The scandalous transition of Naftogaz to the cloud to the ally of Servant of the People to Parkovy — the former contractor accuses of millions of overpayments
Naftogaz Ukrainy's subsidiary 10 November 2019, published a report on the conclusion of an agreement with Ante Media LLC on cloud service services in the Parkovy data center for UAH 87.28 million, according to the Prozorro system, Our Money writes.
This purchase led to a scandal.
The head of De Novo, Maxim Ageev, publicly accused Naftogaz of artificially cutting off his company from the tender, although it was ready to offer more favorable terms. The customer was Neftegaz Digital Technologies LLC, which is wholly owned by Naftogaz. However, due to soft legislation, the “daughter” of a state enterprise is not considered a customer in the understanding of the law, therefore, it can carry out purchases completely at its own discretion, without the possibility of an appeal to the Antimonopoly Committee. Also, the customer has the right not to publish any data about his tender – neither the tender documentation, nor the participants, nor the decisions of his body to prevent one or another participant. So it was in this case.
According to Ageev, DE Novo LLC was excluded from the tender due to the requirements for data center engineering systems. Instead of setting certain requirements for the quality of the cloud service itself, the oil and gas workers demanded that cloud services on the contractor's side be provided according to a certain technology.
De Novo cloud technology director Gennady Karpov pointed out the requirement in the comments “seamless switching to standby input”. His company provides a similar effect, but in a different way. However, formally this does not meet the requirements of the customer, therefore, “Where is new” and could not take part in the auction and offer the best price.
“We appealed to the tender commission of the NTC, pointing fingers at inconsistencies. Zero reactions. We turned to the ethics committee of Naftogaz itself. Zero reactions. I wrote a letter to Mr. Vitrenko. Well, there should definitely be zero, and we got it. The last address I will address with a complaint is Alexey Chernyshev, the new head of the NAC. I think that my letter did not reach him at all, but was seized somewhere along the way,” Ageev writes.
Ageev also said that the price of services from Ante Mediam is too high for “millions of hryvnia”:
The desired NTC performer is recognized as the winner. Without competition, on the basis of ridiculous requirements. And most importantly – with a price overpriced by millions of hryvnias. Which was the goal of the NTC from the very beginning.”
Naftogaz's public position is still unknown.
Previously, Naftogaz already tried to carry out such an operation to switch to the cloud in the Parkovy data center. In 2020, another subsidiary of the State Enterprise “Neftegazbezopasnost” also cut off all participants who offered services anywhere. Then the cutter was different – it was necessary to submit a certificate of conformity stating that their equipment/software and hardware complex supports Splunk software version not lower than 7.3.X.
That tender was eventually won by Hosting-X LLC, acting as an intermediary for the cloud services of Parkovoye. However, as a result of the scandal, this tender was cancelled. After that, it received “Where is new” in a row. That is, this company was the last provider of cloud services for Naftogaz, and it is now not allowed to trade.
For reference
The Parkovy data center is a favorite place for Servant of the People party events. The party opened its public hub there.
People's Deputy Maxim Yefimov was going to register Parkovy in his own name, but due to reputational risks, Yanukovych's asset was assigned to Yefimov's manager. And then it's all the same to the people's deputy.
It belongs to Ante Mediam LLC. The founders of the company are People's Deputy Maksim Efimov, Donetsk residents Eduard Bondarenko and Vitaliy Filatov, trading LLC KUA APF Ukrmashinvest, Kiev PJSC ZNIKIF Gratis and Cypriot DiB Venche Investments Ltd. Bondarenko manages PJSC Donbasenergo Efimov. Filatov once headed the procurement department of the State Enterprise “Odessa Commercial Sea Port”. “Gratis” belongs to Sergei Sukhoi from Donetsk. AMC APF Ukrmashinvest is owned by LLC Trading House of Ukrainian Machine-Building Plants of a number of Kramatorsk residents, which is associated with Yefimov’s structures.
Maxim Yefimov heads the Restoration of Ukraine deputy group in the Verkhovna Rada. It unites former people's deputies of the Opposition Platform for Life and Servants of the People (see list). And votes in unison with the ruling coalition, ensuring that the Office of the President passes the necessary laws. The Chestno project called “shirk” this combination of the key votes of the Servant of the People, Restoration of Ukraine, Trust and PZZhM.
DOSSIER: Maxim Efimov: Kramatorsk werewolf in the Petro Poroshenko Bloc. PART 1