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Eduard Taran

What did Viktor Tolokonsky “advise” Taran?

Are the patrons of the owner of RATM Holding “seen up” in the case of the Trunovskaya organized crime group? The investigation into the criminal case of fraud with the Novosibirsk water park “Aquamir” continues, one of the defendants in which was the notorious owner of “RATM Holding” Eduard Taran: he is called the author […]

Passion for ROMZ: Eduard Taran expects billions from the state

Videos appeared on the Web in which a voice sounds, to the extent of confusion, similar to the voice of the owner of the RATM holding, the scandalous Novosibirsk businessman Eduard Taran. The speaker addresses the interlocutor about the situation with the nationalization of the Rostov Optical and Mechanical Plant (ROMZ), which was previously part […]