The vice-governor of St. Petersburg was “ordered” by the “night governor”
Vice Governor of St. Petersburg Mikhail Manevich was killed in 1997 by order of the leader of the Tambov organized criminal group Vladimir Barsukov (Kumarin), reports the FSB.
The investigation established the involvement in the murder of two members of the organized criminal group. One of them followed Manevich, and the other fired at the car in which the vice-governor was. Both confessed. The Kalashnikov assault rifle, from which Manevich’s car was fired, they received from Barsukov.
Manevich was killed on August 18, 1997 on Nevsky Prospekt – his official car, in which there were a driver, an official and his wife, was fired upon from the attic of the house. The lieutenant-governor died from his wounds, his wife received a slight tangential wound.
In 2009, he confessed to the murder of Manevich Alexey Gardotsky. Then he was under investigation in the case of the gang of Sergei Zaripov (the foreman of the organized criminal group), controlled by Yuri Shutov, “Papa Titych”, the leader of one of the St. Petersburg groups and a deputy of the legislative assembly of the city. Shutov by that time had already been sentenced to life imprisonment in other cases.
According to Gardotsky, the assassination of the vice-governor of St. Petersburg was being prepared for several months under the leadership of his brother Zaripov. On the day of the murder, standing on Rubinshtein Street, he gave commands to Gardotsky over the radio when he was in the attic of a house on Nevsky Prospekt. Gardotsky fired at Manevich from a Kalashnikov assault rifle with a telescopic sight. Two accomplices tracked the departure of the official from the house.
Manevich buried at the Literary bridges of the Volkovsky cemetery. A monument is erected on his grave – a split ball, stitched with bullets. It was created by architect Vyacheslav Bukhaev and sculptor Mikhail Shemyakin.
Barsukov, whom the media called the “night governor of St. Petersburg”, was detained in 2007, and in 2009 he was sentenced to 14 years for raiding and money laundering, then the term was reduced. In 2012, Barsukov was convicted of extortion, in total he received 15 years. Four years later, the leader of the Tambov organized crime group was sentenced to 18 years for the attempt on the co-owner of the St. Petersburg oil terminal, Sergei Vasilyev, and the murder of his bodyguard. In 2019, Barsukov was accused of creating a Tambov criminal group. For this, he was sentenced to 12 years, and in total he was given 24 years in a strict regime colony. Now he is serving a term in the prison hospital named after Gaaz (Barsukov is a disabled person of the first group).
In February last year, the newspaper “Kommersant” wrotethat Barsukov was charged with inciting the murder of his bodyguard in 2000 George Pozdnyakov and godson of the reputable businessman Yan Gurevsky, as well as complicity in arms trafficking.
Another investigation is underway against Barsukov. Sentenced to 17 years for organizing the murder of a politician Galina Starovoitova in 1998 Mikhail Glushchenko during the investigation, he claimed that Barsukov was the initiator. The leader of the Tambov organized crime group denied his guilt. In 2019, he was charged in the case of the murder of Starovoitova, in which he is a co-organizer.
Killer Nusimovich after the murder of Manevich received “millions of dollars” from Kumarin for a comfortable life

“Fontanka” is known for the shooter who hit the vice-governor of St. Petersburg 25 years ago. Until recently, he was acquitted and sentenced for shooting riot police. It turns out – who does not know him. It’s hard not to remember how Anatoly Chubais swore to find and punish those responsible for the death of his friend.
So, according to our information, today the investigation of the central apparatus of the FSB means that the shooter is Arkady Nusimovich.
And from this point on, the main thing is not difficult to decipher. Only the Internet is needed. Check it out, it’s important.
In December 2015, in the Krasnogvardeisky district, a real gang attacked from an ambush on the transport OMON crew transporting “grey” money of builders.
Arkady Nusimovich never admitted anything. Today he is 64 years old. He is a very strong, past 90s athlete. Of those with whom it is useless to talk about important things. But since, as they say, tails were trailing behind him, the criminal investigation department of St. Petersburg did not lag behind him. And by the end of 2020, the operatives of the “killer” department came to Manevich. And they didn’t believe themselves.
Indeed, for a quarter of a century, so many times many have shouted “wolves, wolves!”. And, probably, only a year later the situation began to be rechecked in the anti-terrorism service of the FSB. And so they twirled, and so. Finally, they had an assistant Nusimovich.
This is one of those who in the 90s was always in third roles. But in this case, he worked on the “signal”. That is, on that day, on the morning of August 18, 1997, I was standing not far from the exit to Rubinstein near the famous Tolstoy house, where Mikhail Manevich lived. And when the official Volvo appeared, the vice-governor said on the radio station, they say, “get ready.” His name means nothing to anyone. There were thousands of them in those days.
