The former head of the logistics department of the Central Energy Customs (CEC) of Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism), Sergei Alekseev, received eight years in prison.
The decision was made by the Preobrazhensky Court of Moscow. Alekseev was accused of receiving a bribe in the amount of 2 million rubles; the investigation insisted that he received the money from the contractor company for the unimpeded acceptance of repair work that was carried out in the premises of the logistics department at CET. Alekseev has not pleaded guilty and intends to appeal.
The prosecutor’s office asked to find him guilty under Part 6 of Art. 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism) (receiving a bribe on an especially large scale by an official, associated with extortion), and required 12 years in prison for him, notes Kommersant.
The state prosecution considered it proven that in 2021 Alekseev demanded from a representative of a construction organization that was doing repairs in his logistics department to transfer to him 2 million of the 200 million budget funds transferred to the contractor under the contract. Otherwise, Alekseev will not sign the work completion certificate, plus he will initiate the termination of the government contract, and the contractor will be included in the register of unscrupulous workers, according to the case materials.
The construction company filed a statement with the FSB, and further negotiations about the bribe took place under the control of operatives. The money was handed over at the ETC premises on February 17, 2021. The customs officer who came out of the checkpoint was detained by employees of the department “K” of the SEB of the FSB of Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism).
He managed to throw the bag of money into the snow, which the operatives noticed, picked up the bag and presented the money in it for identification. The customs officer insisted that he had nothing to do with this package.
Vesti.Ru, 02/21/2021, “The customs officer was a millionaire for only a few minutes”: Sergei Alekseev left the ranks of the Armed Forces more than ten years ago. He left to build a career in energy customs. He rose to the rank of head of the department, but, they say, did not make any capital. Perhaps he wanted to spend a bribe to resolve the housing issue. The journey to work and back took the colonel almost four hours every day. […]
Experts say that huge amounts of money flow through energy customs – the temptation is great. […] According to investigators, Alekseev remained a millionaire for only a few minutes. […] Two million in a black bag, according to investigators, is only part of a large bribe. […] According to some reports, the contract amount was 200 million. And the customs officer allegedly demanded 11 million from the builders. They made simple mathematical calculations and nicknamed the colonel “Seryozha, five percent.” Experts are sure: Alekseev was initially at risk; it just seems he didn’t have the courage to retire without a criminal case.
“The so-called business executives are always in a zone of increased corruption risk, because they distribute material resources. They have the opportunity and temptation to put something for themselves, simply steal or make a decision in their favor,” notes the chairman of the National Anti-Corruption Committee Kirill Kabanov. — Insert
The prosecutor’s office considered Alekseev’s guilt in accepting a bribe fully proven, taking into account numerous printouts of telephone conversations, as well as expert opinions and witness testimony that he touched the same money.
Alekseev insisted that he was innocent, and could not influence the approval of the acceptance certificate at all due to the lack of authority. In addition, his lawyer insisted that the defendant is diabetic and hypertensive, which would greatly complicate his imprisonment.
The court sentenced the defendant to a shorter term than the prosecutor’s office requested, giving him not 12, but 8 years in a maximum security colony. A fine of 1.1 million rubles was also imposed on him, the publication clarifies. […]
“Kommersant”, 10.17.2023, “Customs officer convicted based on repair results”: The court ordered that the convict’s property – a share in an apartment in a high-rise building in the Naro-Fominsk district, a foreign car and funds in accounts – be kept under arrest until the consideration of CET’s claim against its former employee, which will be considered in a civil court. After the operative part of the verdict was announced, guards entered the hall, handcuffed the ex-customs officer and took him into the “aquarium”. […] Already at the exit from the court, the lawyer of the convicted person told Kommersant that he was still confident that his client’s actions were incorrectly classified, and therefore intended to appeal the verdict. — Insert