The Nizhny Novgorod court, at the request of the Prosecutor General’s Office, nationalized 1.5 billion rubles, which were considered illegal income of the special developer Ingradstroy. According to claims claims will answer Oleg Sorokin, the former head of Nizhny Novgorod, already sentenced to ten years, his ex-wife and business partners with their firms. The investigation believes that in the chair of the mayor, Sorokin also controlled his business, and a few years later he was able to arrange everything so that his company bought the largest piece of land from the regional authorities, just over 450 hectares. The convict denied all the accusations, arguing that the prosecution and evidence did not provide any. But the court did not agree with him, and now the defendants will have to pay for corrupt actions in solidarity.
Sorokin’s prison term received in 2019, when he was proven guilty of kidnapping and bribery. Even then he did not admit guilt, but he paid a fine of 460 thousand rubles for the episode with a bribe. It is on this verdict that the suit of the Prosecutor General’s Office is based. According to the department, in 2010-2015, Sorokin was at the head of the regional self-government and deputy corps, but continued to secretly engage in entrepreneurial activities, fictitiously leaving the business. Nominee participants established Ingradstroy, and in 2012 this company won 452 hectares for development. However, the firm sought a lease agreement for two years in court.
The results of the land auction were very zealously challenged by two companies that did not participate in the auction. Their demands were not satisfied, and now the supervision believes that Sorokin was able to influence the officials of the Ministry of Property, and they summed up the conditions of the electronic auction for his company. The convict himself was not present at the court session, and only by video link from his correctional colony could he declare that this claim was not based on any evidence. According to him, with Dmitry Dolin, who established Ingradstroy, he was never familiar. Even though his former partner Oleg Golovko was in the company. In 2016, together with the land and the project, the company was bought by Start-Stroy LLC. 60% of its authorized capital was owned by Sorokin and his ex-wife Elada Nagornaya, the rest of the shares were divided between Golovko and the Akatov brothers.