The case of “dead souls”, multibillion-dollar contracts for controlled companies and real estate in Moscow of the head of Mosgaz

Gasan Gasangadzhiev

Both employees and consumers complain about the order at Mosgaz. But the director of the organization Gasan Gasangadzhiev and his relatives, as well as their partners, who receive billions in state contracts, are satisfied with life.

[…] Five years ago, there was a riot of locksmiths and welders at Mosgaz. They collected signatures, complained to the labor inspectorate, but received a formal answer: “no violations.” The instigators no longer work at Mosgaz, the rest do not rebel.

– Locksmiths and welders have a salary of 45-50 thousand rubles, unpaid overtime for ten hours a week. They do not provide the spare parts that consumers need, they send them to cut pipes without warning the residents. I’m ashamed to name prices, – Nikolai the locksmith admits.

A year ago, the nerves of the white-collar workers of Mosgaz, engineers and clerks, lost their nerve. They were also dissatisfied with the order in the organization, many of them quit.

– Top managers officially receive 200-250 thousand and write out bonuses for themselves. We are paid 100 thousand, there are no bonuses. You won’t make a career. Above only yours! – the patience of the designer Oleg burst.

“Ford Predator” Gasan Gasangadzhiev
Convertible Gasan Gasangadzhiev

General Director Gasan Gasangadzhiev is met by his retinue. He hides from everyone in a personal elevator and goes to the top floor of the office, where there is no way for mere mortals.

“Ordinary people are not allowed on the VIP floor by security! organization employees say. – Apparently, only numerous relatives of the director work there, whom he arranged for top positions in Mosgaz. His son, for example, is the deputy chief engineer. And the guy is 24 years old. Where does he get the necessary experience from?

Life counted the relatives of Gasan Gasangadzhiev in Mosgaz. His son Nadir became second in command of the gas pipelines while still a student. His cousin, 29-year-old Islam Gasan-Gadzhiev, is employed in the Investment Realization Department. Nephew – 33-year-old Gadzhi Ibragimov – headed the maintenance of networks. Sister – 47-year-old Elmira – was appointed head of the Financial and Economic Unit and a member of the procurement commission.

On the portal “Avito” there was a vacancy for a cook to cook meals for five people on the notorious VIP floor of Mosgaz. It turns out, for the director and relatives.

Son Nadir Gasangadzhiev
Cousin Islam Gasan-Hajiyev
Nephew Gadzhi Ibragimov
Sister Elmira Gasangadzhieva. With my brother at work and at a family celebration

Nothing much is known about the youth of Gasan Gasangadzhiev. He spent the harsh 90s in the laboratories of the Dagestan Academy of Sciences, researching cast iron for industry. Unexpectedly, he was entrusted with the post of chief specialist of the capital’s Department of Fuel and Energy Economy. In 2009, he headed Mosgaz, a corporation through which billions of rubles pass.

Rostislav Franchenko and Lilia Puzanova

In 2013-2019, the business structures of Lilia Puzanova, competing with each other – often this is how the appearance of a struggle in procurement is created – won over 100 Mosgaz tenders worth two billion rubles. The cost of work in the course of execution regularly increased, the deadlines shifted.

Life noticed an interesting detail: during the execution of a major contract, third-party investors usually appeared near Lilia Puzanova. They bought out shares in her firms and were entitled to a percentage of the proceeds. For example, this is the Japanese concern Sekisui Chemical, 83-year-old Boris Nepokupny – a representative of the French Schneider Electric, Iskandar Kuramshin, the nephew of a major developer from the Luzhkov era – Rustem Kuramshin.

How much did the business structures of Lilia Puzanova earn on public procurements of Mosgaz

In 2013-2017, enterprises of Kuramshin Sr. also received state contracts from Mosgaz for 2.4 billion rubles. Half of the money went to Inzhestroy, which was liquidated due to a fictitious address. The director turned out to be an illegal buyer from Chertanov.

A retired FSKN officer Ayup Tumgoev and his father, a veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, also participated in Mosgaz’s tenders. Their unprofitable, problematic firms – Dargaz, Geogas and IK TES – signed state contracts for almost three billion in 2013-2017. In addition to the Tumgoevs, their partners profited: the ex-chief of the Moscow OATI, Kharis Nozhipov, and an expert in assessing safety at gas supply facilities, Anatoly Khovpun. Khovpun has Etalon PK, an expert company that provided services to Mosgaz for 122 million rubles.

