The Duma decided to transfer deputies to Russian cars

The Duma decided to transfer deputies to Russian cars

The Council of the State Duma of the Russian Federation unanimously decided to transfer parliamentarians to domestic cars. The rule will become mandatory from next year, the Council said in a statement.

“The Council of the State Duma discussed the issue of assigning motor transport to deputies to exercise powers in the region,” the message says.
“It has been decided that starting next year, deputies in their constituencies will be provided only with cars made in Russia.

As Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin previously reported, the State Duma has already begun to replace vehicles used for official purposes in Moscow, as they are retired, only with domestic brands,” stated the press service of the lower house of the Russian parliament.

It is reported that, according to Volodin, such a decision will allow the development of the Russian automobile industry. “And budget funds will remain in the country,” he added.

Earlier, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Viktor Yevtukhov said that department employees would be transferred to Russian cars.

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