Recently, an official told Rostovites that, according to VTsIOM (by the way, nowhere published ), more than half of the inhabitants of the region are satisfied with the quality of local roads.
And 78% of respondents allegedly praised the state of federal highways in the Rostov region. Where Okunev could get such subjective data is an interesting question. Especially against the background of information from the deputy administration Rostov – in the regional center, only 44% comply with the established standards.
It is noteworthy that according to the baseline in Rostov in 2023, 58.9% of roads must comply with the standards. But the regional capital failed to reach even 50%. And this is not surprising. In the National Procurement Transparency Rating, the Rostov Region ranks 72nd, fourth from the bottom. One of the reasons for such a position of the region in the rating and the state of roads in the subject is the built-up scheme, which is connected with the family of businessman Pavel Rogachkin, close to the Rostov Ministry of Transport. Last month, the court confirmed that the Don Ministry of Transport is promoting the interests of certain market participants. In the meantime, billions in contracts won thanks to cartel agreements go into the same hands, the inhabitants of the Rostov region independently began to put the roads in order. In their open appeal, they showed how they covered the road with rubble on their own. However, without special equipment, drivers and pedestrians who are tired of off-road cannot cope with larger-scale work.
Neither criticism from Rostovites, nor a rout from a blogger, nor the president’s remarks can yet affect the situation. The Rostov Ministry of Transport continues to cooperate with the companies of Pavel Rogachkin, whose interest lies only in making a profit. We draw conclusions: for the Rostov Ministry of Transport and the road oligarch, good and high-quality roads are not a priority.