute financial flows of PJSC MOEK, JSC Mosvodokanal, PJSC Mosenergo, LLC Gazprom Energoholding, JSC Russian Railways, as well as the development of Moscow budget funds allocated to operating and resource supply companies organizations for the implementation of work on the repair and reconstruction of engineering communications.

Similarly, former security officials control cash flows in PJSC OGK-2, PJSC TGK-1, JSC Gazprom Teploenergo and other structures of PJSC Gazprom.
There is a whole group of persons out of selfish motives, consisting of: Andrey Viktorovich Khorev (Mosenergo PJSC, Gazprombank JSC, RusKhimAlliance LLC, TGC-1 PJSC), Zaurbek Islamovich Dzhambulatov (Gazprom Energoholding LLC, MOEK PJSC ”, RusKhimAlliance LLC), Viktor Viktorovich Shendrik (RZD OJSC), Sergey Sergeevich Erashov (MOEK TsTP LLC, MOEK PJSC), Alexey Shamilevich Sharafutdinov (MOEK PJSC, formerly MOEK TsTP LLC) , Feyzulin Damir Zagidovich (PJSC Mosenergo), Orlov Vladimir Viktorovich (JSC Mosvodokanal), Matyushkin Vitaly Viktorovich (PJSC Mosenergo), Moiseenko Igor Eduardovich (LLC Gazprom Energoholding), Dzhambulatov Bers Zaurbekovich (formerly LLC TsTP MIPC”, criminal case No. 1-391/2021).
Most of the OS members worked under the leadership of Andrey Viktorovich Khorev (Deputy Head of the Department for Moscow of the Federal Drug Control Service, First Deputy Head of the DEB of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia) and Dzhambulatov Zaurbek Islamovich (ORB No. 6 of the DEB of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation), previously worked together in the Federal Drug Control Service for Moscow.

Some former security officials prudently bought dissertations and received academic degrees for solidity. Almost all members of the OS have real estate abroad and even a residence permit (for example, Khorev Andrey Viktorovich has hotels in Montenegro). In addition to several apartments in Moscow, a house in the elite cottage village “Monolith” in New Riga, Sergei Sergeevich Erashov owns real estate in the United States. The entire Erashov family, including the eldest daughter, a student at Sechenov University, travels in Mercedes-Benz AMG cars with “beautiful” MMM license plates. Erashova’s sister owns a transport company in Penza. The listing can be continued indefinitely.
Instead of the retiring Zaurbek Islamovich Dzhambulatov, or instead of Denis Vladimirovich Fedorov, the OS planned to appoint Sergei Sergeevich Erashov, but the latter’s craving for luxury should obviously cross out these plans.
As sources told, Roman Viktorovich Lyubushkin (GEH Teplostroyproekt JSC), Roman Alexandrovich Minashkin (MOEK PJSC) serve the interests and participate in OS schemes, Andrey Mikhailovich Vikol (8 years in a strict regime colony) and Zakharchenko participated before landing Dmitry Viktorovich (12.5 years in a strict regime colony).
The highest position in the OS hierarchy is occupied by Khorev Andrey Viktorovich, Shendrik Viktor Viktorovich and Dzhambulatov Zaurbek Islamovich. They also accumulate OS funds, spend them at their own discretion, not forgetting to give part of their income to persons from the top leadership of Russia’s law enforcement agencies.
Realizing their intention, holding key positions related to the functioning, receipt and distribution of funds in Russian Railways, operating resource supplying organizations (Gazprom Energoholding LLC, MOEK PJSC, Mosenergo PJSC, Mosvodokanal JSC), members OS use official position as a source of personal enrichment.
Obtaining fixed income at Russian Railways is based on the classic corrupt contractor control scheme (either ownership of large contractors or kickbacks from contracts and purchases). In LLC Gazprom Energoholding, PJSC MOEK, PJSC Mosenergo, JSC Mosvodokanal, in addition to controlling contractors and deliberately inflating the cost of construction and installation, income is also associated with corruption schemes for connecting construction sites, as well as the purchase of materials and equipment.
