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#Igor Shuvalov

Is corruption at VEB taking on “rainbow” tones?

In the domain of Igor Shuvalov, are they cutting the budget and preferring non-traditional relationships? In the state corporation VEB, headed by Igor Shuvalov, scandals follow one after another. It is known, in particular, that the former head of the compliance and internal control service, Vyacheslav Ogorodnikov, continues to sue VEB, from where he was […]

Defector Igor Yusufov

The Oligarch’s Family Igor YusufovA winds up his business in Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) and moves all his financial resources, a significant part of which was acquired illegally, abroad. Yusufov, like many other modern Russian oligarchs, owes his current status to his work for the secret services. Like many other representatives of this sphere, […]