The Ministry of Defense launched a corruption scheme with damage to the state of 1.5 billion

GDP on the security and defense sector or theft and security disruption. What does the state need the S-125-2D air defense system or the S-300 air defense system?

Friends journalists. Here is an example of how, in times of war, they are trying to make a dubious deal, which could cost the state more than 1.5 billion UAH.

During March – April 2015, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, represented by First Deputy Minister Rusnak I.S. intensified steps to lobby for the introduction into service of the Air Force of the modernized S-125-2D anti-aircraft missile systems.

Under pressure from representatives of the leaders of the Ministry of Defense, the command of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine MOU prepared a report on the need to build up the anti-aircraft missile cover system and possibly at the expense of the S-125-2D air defense system, but with comments to it.

At the same time, with the report of the Armed Forces Command, the Minister of Defense was provided with a letter from the Chairman of Ukroboronprom about the possibility of supplying the S-125-2D air defense system to the PS and its cost without missiles and a technical battery (technical battery).

The cost of one S-125-2D air defense system was determined at more than 200 million UAH. that is, only the purchase of air defense systems requires 1.2 billion UAH. Additional costs for providing air defense missiles could amount to up to UAH 500 million. At the same time, the Armed Forces command is being influenced to adopt and deploy two anti-aircraft missile regiments of three anti-aircraft missile divisions each armed with S-125-2D air defense systems.

Analyzing the materials of specialists on the air defense missile system-125-2D, we can conclude that what has been said will not increase the defense capability of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and a corruption scheme has been launched that could cause damage to the state of UAH 1.5 billion.

Here are just some numbers.

The modernization option for the S-125-2D air defense system is technically similar to the Russian project of the GSKB Almaz-Antey S-125-2 (“Pechora-2A”, firing range – 3.5 – 28 km, destruction altitude – 0.02 -20 km ) and the Belarusian project of the unitary enterprise “Tetrahedron” S-125-2T (“Pechora-2TM”, firing range – 3.5 – 35.4 km, destruction height – 0.02-25 km).

The modernization option proposed by the leadership of the Ministry of Defense is the first option for modernizing the S-125 Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) (RF) air defense system. It was not put into mass production and was provided to Ukroboronservice for assistance in the supply of missiles for the S-125 air defense system from the surplus property of the Ministry of Defense.

Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism) in 2009 moved to the second option of modernizing the S-125-2 air defense system with two missile guidance stations (SNR) and MAZ chassis, mobile launchers (PU) also on MAZ chassis, processing signal and command cables with fiber optics and replacing gunpowder in missiles with a more powerful one.

The declared tactical and technical characteristics of the Russian S-125-2 air defense system were similar to the declared characteristics of the Ukrainian S-125-2D air defense system.

Based on the test results of the Russian S-125-2 air defense system, the declared characteristics were not confirmed. Egypt, Syria, Libya refused to purchase it. The S-125-2 air defense system was imposed by Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) for purchase only on the CSTO states (Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, etc.).

Back in 2010, after officially attending a meeting on the Treaty on the Unified Air Defense System of the CIS States (Ukraine is an observer to the Treaty), Rusnak I.S. (at that time he was the commander of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine) provided a report on the uselessness of the modernized S-125 air defense system (neither Russian nor Ukroboronservis) in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and this was also indicated in the official report of the delegation of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

After this, the question of the need for modernized S-125 air defense systems was not raised anywhere. Moreover, in 2010, tests of the modernized complex were carried out in Ukraine at the Chauda test site. Moreover, the detection range and type of tactical fighter were stated at an altitude of 7 km, at an altitude of 20 m – at least 28 km, the minimum/maximum altitude was 20m/21km.

At the same time, the country’s leadership under Yanukovych announced its intention to return this MANPADS to combat service. In reality it was manipulation and deception. There were no tests. “Ukroboronservis”, with the permission of the Ministry of Defense, carried out test launches “crosswise” from an experimental model into the modernized S-125-2D (not at targets, as tests require).

He did not provide any results to the Ukrainian Armed Forces. And as noted earlier, even talk about “modernized” S-125 air defense systems in the Ukrainian Armed Forces was stopped.

