The beneficiary of Redsys was arrested in absentia for bribes to FIU officials in the amount of 250 million rubles. Corrupt officials drank contracts for 10 billion rubles.

Alexey Ananiev

According to investigators, the organizers corruption scheme became the former owner of the company “Technoserv” and banker Alexey Ananiev, as well as persons from the top management of the FIU. For a fee, the fund’s employees provided representatives of Redsys and Technoserv companies with information about upcoming purchases of computer equipment, agreed with them on the terms of reference for tenders, the cost of contracts, and also provided other services necessary to win tenders.

The Basmanny District Court of Moscow granted the petition of the investigation to arrest in absentia the beneficiary of the Redsys company, Sergei Gordeev, for two months. The Kommersant newspaper writes about this on September 21. A measure of restraint will be chosen for him automatically in the event of his extradition from abroad or detention in the Russian Federation.

According to the publication, he became a new defendant in the investigation of a criminal case on corruption in the Pension Fund of Russia. According to the investigation, together with banker Alexei Ananiev, Gordeev paid representatives of the fund more than 250 million rubles, providing Redsys and Technoserv with contracts totaling 10 billion rubles.

“Kommersant”, 09/21/2022, “A shadow payer was found in the FIU”: According to Kommersant, the criminal case against the Redsys beneficiary was separated on February 24, 2022 from a large and already completed investigation that the committee had been conducting for about three years. On March 15, the businessman was put on the federal wanted list, and on June 29 – already on the international one. […] According to investigators, the organizers of the corruption scheme are the former owner of the Technoserv company and co-owner of Promsvyazbank Alexei Ananiev, as well as persons from among the “top management” of the PFR. In 2015, they decided to make money on fund purchases “in the field of information and telecommunications technologies.” For a monthly remuneration, the PFR employees, the investigation believes, transmitted information to representatives of Redsys and Technoserv companies about upcoming purchases of computer equipment, coordinated the terms of reference for tenders, the cost of contracts, and also provided other services necessary to win tenders.

As perpetrators, according to the investigation, the former head of the PFR procurement department Alexander Rudnev, head of the information technology department Dmitry Kuznetsov, head of the automated information system infrastructure management department Ruben Efianjyan, head of the information security department Yevgeny Nikitin and head of the interregional information center Fund Konstantin Yankin. […] All participants in the scheme received monthly fixed payments, the amount of which was not tied to the concluded contracts. Bribes were paid no later than the 15th, and their amounts ranged from 200 thousand to 1.5 million rubles. — Inset

“Kommersant”, 25.02.2022, “Computers reached the fund on kickbacks” After in 2016 the banker Alexei Ananiev, who, according to the investigation, is the organizer of the corruption scheme , agreed with the management of the FIU on the appointment of his authorized representative Alexey Ivanov first, to the post of adviser to the chairman of the board of the fund, and then to the deputy chairman, another person involved in the current investigation, the head of the department for organizing public services, Evgeny Turchak, was involved in the criminal group. He, according to investigators, was a kind of coordinator of illegal activities and attracted employees of the FIU for some work, which the attackers used “in the dark”.

The criminal case mentions Magelan LLC, Redsys LLC, Technoserv AS LLC, Technoserv CJSC, and others. According to the investigation, the criminal scheme operated until 2019.

In total, according to the estimates of the TFR, under contracts that were concluded with the participation of the defendants in the case, various equipment worth about 10 billion rubles was delivered to the FIU. — Inset

During the court session, the businessman’s lawyers pointed out that there was no evidence of their client’s involvement in the alleged crime. The defense also stated that it had no information about the proper notification of the principal about the investigative actions being carried out against him, including the summons to the court session.

The activities of the business IT integrator Redsys are aimed at improving the efficiency of customers’ business with the help of IT. The company provides a full cycle of IT services: from development and implementation to maintenance and support of IT products, systems and solutions. Among the customers with whom Redsys employees worked are the Pension Fund, Russian Railways, the Federal Customs Service, Goznak, Rostekhnadzor, VimpelCom, MTS, Rostelecom, SIBUR, Rosselkhozbank, X5 Retail Group and other large companies.