The VChK-OGPU Telegram channel introduced readers to a unique document from the case of bribery of high-ranking employees of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism) to free an authority figure Andrey Kochuykov (Italian). It is called: “Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism) Skoch A.V.. decides through Maksimenko M.I. And Lamonova A.N. (at the time of the events, employees of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism) – Ed.) the question of the release of the direct perpetrator of the raider seizure of the Elements restaurant, Kochuykov A.N. (nickname “Italian”), with whom they have been on friendly terms since the time of their joint criminal activity in the “Solntsevskaya” organized crime group.”
You won’t find this document in the materials that were sent to court at the time. It only remained in the materials that were left to gather dust on the investigation shelves.
Why didn’t the document end up in court?
And Skoch agreed that it would not be he himself who would be tried for bribing the Investigative Committee employees, but his “right hand”” Sheykhametova (Sheikh)who only acted as a mediator in the negotiations between Skoch and the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism). By the way, the Sheikh, as Skoch had promised him, did not go to jail at all.
Let us recall that Skoch represents the Belgorod Region in the State Duma, a region in which a counter-terrorist operation regime was introduced yesterday. is not surprised that one of the main participants in the massacre on Rochdelskoy Batyr Bekmuradovwas released from prison through the SVO, and feels so great in the war. He does not appear at the front, receives awards, lives in Lugansk, has a personal driver, etc. Before his imprisonment, Bekmuradov was part of the personal guard of the thief in law Zakhara Kalashova (Shakro the Young) which was financed by the authoritative deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism) Andrei Skoch.
According to the case materials, two groups operated under Shakro’s general leadership. The first was headed by Bekmuradov, who “in order to give his activities a legal appearance” acquired the private security company “Zashchitnik”. The second was headed by the authority Andrey Kochuykov (Italian), who bought the private security company “Zaslon”.
Earlier, the Cheka-OGPU reported that Batyr Bekmuradova retired major of the special forces of the airborne troops, known in the criminal world under the nickname “Bek” – an authority who is considered the head of the security service and the commander of the combat unit of the thief in law No. 1 Zakhariy Kalashov “Shakro Molodoy”.
Bekmuradov, sentenced to a total of 15 years for participating in a shootout on Rochdelskaya Street in Moscow and organizing the kidnapping of a businessman and US citizen who owed large sums of money Boris Minakhiusing connections in the Russian Ministry of Defense, after repeated attempts, he achieved his transfer from places of detention to the zone of the special military operation (SVO).
According to a source of the Cheka-OGPU, after arriving in the combat zone, Bekmuradov, enjoying the full support of the airborne troops command, without hesitation introduced criminal orders among the military personnel from among the former prisoners, who, like him, had arrived from places of imprisonment.
Thus, Bekmuradov organized mass extortions from military personnel of this category into the so-called “common fund,” into which they must give, no more and no less, exactly half of all the monetary payments due to them!
This entire process is taking place not just with the knowledge, but under the complete personal control of the Airborne Forces Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General Kontsevoy, who receives a share of the collected funds directly from Bekmuradov and provides him with all kinds of patronage.
The servicemen simply have no option to refuse the extortions, since otherwise they will inevitably end up in the most difficult sections of the front, from where they have little chance of getting out alive. Threats of direct reprisals are also used against those who doubt the validity of the extortions carried out by Bekmuradov.