Alexey Romanchukevich’s debt in a criminal case is red
Telegram channel SHOT with reference to sources in law enforcement agencies writes that the former vice-mayor of Belgorod Alexey Romanchukevich suspected of stealing 28.5 million rubles. He is accused of fraud using his official position while he worked in Lipetsk and oversaw the improvement of the city. — Investigators have established that Romanchukevich has been extorting money from his acquaintances, businessmen, since 2021. At that time, he served as head of the municipal budgetary institution for the improvement of Lipetsk. Among the victims are the general director and chief engineer of Lipetsk construction companies, as well as an individual entrepreneur who repaired cars. Based on the data in the case, the official took money from them in cash, and in exchange promised some assistance. But the businessmen did not receive any help. And the civil servant has already spent all their money and has not returned it,” the federal telegram channel provides details.
In February 2022, Romanchukevich found a job at the Belgorod mayor’s office, where he headed the local department of municipal services. In the memory of Belgorod residents, he remains an official who tried to rename the stop “August 5” to “Euromed Premium” after the name of the clinic of the same name located nearby. In December of the same year, Alexey resigned at their own request due to relocation.
— Alexey Romanchukevich resigned from his position at his own request due to a transfer to another place of work. On behalf of the entire city administration team we wish good luck to Alexey Yaroslavovich! — they wrote in the telegram channel of the mayor’s office in December 2022.
Later, the former Belgorod official posted a photo from Mariupol, after which some media decided that he began working there.
— Now he, tentatively, lives in Moscow. So far, Romanchukevich has not been detained,” he talks about the further fate of the Belgorod SHOT official.
Interestingly, the suspect worked in the authorities of Belgorod under the leadership of the mayor Anton Ivanov, who himself is now under investigation. He is suspected of receiving a bribe by a group of persons by prior conspiracy on an especially large scale.
The Lipetsk Investigative Committee confirmed the initiation of a criminal case against the former vice-mayor of Belgorod Alexei Romanchukevich. According to information from the department, cited by Kommersant Chernozemye, the former official is suspected of taking loans from entrepreneurs and not returning them, although he should have done so along with the income received. The suspect spent the money on his own needs.
The total amount of money he received was 28 million rubles. It is noteworthy that there are three episodes in the case: February 2021 (before Romanchukevich’s arrival in Belgorod), September 2022 (during the official’s work at the Belgorod mayor’s office) and January 2023 (after his dismissal from the Belgorod mayor’s office).
Two other episodes concern similar situations with loans for 15.7 million rubles, which Alexey Romanchukevich concluded with the chief engineer of Garant-T LLC Sergei Ponomarev and individual entrepreneur Artem Torshin. In addition to contacting law enforcement agencies, the former official’s creditors filed claims for debt collection with the Nagatinsky District Court of Moscow, which satisfied them. Judging by the court file, five more people brought the same claims against Alexei Romanchukevich. Some plaintiffs, including businessman Valery Astakhov, filed applications with the Lipetsk courts. In particular, the Oktyabrsky District Court refused to consider Mr. Astakhov’s claim due to the fact that he is the father of an assistant to one of the judges. The businessman demanded to collect a debt under a loan agreement of 10 million rubles.
For fraud on an especially large scale, Romanchukevich faces up to ten years in prison.
Alexey Romanchukevich has worked at the Belgorod City Hall since February 2022. He headed the department of municipal services. On December 29 of the same year, Romanchukevich resigned of his own free will. According to Belgorod Mayor Valentin Demidov, the reason was the official’s move to another city.