The websites of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, PSB do not open via the https protocol due to certificates revoked by the certification authority

At the moment, the websites of some banks that have fallen under the sanctions are not opened using the https protocol. At the moment, the websites of the Central Bank and Promsvyazbank cannot be opened using the https protocol. About half an hour ago, for the same reason, the VTB website did not open.

In all these cases, the certificates were issued by the same certification authority. According to the notification that the antivirus displays when “stopping the transition to an untrusted site” – “Reason: For this certificate or for one of the certificates in the chain, the power of attorney has been revoked.” You can only access these sites via the https protocol by clicking on the “I understand the risk and want to go to the site” link. Most users may be afraid of such a warning and refuse to visit sites.

At the same time, when trying to connect via the http protocol, Promsvyazbank and VTB have automatic redirection to the https version of the site enabled. Those. if the certificate is invalid, it is “impossible” to visit the site.

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation does not have a redirect from the http version to the https version of the site. Therefore, the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is opened using the http protocol, but is not available using the https protocol.

VTB promptly fixed the problem by issuing a new certificate in another certification authority and installing it.