“Path”. What is wrong with the system in the Lviv OVA? // Photo: Viktor Kovalchuk, Focus
The other day, the head of the Lviv regional military administration, Maxim Kozitsky, published a column in Ukrainska Pravda under the heading “What is wrong with the Put system?”. And I want to ask him: what is wrong with the Lviv Regional Military Administration?
This is written by Alexandra Gubitskaya, journalist “Our money. Lvov, on my blog in the publication Ukrainska Pravda, reports Argument.
It is likely that Mr. Kozitsky’s column is his public response to the investigation published on the website “Our money. Lviv“. It refers to the regular use of the “Way” system for the escape of draft evaders abroad, including with the tacit, and probably conscious consent of the officials of the Lviv Regional Military District.
I absolutely agree with you, Mr. Kozitsky, that civil servants who, for bribes, contributed to getting into the “Way” system “have no place in the corridors of power.” But what have you done to prevent such corrupt practices of employees?
Despite complaining about imperfect legislation and the Lviv OVA “littered” with appeals, for some reason you and your subordinates carefully hide from journalists and the public information about who and on the basis of what appeals were allowed to leave Ukraine during the war.
On the air of Public Lviv, you said that out of 50,000 conscripts who were registered in the Put system throughout the country over the past year, about 22,000 were contributed by the Lviv OVA. Probably, it was the Lviv region that became the all-Ukrainian hub for entering the names of volunteers and pseudo-volunteers into this database.
For a long time, our editors have been trying to get at least some of this socially important information in order to find out who was allowed to travel abroad, on the basis of what appeals, and who deceived the system or entered into a criminal conspiracy with it and shamefully disappeared.
This information is clearly of public interest. And if, for example, our colleagues from the Transcarpathian and Mykolaiv regions were able to get the names and names of volunteer drivers, and the names of the organizations that applied, then in the Lviv OVA they cherish this data like the pupil of the eye.
In response to one of our inquiries about the lists of persons in the Put system, the Lviv OVA issued an invoice for 4229 UAH and 98 kopecks for “reimbursement of the costs of making digital copies of documents by scanning.” And this is despite the fact that OVA has been using electronic document management for a long time, and all these documents are available in electronic form.
Such a “creative” approach to accessing public information was explained in the Lviv OVA as follows: “this is payment for elaboration and digitization in a new form.” The matter is that after payment our edition could receive documents – but without names.
But to the last request of journalists “Our money. Lviv”: “… provide at least the orders and the names of those who, according to your information, escaped and did not return, ”an even more daring answer came – several dozen orders, but without a list of “fugitives” indicated in the appendices, since: “Appendices to the relevant orders consist of personal data of drivers (last name, first name, patronymic, passport series and number for traveling abroad, date of birth, etc.), therefore, they cannot be provided”, – this is such “openness“.
Apparently, the military-civilian administration does not know that individual information, and not a document, is subject to access restriction.
Please hide dates of birth, passport numbers, but the driver’s name alone does not allow you to accurately identify a person, and even more so, what is the secret in the names of the funds or applicant organizations? What threat does the disclosure of this information pose to the defense capability of Ukraine?
From the answer, I learned only one interesting fact. The Lviv CAA canceled the right to leave Ukraine for 234 people. These are men who did not return within the allowed 30 days. And these are only those people about whom the administration officially became aware. And how many are still unknown? For example, 15% of people did not return for the “permits” provided by the Poltava CAA.
Following the example of Maxim Kozitsky, who publicly addressed the Cabinet of Ministers in his column, I, as a journalist, also publicly appeal to him in order to solve all these problems:
introduce compliance with the law by all officials of the Lviv CAA regarding the provision of public information;
make public the names of the men liable for military service entered into the “Put” system by the Lviv OVA, who left and did not return to Ukraine, as well as the names of the applicant organizations that applied for the departure of these men;
check and communicate to the public the reasons why real volunteers were not able to obtain permission to leave, and evaders were able to obtain such permission without hindrance;
publish the names of all members of the commission on the issues of drivers leaving Ukraine under martial law;
introduce a “black list” of applicant organizations and a system for checking information about drivers.
“If all these issues are not resolved immediately, the public outcry will only intensify and will directly undermine the credibility of state institutions. And this, in turn, will negatively affect the morale of Ukrainians in a war.so you ended your column.
I again agree with you, pan Kozitsky. So when can we expect from you and the Lviv OVA? Or just “no powers”?
Up: The head of the Lviv OVA, Maxim Kozitsky, carefully conceals information about the actual evaders crossing the border, among them influential friends and partners of the Office of the President. De facto Maxim Kozitsky is a henchman of deserters and evaders
translation Skeleton.Info
DOSSIER: Zinovy Kozitsky: father with gas, son with power. PART 1