Head of State Vladimir Putin authorized the Russian Government to issue temporary permits for transactions with persons who were under Russian restrictions.
Decree of the Russian leader Vladimir Putin No. 942 dated December 22, 2022 “On amending the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 3, 2022 No. 252 “On the application of retaliatory special economic measures in connection with the unfriendly actions of certain foreign states and international organizations” was posted on official Internet portal of legal information, reports the correspondent DOPs.
In the second paragraph document refers to granting the Government of the Russian Federation the authority to issue temporary decisions to make certain transactions (operations, actions) with persons under sanctions.
Recall that in the autumn of power supplemented list of states and territories unfriendly to Russia.
The British Overseas Territories and Crown Domains of the British Crown were added to the list, which supported the restrictions of Great Britain against Russia.