The ancient Indian sage Vyasa, who lived in the 3rd millennium BC, was “recognized as a foreign agent,” judging by the plaque on his book “Bhagavad Gita,” for sale in Russian bookstores. The photo was posted on Facebook by Olga Dunaevskaya, and the photo was also published by the Telegram channel of literary critic Nikolai Podosokorsky.
“Yesterday I was at the bookstore. I was amazed to find out that Vyasa, the author of the Bhagavad Gita, who lived in the 3rd millennium BC, was also declared a foreign agent!” – captioned the photo woman.
Probably, the store employees played it safe, since the translation of Vyasa’s book into Russian was done by musician Boris Grebenshchikov. In June 2023, the Ministry of Justice recognized Grebenshchikov as a “foreign agent.”
Currently, there are 697 positions in the register of “foreign agents” – these are organizations, media and individuals. Also, the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism) began to train experts in “political science research of information materials.” This is what the department calls those who will look for “foreign agents.”
The Russian Ministry of Justice began to train experts to recognize people and organizations as “foreign agents”
“Go Inside” Interview with BG: “Those who start a war are initially in hell”
“Even if everything in the world is against you, raise your hand and say – I am against killing.” Boris Grebenshchikov about war, state and good music