MiG property returned without statute of limitations
The ex-head of MiG-RosTa, Alexei Ozerov, and the former vice-president of Tupolev, Yegor Noskov, must pay 2.3 billion rubles. unjust enrichment
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© IA “RBC”07/16/2023, The court returned to the state the buildings and land in Moscow stolen from MiG
Natalia Anisimova
The Savelovsky Court of Moscow turned into state revenue a property complex in the capital, which previously belonged to the aircraft manufacturing corporation RSK MiG JSC and was stolen from it, Kommersant reports.
We are talking about three buildings at st. Polikarpova, 27 and a land plot of 22 thousand square meters. m where they are located. The Prosecutor General’s Office asked to nationalize the property. According to the department, it was owned by the companies Liberta-Investment LLC and Polikarpova-Invest LLC, as well as two citizens who control these firms – Alexey Ozerov and Egor Noskov.
“Kommersant”, 07/16/2023, “MiG property was returned without a statute of limitations”: The reason for the proceedings in the court was the claim of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation, which asked to turn into state revenue a property complex located on the vast territory of the RAC MiG in the area of Begovaya Street in Moscow. The complex includes three buildings registered at the common address of st. Polikarpova, 27: three-storey building with an area of 6444.1 sq. m, four-story building with an area of 9512.6 sq. m, one-story area of 148.1 sq. m, as well as a plot of land with an area of 22 thousand square meters. m on which the buildings are located. […]
The fraudsters involved the stolen assets in the “economic circulation” to legalize them, and the firms “Liberta” and “Polikarpov” controlled by them, according to the decision, became “tools for hidden ownership and making it difficult to identify the actual owners.” — Inset K.ru
Ozerov is the ex-general director of OAO MiG-Rost (a subsidiary of MiG), and Noskov is a former vice president of Tupolev PJSC. In 2019, the first received nine and a half, and the second – eight years in prison for real estate fraud for 800 million rubles.
Both of them are serving sentences, but, as the newspaper writes, the Prosecutor General’s Office considered that until now Ozerov and Noskov used real estate and “unreasonably enriched themselves”; the agency estimated the profit from the lease of space at 2.3 billion rubles. The plaintiff demanded to collect this amount in state revenue, the court granted the petition.
The decision of the instance states that in 2004 Ozerov and Noskov created several firms, hiring nominee directors, and made about a dozen “obviously unprofitable” real estate transactions. As a result, three MiG-RosT buildings went to Liberta-Investment, office space was leased out, and cafes, restaurants, car services, shops and a clinic were opened on the first floors, where they treated alcoholism. Then “Polikarpova-Invest” received a plot of land under the buildings and “the implementation of the criminal plan was completed,” according to the court.
The court rejected the defendants’ arguments that the prosecutor’s office missed the statute of limitations in the case, stating that the time limit they refer to “cannot be used as a way to legalize illegally acquired property.” Ozerov and Noskov did not agree with the decision of the court and appealed against it.
In 2019, when Ozerov and Noskov were sentenced, the defense insisted that the investigation and the court could not prove their involvement in the theft, and the value of the stolen property was unreasonably high.