RIA Novosti, 10.23.2023, “The court arrested the former deputy head of the Ministry of Health of Dagestan in a bribery case”: The court arrested the former Deputy Minister of Health of Dagestan in the case of accepting bribes worth more than 87 million rubles, it was reported on Monday in Telegram channel investigative department of the RF IC for the republic. “Today, at the request of the investigation, the court chose a preventive measure in the form of detention in relation to the former Deputy Minister of Health of the Republic of Dagestan, suspected of receiving a bribe,” the publication says. — Insert K.ru
The First Department for Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the Investigative Department (ID) of the RF IC for the Republic of Dagestan opened a criminal case against the former Deputy Minister of Health of the region. According to media reports, we are talking about Mazai Ramazanov, who held this position from December 2018 to January 2022. The ex-official is suspected of receiving bribes worth 87.7 million rubles from an individual entrepreneur (IP) for each government contract concluded for the supply of medical equipment.
A criminal case was initiated under Part 6 of Art. 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism) (receiving a bribe on an especially large scale). The basis was materials received from the FSB of Russia (*aggressor country) and the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (*aggressor country) for the North Caucasus Federal District. Ramazanov was detained on October 18 in the Stavropol Territory. In the near future he will be taken to Dagestan to conduct investigative actions and decide on a preventive measure.
According to the investigation, from January 2019 to December 2021, Ramazanov, as the Deputy Minister of Health of Dagestan, through an intermediary, received bribes from individual entrepreneurs amounting to 10% of the total amount of each government contract concluded by the department for the supply of medical equipment. The total amount of bribes in the Investigative Committee was estimated at 87.7 million rubles.
The Investigation Department reported that a case had been initiated against the intermediary and the bribe-giver – under Part 4 of Art. 291.1 (mediation in bribery) and Part 5 of Art. 291 (giving a bribe) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism). The names of the suspects have not been disclosed.
Ramazanov is also involved in a case of abuse of power (Part 3 of Article 286 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism)) during the purchase of ventilators for the Center for Infectious Diseases named after. CM. Magomedov in Makhachkala. The case was initiated in mid-November 2022, then Ramazanov was put on the wanted list.
According to investigators, in March 2020, employees of the Ministry of Health of Dagestan entered into a contract with the entrepreneur for the supply of eight ventilators for a total amount of 24 million rubles – the same amount of damage to the budget was estimated. It turned out that under the guise of new equipment, ventilators were supplied to the medical institution that did not meet the requirements; they were also already in use. The purchase price of medical equipment, as emphasized by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, was almost doubled.
The examination showed that two ventilators were completely faulty, and five more required additional equipment. Based on this fact, a criminal case was initiated under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism) (fraud).
Vademec.ru, 11.25.2022, “Former Deputy Minister of Health of Dagestan put on the wanted list”: According to the EIS in the field of procurement, in the first half of 2020, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Dagestan concluded four contracts for the supply of ventilators for 54.1 million rubles, 23.65 million rubles, 36 million rubles and 24 million rubles. Only one of them – for a total amount of 24 million rubles – was concluded in March 2020. The supplier of eight Stephan Alia devices, costing 3 million rubles each, was IP Alexander Ivanov, registered in the Moscow region. The delivery time for the devices was five calendar days. The act of acceptance of the goods was signed by the Deputy Head of the Ministry of Health, Mazai Ramazanov. — Insert K.ru
As a result, the investigation established the involvement of Ramazanov, who could organize a fictitious collection of commercial proposals, after which he concluded and signed a government contract for the supply of ventilators. Then the official allegedly instructed the head physician of the medical center to accept this equipment, although he knew that this institution did not need ventilators. The suspect was also aware of the non-compliance of the devices with the requirements of the technical specifications of the state contract, but the officials still signed the acceptance certificates and commissioning of the equipment.
At the moment, the Investigative Committee does not disclose information about the progress of the case.