The court sentenced the head of Russian Milk, Boyko-Veliky, to 6.5 years for embezzlement

The court sentenced the head of Russian Milk, Boyko-Veliky, to 6.5 years for embezzlement

The amount of damage in the criminal case is estimated at 190 million rubles.

The Cheryomushkinsky Court of Moscow sentenced the president of the Russian Milk agricultural holding Vasily Boyko-Veliky, who was accused of embezzlement of 190 million rubles.

The criminal case against Boyko-Veliky and his accomplices has been heard in court since the summer of 2021. It is believed that the entrepreneur himself, together with his accomplices, organized the theft of funds from Credit Express Bank in the period from 2013 to 2018. The former head of the Moscow branch of the financial organization, Elena Chueva, as well as the head of the cash operations department, Natalya Tsippinova, helped in the fraud. The amount of damage is estimated at 190 million rubles.

Chueva and Tsippinova previously entered into an agreement to cooperate with the investigation, and their cases were heard in a special manner. Tsippinova has already received four years in a general regime colony.

Boyko-Veliky was detained by security forces in 2019, and in May 2021 he was transferred to house arrest. The businessman is known primarily as an “Orthodox philanthropist” and the head of the Russian Milk agricultural holding, one of Russia’s largest producers of organic products.

About 40 million rubles were also demanded from the businessman through the court in the Credit Express case. The thing is that his company “Your Financial Trustee” owned about 10% of the bankrupt bank. It was not possible to recover funds from the businessman – he was declared bankrupt.

The verdict of the court was that Boyko-Veliky received six and a half years in a general regime colony. At the same time, the charges requested nine years in a maximum security colony for him.

The verdict has not entered into legal force and can be appealed.

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