With the help of GENIUS ENTERPRES INC., USA, Dzhambulatov Zaurbek Islamovich withdrew more than 2 billion rubles from PJSC MOEK alone. rub.!!
The actions of corrupt officials not only cause economic damage to Russian Railways, PJSC Gazprom, and the budget of the city of Moscow, but also regularly increase tariffs for heat, water supply and sewerage to all residents of Moscow due to the multiple overestimation of the cost of construction and repair of supply communications to buildings. The multiply inflated cost of construction and repair is subsequently taken into account in the annual formation of tariffs and leads to an increase in the cost of public utilities for the population.
In the absence of information, the citizens of Moscow do not have the opportunity to establish a causal relationship between the next increase in tariffs and an increase in utility bills (heating, water supply, hot water) with the activities of the OS and the inaction of public authorities, law enforcement agencies, allowing the OS to operate with impunity.
Thus, no matter how paradoxical it sounds: the residents of Moscow, paying utility bills in receipts, indirectly finance the beautiful life of the OS participants and their patrons.
At the same time, the deliberate overestimation of the cost of construction and overhaul of heating networks by the participants of the OS occurs with the tacit approval of the leadership of Moscow. Moreover, the Government of Moscow willingly finances these adventures.
Increasing the fodder base of the OS and, accordingly, income, the subsidiaries of OOO Gazprom Energoholding and PJSC Gazprom enter into concession agreements with the Government of the Moscow Region. and other regions. The OS captures new territories and the schemes described below immediately turn on there – a rapid construction and reconstruction of supposedly “dilapidated” networks is planned. The hastily calculated planned cost (not to be confused with the estimated cost) of this construction is immediately included in the tariffs for the population. As a result, heat tariffs for the population immediately increase, and the income of the OS increases in proportion to the increase in tariffs.
So, on December 10, 2021, a concession agreement was signed between Gazprom Teploenergo MO LLC, on the one hand, and the Moscow Region, the urban districts of Voskresensk, Klin, Solnechnogorsk and Sergiev Posad, on the other hand, according to which the following cities will be reconstructed: 101.5 km of heating mains , 111 heat supply sources were built and equipment was reconstructed and replaced at 223 boiler houses and central heating centers!
Now imagine the scale of the cost of such construction and reconstruction. Naturally, OS contractors will master these volumes, and residents of the above cities will pay, since all these gigantic expenses will be included in the heat supply tariff and, accordingly, in utility bills. To understand the scale of ripping off the population, compare the tariff for heat supply in the above cities of the Moscow Region before the arrival of Gazprom Teploenergo MO LLC and what the tariffs are now.
The income of fixed assets was calculated in the context of 2021 due to the greatest openness of data and the impossibility of obtaining information for 2022 due to known events.
Excluding income from Russian Railways, the estimated income from the activities of the fixed assets for 2021 amounted to 20.44 billion rubles (the attached certificate describes and presents only a part of the fixed assets schemes with corruption income in the amount of 7.86 billion rubles, the remaining schemes worth 12.58 billion rubles have a different offense (article 204.8, article 159, article 30.1.3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, etc.) and will be described in further articles – it makes no sense to load readers and law enforcement officers with too much information). Approximately the same amount of OS is received annually. For 8 years of being in key positions, the OS participants received an estimated corruption income in the amount of at least 163.52 billion rubles. (excluding Russian Railways JSC). For comparison: the cost of construction of the Crimean bridge is 228 billion rubles.
Financial cover, support, interaction with supervisory authorities, warehousing of OS funds was carried out under the leadership of Zakharchenko Dmitry Viktorovich. At one time, Zakharchenko Dmitry Viktorovich did not even have enough apartments to place such an amount of cash! According to some conditionally “victims” interviewed: “once they even sent a cache gazelle.”
Former “law enforcement officers” previously uncovered economic crimes themselves, profited from the defendants in the cases, and they are well aware of the methods of work.
There is also a connection between OS billionaires and Lubyanka generals. Nevertheless, the generals are changing, and the situation in the country has already changed.