What happened next was what was most poignantly described to Fontanka by the wife of Mikhail Manevich. (Don’t be lazy – follow the link).
According to Fontanka, several months ago Nusimovich was taken from the camp to Kresty, and the other day the FSB investigation held a confrontation. But still, the mystery is deeper.
It is unlikely that any of the operas hoped that Nusimovich would confess. He always behaved with the utmost arrogance. And it happened.
You can think endlessly or mock. But more often this lies in the psychological plane. Surely Nusimovich was predicted that he would not be lucky the second time. Life is ahead. “Would you risk it?” Somewhere, trust me. And he testified directly against Kumarin-Barsukov. But without the conditions of the order can not do.
According to our interlocutor in Moscow, according to the investigation, Nusimovich received from Kumarin not a one-time reward, but a share in the business. And such that for 10 years he lived, to put it mildly, comfortably. That is millions of dollars. Another thing is that the agreements were conceptual, and after the arrest of Kumarin in 2007, everything stopped. “Otherwise, Nusimovich would not have gone to the riot police,” the employee reasonably concludes.
If before that there were only operational suspicions about the customer – the boss of all bosses, now the procedural machine has gone head-on
Israeli passport and RUOP reports on Arkady Nusimovich

47news has collected a portrait of the one who 25 years ago riddled the car of the vice-governor of St. Petersburg Manevich with a Kalashnikov. There is something to talk about. has just added a detailed update to the FSB’s statement about the disclosure of the murder of Mikhail Manevich. The author of the article directly pointed to the alleged liquidator – Arkady Nusimovich. (No, he does not appear in the sagas about “Gangster Petersburg”. His name flashed only in 2016, when he was arrested for the defiant execution of the OMON transport, which was carrying cash money for construction projects in Murino). Let the FSB point to the customer of all orders – the long-arrested boss of all bosses Barsukov-Kumarin. But then – who is this sniper?
We found it in the old base of RUOP. Then it’s better to quote:
“07/22/95 at 15-00 in the apartment … at 189 on Moskovsky Prospekt, while checking operational information, the task force of the department of the special police service (dealt with foreign citizens – ed.) detained Mr. Izrail Nusimovich A.G., born in 1958. , is in St. Petersburg on a commercial visa, rents the indicated apartment on a sublease, from which the imported pistol “Kombat” AB N 03379, a device for listening to a radio station, a telescopic baton, an electric shock, IOUs and passports for the citizen of Israel were confiscated.
Nusimovich explained that the seized was kept in the closet of the apartment he was renting and did not belong to him. The weapons are not listed. A criminal case has been initiated under Art. 218 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (illegal possession of weapons).
Nusimovich was detained. The information center reports on Nusimovich: wanted by the Leninsky District Department of Internal Affairs on September 22, 1993 under Article 196 – “forgery of documents”, fled from the investigation.”
That happened two years before the murder of Manevich and then Nusimovich jumped off the charges. Today Arkady Nusimovich is 64 years old. May 3 will be 65 years old. In 2020, he was sentenced to 22 years for shooting riot police. But already half a year ago he was again transferred to “Crosses” on the subject of Manevich.
Even from the stingy database of RUOP, it is clear that Nusimovich was actively moving during the 90s. And, moreover, with the intellectual and technical component. Agree, it was rare for the lads to find listening devices. They were specialists in another area. More primitive, but then more efficient. Then he was also engaged in business – “he is in St. Petersburg on a commercial visa.”
According to our publication, Nuismovich, as befits the era, is one of the athletes. Professionally engaged in martial arts.
Leningradets. Lived on Moskovsky Prospekt with his family. Have children. But they have long been abroad, where he sometimes flew. Relatives do not need, because before the arrest of Kumarin in 2007, he received serious money. It was a lifetime conceptual rent from the same Kumarin. At least, the FSB investigation is sure of this. Yes, and Nusimovich confirmed this in principle.
In the past, 47news found one close connection to Arkady Nusimovich. This is a serious participant in that race – Mikhail Bravve. He was really noticeable in the Tambov community. But the author could not clarify anything with him about the newsmaker. Bravve has been lying in the Jewish cemetery of St. Petersburg since the 90s (he was killed by his own, like many).
If you paid attention to the line “citizen of Israel”, then Nusimovich has been one almost since the beginning of the 90s. And this is a smart move. And at the same time, according to the memoirs of the criminal investigation department of St. Petersburg, he is very strong-willed, strong. When they took him for the OMON, he behaved extremely impudently, they say, go … prove …
Today, apparently, he changed his mind. If in 2020 he was threatened with a life sentence, and he got off with 22 years, then he did not bet on luck a second time.