Correspondence with the engineer

How Mosgaz can make money on budget flows, engineers of design workshops told Life on condition of anonymity.

– For example, a site can be built using auger drilling – five thousand rubles per meter, and the wording about microtunneling is introduced into the task – and this is already 30 thousand. The total budget due to such tricks grows from a billion to two. Rostislav Franchenko, deputy director for capital construction, signs the task. “Mosgosexpertiza” checks the accuracy of the estimate, but not the work itself. Contractors implementing the project agree on additional costs. Expenses on paper grow further, but in fact they may not be fulfilled, ”the designers outlined one of the schemes to Life.

Neo-Gothic house in Seliverstov Lane, which housed the installation and commissioning department of Mosgaz

In 2013–2016, Mosgaz made a series of purchases for 77 million rubles related to the reconstruction and overhaul of a house in Seliverstov Lane. It was about the fourth, fifth floors and attic. Documents signed including Hasangadzhiev. Judging by the terms of reference, it is planned to organize a mini-hotel in the building. So, on the fourth floor, a meeting room, a security room, a lounge with a double bed, a bar are indicated, on the fifth – two rooms with double beds, a sofa area, a dressing room, a dining room, several bathrooms with a shower. Each room has a bedside table and a refrigerator. In the attic there are three rooms with beds, another lounge with a fireplace and billiards.

4th floor
5th floor

Repair materials are premium. For example, oak interior doors with Italian fittings, expensive parquet, bar shelving and countertops.

It is not clear for whom they did all this – for non-resident guests of Mosgaz, for the rest of its leaders, or for renting. However, websites about employers are full of reports that Gasan Gasangadzhiev allegedly turned this office into apartments for close associates.

On the fourth, fifth floors and attic, it looks like apartments. On their premium doors, worth as much as two average salaries of a Muscovite, torn Mosgaz seals hang.

Life visited the former office of Mosgaz. There was no one in the mysterious rooms, traces of forced entry are visible on one of the doors.

– The upper floors belong to Mosgaz. They have billiards and showers. Recently, the police came and detained someone there,” the tenants of the offices in the basement of the building said.

Gasan Gasangadzhiev in a Can-Am Maverick buggy

Margarita Tabachkova
Margarita Tabachkova with Gadzhi Ibragimov, nephew

The head of Mosgaz appreciates the beautiful. For the past decade, he has judged the Queen of Oil competition at the Russian State Oil and Gas University, where the most beautiful student is chosen. We recall that Tabachkova studied there. Recently, Gasangadzhiev transferred the powers of a jury member to his subordinates: the chief personnel officer, as well as his nephew Ibragimov.

Conflict of interest in Mosgaz

Everything seems to be that Gasan Gasangadzhiev created nepotism in Mosgaz, helped his relatives to take the positions of top managers, receives a multimillion-dollar salary, and buys wholesale apartments in Moscow from incomprehensible income. A separate question about an expensive car that previously belonged to structures that receive billions of dollars in contracts from Mosgaz. It is possible that this is a conflict of interest. This bundle may be of interest to the control and auditing bodies of Moscow and the security forces.

@bazabazon, 04.12.2019 16:07: Investigators and the Ministry of Internal Affairs are taking documents from the capital’s Mosgaz. They suspect that the general director of this organization, Gasan Gasangadzhiev, arranged for “leftist” workers to work for him. In fact, the people listed “on the balance sheet” of Mosgaz worked in the housing and communal services department, where the official used to work. The check began after a complaint from one of the former Mosgaz employees, whose name is now kept secret. He also stated that about 15 employees registered in the capital company did not actually work there, but carried out Gasangadzhiev’s personal instructions.

He reported on the machinations that Gasangadzhiev is allegedly doing back in the first half of November. Now, in relation to the current head of Mosgaz, a check has begun on the article “Fraud”. — Inset

@vchkogpu, 04.12.2019 16:51: Lately, Gasangadzhiev lobbied for the creation of the Moscow Energy Department, which he wanted to head. Many in the city hall did not like this idea. Including Biryukov. — Inset