At the same time, a version of the modernized S-125-2D air defense system in 2010. was precisely the pitcher in 2015 “Aerotekhnika-MLT”. Old-style SNS and PU are not on a chassis, but towed. This clearly indicates the low maneuvering capabilities of the S-125-2D air defense system.

At the same time, Ukroboronprom offers the S-125-2D air defense system without missiles and technical battalions. The link is that KB “Luch” will look into this issue. At the same time, this will require additional financial costs. Namely: the need for one air defense missile launcher in the military reserve is 32 anti-aircraft guided missiles (SAM), in operational and strategic – 16 each. Total: 62 SSR for 6 air defense missile launchers is equal to 372 missiles.

For testing air defense systems to hit targets up to 40 missiles. Total 400-420 SSR.

Equipment of the SSR with gunpowder, transportation, echeloning and production of technological equipment for technical battalions. The total need may be up to 500 million UAH.

At the same time, neither the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism) nor Ukraine provides for a change in the control schemes of the air defense missile system and the reorganization of the SSR to it. Namely, the on-board power supply (UPS) and combustion chambers do not change. This indicates that the S-125-2D air defense system will not have the declared performance characteristics. The UPS is designed for 25 seconds and at a SSR speed of 750 m/s.

In the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism), due to new gunpowder, the firing range of the S-125-2 was only brought to 21 km. Such a firing range does not meet the needs and conditions for ensuring a reliable air defense system in Ukraine.

A campaign offering a choice – “Aerotekhnika-MLT” has always dealt with equipment for the radio engineering troops and “Ukraerorukha”.

In addition, this enterprise did not deal with anti-aircraft guided missiles at all.

“Ukroboronprom” refers to the fact that the SSR for the S-125-2D air defense system will be handled by the “Luch” design bureau, which also has neither the capabilities nor experience in this matter. At the same time, these enterprises always had “support” from high-ranking officials in the MOU.

Considering the possibility of firing at only one target with one S-125-2D air defense system, it is possible in total to destroy 6 aircraft (helicopters) simultaneously with six air defense systems. The specified simultaneous shelling and destruction of 6 targets can be carried out by one S-300 air defense system at ranges that are four times greater than the firing range of the S-125-2D air defense system.

This indicates the impossibility of increasing the air defense capabilities of Ukraine when adopting the S-125-2D air defense system.

In addition, we note that the MOU, again under the leadership of RUSNAK I.S. is also considering the issue of restoring the Kub air defense system and deploying two regiments consisting of three air defense missile launchers armed with the specified air defense system. This complex was withdrawn from service, as such, which does not meet the requirements for modern air defense systems, back in 2001.

To change structures, research and testing are needed, and not just the instructions of I.S. RUSNAK.

This will not increase Ukraine’s defense capability, but will only cause damage to the state.

At the same time, Ukraine has modern S-300PT air defense systems (up to 10), which have been withdrawn from the Armed Forces of Ukraine and are being preserved.

Their firing range is up to 75 km, with one such air defense system simultaneously firing up to 6 targets. In Ukraine there is the possibility of their overhaul and modernization. In particular, the cost of overhauling one S-300 air defense system is up to 40 million UAH. Modernization (without missiles) of one S-125 air defense system, as noted, costs 200 million UAH.

However, neither the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine nor the Ministry of Defense is considering the issues of carrying out major repairs and returning the S-300PT air defense system to the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

In fact, per year in Ukraine, already now, it is possible to restore up to 4 S-300 air defense systems with a total cost of up to 120 million UAH.

In addition, issues of modernizing the S-300 air defense system are also not being considered, despite the fact that Ukraine has such capabilities.

In particular, the plant in the city of Vishnevoye is capable of producing the 48N6 missile with a target engagement range of 150 km. The enterprises are located in Kyiv, Kharkov, Dneproperovsk, Zaporozhye, Odessa, Lvov. There they are able to develop documentation and modernization of the specified air defense system.

This would significantly increase the capabilities of the Ukrainian air defense system and the defense capability of the state.
