Valery Dergilev was sentenced
The ex-general director of the Voronezh OKBM was given 4 years for fraud, abuse of power and embezzlement of more than 180 million rubles.
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© Abireg.ru05/17/2023, Former head of the Voronezh OKBM Valery Dergilev received 4 years in prison for fraud at the enterprise, Photo:
Stanislav Klimentov
The former head and co-owner of the Voronezh Experimental Design Bureau of Motor Building (OKBM) Valery Dergilev was found guilty of fraud, abuse of power and embezzlement. He was sentenced to four years in prison. Information about this is published on the website of the Soviet District Court of Voronezh.
The man was found guilty under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Fraud”), part 1 of Art. 201 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Abuse of authority” – three episodes) and part 4 of Art. 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Assignment or embezzlement”)
Recall that for the first time a criminal case against Mr. Dergilev was initiated in March 2018 by the regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The materials of the FSB department for the Voronezh region formed the basis. At the same time, the suspect was placed under house arrest, under which he spent five months, after which the measure of restraint was changed to a written undertaking not to leave.
The accusations concerned the work of Valery Dergilev as the general director of the enterprise from 2009 to 2018. The most “old” episode of the investigation was connected with the abuse of power by the ex-head of the enterprise regarding the unjustified increase in OKBM’s accounts payable by issuing promissory notes by 57.25 million rubles and reducing the total value of the enterprise’s assets by 17 million rubles.
In addition, the investigation suspected the top manager of illegally selling bills of exchange of the enterprise to his wife and stepson, as well as acquiring rights to the property of Volga City Management LLC in the form of shares in the authorized capital of OKBM LLC in the name of relatives in the amount of 92, 87 million rubles.
It should be noted that the file of the case also displays an appeal, which was filed by Mr. Dergilev’s lawyer after the verdict was passed.
The experimental design bureau of motor-building ceased its activities in 2015 due to reorganization. It was formed in 1959 as part of the Voronezh Mechanical Plant and a year later it was spun off into an independent legal entity. The main products were gearboxes, piston engines and other elements for military aviation. OKBM also supplied components for the TU-160 strategic bomber, the Yak-130 training aircraft, and for all types of combat helicopters of the Russian army.
“Kommersant”, 05/16/2023, “The ex-general director was given a term”: The ex-head of the bureau pleaded not guilty and plans to appeal the verdict. […] Valery Dergilev was found guilty by the court of committing five crimes while managing the enterprise in 2009-2017. […]
Almost six years ago, Valery Dergilev left the post of head and ceased to own a 25% stake in the enterprise against the backdrop of a conflict with the co-founder, OOO UK Volga-City, Tver, which owned 75% of OKBM. The ex-head accused the partners of the raider seizure of the enterprise. Opponents insisted that the CEO hid the full financial statements, and his actions led to a decrease in the company’s income. […]
One of the episodes described transactions with the wife and stepson of the defendant, Elena Andriyanova and Sergey Okhrimenko, who were listed in the OKBM as a deputy and assistant to the head. Valery Dergilev was accused of handing over to his relatives promissory notes, which are debt obligations of the enterprise, for a total of 78 million rubles, as well as real estate – industrial buildings and plots in Voronezh and the Ramonsky district. The total amount of damage caused by the director’s crimes, according to the investigation, exceeded 180 million rubles. Meanwhile, OKBM filed a civil lawsuit against the former head for almost 294 million rubles. […] When appointing the term, Valery Dergilev was counted for six months spent under house arrest during the preliminary investigation. The claim has been submitted to civil proceedings. The court retained the seizure of property and funds of Valery Dergilev, including almost 24 million rubles, which are due to him for leaving the founders of OKBM. — Inset