As the telegram channel VChK-OGPU first reported, the oligarch has been put on the wanted list Eduard Shifrin. His card appeared in the database of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (*aggressor country). Shifrin is wanted for embezzling funds from a Cypriot company. In total, Shifrin stole and siphoned off more than $11 million to his company. Subsequently, in order not to give the money, Shifrin organized criminal cases against his victims with the help of his tame general Sergei Derevyanko and his girlfriends Natalia Agafyeva through the Russian “order desk” – the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow.

In parallel, Shifrin is facing lawsuits in Cyprus, where he also faces criminal charges for fraud, crimes against justice and for laundering during the sale of shares in Zaporizhstal to the Russian VEB. Shifrin laundered almost $100 million through Vardanyan and his company Avotero Investments Ltd.
To top it all off, Shifrin wrote an open letter to the Prosecutor General’s Office, where he threatened the prosecutor and described how and to whom he gave bribes in Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism). In first place is the same Derevianko, the Cheka-OGPU even published relevant videos.
Until recently, Shifrin was considered unsinkable, as it has very serious patrons. This is the former deputy head of the Main Directorate of Security, ex-head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Central Federal District, and now a member of the Board of Directors of the VIS Group, Sergei Derevyanko, and his girlfriend, ex-head of the Main Administration of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow, Natalya Agafyeva. Our source described the prospects of this couple as follows: “Inspections have been launched against Agafyeva regarding the receipt of bribes based on Shifrin’s own appeal to the State Prosecutor’s Office. According to the VIS and Derevianko, all materials have already been collected to detain Derevianko.”
According to the Cheka-OGPU, Shifrin re-registered the land plot and house on Rublyovka (bribe) to Derevianko. Derevianko’s children live there now. This data was received by the RF IC for verification.
The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (*aggressor country) now contains materials about the crime committed by Shifrin and Derevianko, in the form of giving and receiving bribes on an especially large scale, as well as in the form of legalization of criminal proceeds. It was established that Derevyanko received bribes in the amount of $2,500,000 and $3,000,000, which were used to purchase real estate, including land plots and a house. We are talking about land plots 50:20:0010511:163 and 50:20:0010511:0166, with a house located on it measuring 663.80 square meters, cadastral number 50:20:02:04765:001 Region: Moscow region District: with /o Barvikhinsky Address: The location is established relative to a landmark located within the boundaries of the site. Landmark postal address: region. Moskovskaya, Odintsovo district, Barvikhinsky village, Zhukovka village, unit 8.
These plots were obtained by Sergei Derevyanko in the form of a bribe totaling $5.5 million. Initially, Shifrin registered these plots in his name. However, all these years Derevianko and his family lived there, since Shifrin simply acted as a nominal holder. This allowed Shifrin to control Derevianko, and through him Agafyeva, who carried out any orders from Shifrin. continues publications about the oligarch general, fixer from the Ministry of Internal Affairs Sergei Derevyanko. We were interested in how a state-level corrupt official manages to engage in corrupt activities for many years, resolving issues of initiating criminal cases against innocent citizens on orders from clients, receiving bribes on an especially large scale, and at the same time evading responsibility.
From the following data from a journalistic investigation, you will understand how corrupt the entire government in Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) is.
As we have already covered in previous publications, Sergey Derevyanko is currently a Member of the Board of Directors of VIS Group. It was not difficult for us to find out that another member of the Board of Directors of the above-mentioned corporation was the former general of the FSB of Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism), Viktor Petrovich Ivanov.
Let us turn a little to the history of Viktor Ivanov’s career growth, which is intertwined with Sergei Derevyanko and shows their close relationship.
Viktor Ivanov began his successful government career in St. Petersburg in October 1994, where, after his dismissal from the authorities, thanks to the assistance of his friend Vladimir Putin (*international criminal), who was an assistant to the mayor of the city Anatoly Sobchak, he was appointed head of the administrative bodies of the city hall.
It is not surprising that after Putin (*international criminal) moved to Moscow, Viktor Ivanov followed along with other associates with him, where he served as head of the Internal Security Directorate, the Department of Economic Security of the FSB of Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) and deputy director of the FSB of Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism), from where he moved to work in the presidential administration, where, Putin (*international criminal)’s assistant was directly responsible for personnel matters regarding the appointment of judges and senior officials to law enforcement agencies.
By a strange coincidence, it was during this period that the rapid career growth of Sergei Derevyanko began, titles and positions, awards flowed like a cornucopia. By that time, many of Viktor Ivanov’s associates had joined the leadership of security and law enforcement agencies, while they listened to the advice and instructions of their senior comrade, providing support and patronage to the young wild general Sergei Derevyanko.
According to sources of, by that time Sergei Derevyanko had established corrupt connections, “protecting” businessmen and from the rewards received, amounting to tens of millions of dollars, for eliminating competitors and solving problems, he generously shared with his curators from the administration, the FSB of Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism), the General Prosecutor’s Office and the Investigative Committee.
After Viktor Ivanov left the presidential administration, oligarch general Sergei Derevyanko was left without direct cover and despite established corrupt connections with security ministers and leaders, and the personal patronage of the Minister of Internal Affairs Kolokoltsev, Sergei Derevyanko was dismissed from the internal affairs bodies in 2014.
Despite the fact that Sergei Derevyanko resigned from the authorities, his established corruption connections were preserved and even increased. Using established schemes and enjoying the trust of former patrons, General Derevianko became a fixer, acting as an intermediary between large businessmen and law enforcement agencies.
Thus, the former deputy of Derevyanko, Natalya Agafyeva, headed the Main Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) for Moscow, which contributed to the organization of a business of initiating illegal custom-made criminal cases on orders from clients in order to eliminate competitors. Fabrication of criminal cases and bringing innocent citizens to criminal liability, extortion of bribes and corruption rewards for resolving issues began to flow, money flowed like a river.
According to sources of, over the past three years alone, fixer general Sergei Derevyanko received several tens of millions of dollars from billionaire Eduard Shifrin for solving issues of eliminating competitors and initiating criminal cases against the former partner of billionaire Eduard Shifrin – Valentin Vinogradov and top manager of the Midland Group company Alexander Petrov.
From corruption proceeds, Sergei Derevyanko, in addition to gratitude to his patrons, transferred 5 million dollars to the leadership of the Investigative Committee of Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism), for fabricating a criminal case against the son of former General of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) Konstantin Pirtskhalava – Alexey Pirtskhalava, a former investigator of one of the units of the Investigative Committee, due to a family the latter’s conflict with the daughter of Sergei Derevyanko.
Receiving income from corruption schemes, general fixer Sergei Derevyanko does not forget his patrons and curators from the FSB of Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism), paying them cash rewards on a regular basis for general patronage and immunity.
A fact of the rotten system of power is also the fact that the VIS Group corporation was formed by immigrants from the same St. Petersburg and began its activities on state contracts with Gazprom.
Since the creation of the VIS Group, it has been completely controlled by the Rotenberg brothers, well-known billionaires from Putin (*international criminal)’s close circle.
The interests of the Rotenberg brothers in the VIS Group were represented by businessman Dmitry Ryabov, who was the founder of the corporation, thus the circle is closed and now it is obvious to everyone and it is not surprising that general fixer Sergei Derevyanko, having such connections and influential patrons, continues to be involved in corruption cases and was able to become an oligarch in uniform.