The Ministry of Economic Development changed the forecast for inflation in 2022 from 4 to 5.9%

The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation has changed its inflation forecast for the current year upwards. Earlier, the ministry expected that the funds would depreciate by 4%, but at the current moment, as Vedomosti found out, inflation is forecast at 5.9%.

According to sources of the publication, the revised forecast has already been submitted by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation for consideration by the government. The department itself did not comment on this topic.

Experts interviewed by Vedomosti agreed that the main factor that could affect prices in Russia is the high growth rate of global inflation.

Recall that at the end of December, Rosstat presented preliminary inflation data for the whole of 2021. According to the calculations of the department, it amounted to 8.39%. This is the highest figure since 2015, when prices rose by 12.9%.

Food products for the past year, only according to official estimates, increased in price by 10.62%, non-food – by 8.58%, and services – by 4.98%. The final assessment of annual inflation will be presented by Rosstat in the near future.

Formerly Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation submitted a report on its activities to control the prices of food products, the cost of which in the country increases faster than the official rate of inflation. The agency reported that over 1,500 violations in this area were revealed last year during supervisory activities, and more than 600 officials were punished.