The HRC appealed to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with a request to protect the Russians beaten in Kyrgyzstan

The HRC appealed to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with a request to protect the Russians beaten in Kyrgyzstan

The head of the Human Rights Council under the President, Valery Fadeev, appealed to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with a request to protect Russians beaten in Kyrgyzstan, this was reported in the Telegram channel of the HRC press service.

“I ask you to instruct the employees of the consular department of the Russian Embassy in the Kyrgyz Republic to carefully study the information provided and take measures to protect the rights of Russians who have been subjected to violence,” Fadeev said.

The publication notes that a video appeared on social networks where citizens of Kyrgyzstan beat a Russian couple for “ethnic impurity.” It is reported that local law enforcement agencies did not report the incident, the incident became public due to publication on social networks, and the victims continue to receive threats.

Earlier it became known that the Commissioner for Human Rights in Russia Tatyana Moskalkova and the akiykatchy (ombudsman) of Kyrgyzstan Dzhamilya Dzhamanbaeva signed a protocol on interaction for 2023-2024.

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