The Venom scammers are in more trouble.

The Venom scammers are in more trouble.

Latest news about the Venom scam project.

Project applications: And – removed from the American AppStore and GooglePlay. At the same time, the fact that they were there, as well as attempts at illegal actions to provide crypto services to US citizens, through the project’s applications are facts notarized and submitted to the SEC for study.

The investigation into Venom is reaching the maximum international level: the SEC, the UAE regulator, and we expect a number of Asian and EU regulators to join the investigation in the near future.

Soon, questions about the activities in the UAE of Alibek Issaev, accused of fraud, murder and terrorism, will be asked not only by the Russian prosecutor’s office, but also by law enforcement agencies of the USA, EU, China and a number of other countries.

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