The shaman was taken out of the ground
In the Moscow region, Kine-Töölösdietias Akai Kim Uuly (aka Akai Kine and Sergey Kyniev), who calls himself the spiritual leader of Altai. Together with an employee of the central office of the FSB, who has already been convicted, Kyniev stole 55 million rubles from a businessman, promising to protect him from raiders, reports today’s Kommersant.
The FSB found out about the scam after a woman contacted her public office and asked to deal with her ex-husband Gleb Trubachev-Gudovich, an information security specialist in the central office of the special services. According to her, the officer with whom she was suing, sharing children and real estate, participated in some kind of commercial showdown in Odintsovo near Moscow. According to the results of the audit, initiated by the head of the FSB’s own security department, Alexei Vertyashkin, a criminal case was opened against the captain for fraud on an especially large scale.
After the arrest, the officer, admitting his guilt, concluded a pre-trial agreement on cooperation with the military prosecutor of Moscow. Fulfilling his conditions, the captain said that in the fall of 2020 he was approached by Rais GabdrakhmanoV, whose companies “Promstroy” and “Energopromstroy” built the main power lines. He had a conflict not in connection with construction in Siberia, but at his place of residence in Odintsovo. Some Caucasians, according to the businessman, demanded that their representative be included in the founders of firms, and he considered this an attempt at a raider takeover.
Captain Trubachev-Gudovich said that together with his friend Akai Kine, they asked for 55 million rubles for the service. Then a detective was hired to identify the alleged raiders, and Chechen acquaintances convinced them to leave the victim alone. The officer could not provide such services by law, so he was charged with fraud.
The Odintsovo garrison military court considered the case in a special order. Given that the defendant returned 7.5 million rubles (with the rest of the money, according to him, the “shaman” disappeared) and the intercession of the victim, who noted that he was only saved from problems, the court appointed the defendant three years in prison.
Akai Kine, who calls himself the White ruler and spiritual leader of Altai, was put on the wanted list. It should be noted that in his homeland he participated in the creation of several organizations, which were later recognized as extremist.
According to sources from Kommersant, Kine, who is on the federal wanted list, was caught in the Moscow metro. Since the victim paid for the services of the alleged swindlers through a bank in Istra near Moscow, the criminal case against Kyniev was entrusted to the city department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The investigator dealing with him refrained from commenting. It follows from the database of the Moscow Regional Court that Kine appealed the decision of the Istra City Court on arrest twice, but did not achieve release.
A simple Soviet shaman. Akai Kine does not pay back debts and taxes without a fight
“Chief shaman”, “spiritual leader of Altai”, president of the “Spiritual Center of the Turks” and even the general director of “Altayvit” LLC. These numerous regalia belong to the same person. It is difficult to call him by name, because he had a lot of names, as well as regalia.
A 56-year-old resident of Gorno-Altaisk, once Sergey Kyniev, and now Akai Kim Uuly Kine-Teelesdietias, or Akai Kine for short, could be the envy of any participant in the Battle of Psychics. In 2014, he told how he talked with the spirit of “Princess Ukok.” “When she was brought to our museum, we performed a ceremony with her, and she said – I give you two more years to rest, and then I need to be reburied on the Ukok plateau,” Kine said. Then the topic of the reburial of the mummy sounded everywhere, and having saddled the information agenda, Akai Kine soared into the news tops and became almost the main newsmaker for sensation-hungry journalists from various online publications.
A few years later, already in 2018, Akai Kine, who forgot about his dialogues with the “princess”, demanded that he return the citizenship of the USSR. This time, the “citizen of the Soviet Union” did not limit himself to speaking in the media, but went to court.
The Gorno-Altai City Court quickly put an end to this issue, refusing to satisfy such a claim. Therefore, Akai Kine, who considered himself a citizen of the USSR, despite his wishes, nevertheless remained a citizen of Russia, who, in addition to rights, also has duties that the “chief shaman” regularly forgets about.
In the database of the bailiff service today you can find more than one enforcement proceeding, where the defendant is both Akai Kimovich Kine and his “alter-ego” Akai Kim Uuly Kine-Teelesdietias. But law enforcement officers are not confused by hard-to-pronounce names, therefore, both from one and from the second they are required to pay debts on taxes and fees, fines for administrative offenses and other penalties. Akai Kine’s not very strong desire to pay bills and repay debts on time is indirectly reported by the archive of court records of the same Gorno-Altai City Court (available in the public domain).
So, in 2015, right after the dialogues with the mummy, the court recovered money from Akaya Kine in the amount of 10 thousand US dollars in favor of a certain citizen Bystrov, and in 2018, after the failed scandal with USSR citizenship, over 6.3 million rubles in favor of the businessman Kopnev. About why the “spiritual leader of Altai” needed such sums and what he spent them on, Kine did not admit in any of his public speeches.
True, earlier, in an interview with one of the Turkish publications, Kine stated that he “arrived at the behest of the Lord” and “with the desire to unite the Turks,” but did the money go to Turkish voyages and the grandiose plans of the “God’s envoy” to “unify the Turkic peoples”?
Here you can recall many biblical quotes about false prophets and “wolves in sheep’s clothing”, but we will omit this topic and recall one more detail of the biography. Last year, when the whole world was fighting the coronavirus, Akai Kine, whom journalists began to forget about after the mummy and the story of Soviet citizenship, reasserted himself.
He suggested not just holding a “rite to calm the coronavirus,” but generally respecting the deadly virus that has claimed tens and hundreds of thousands of lives around the world.
“The coronavirus must be treated with respect. I think that a respectful attitude towards the virus, including the Republic of Altai, is what protects. It is necessary for the coronavirus to calm down, go into its nature, where it came from, ”the shaman advised in conversations with Moscow journalists on April 16. Ironically, and in a very ambiguous set of circumstances, it was on this day that the first case of coronavirus infection was detected in Gorny Altai, which until recently remained the only region without COVID-19. The virus did not heed the respect of the “shaman” and turned out to be stronger than the rituals and loud statements in the media that our hero loves so much.
By the way, about loud statements. Yesterday, representatives of the public organization “Spiritual Center of the Turks” Kin Altai “(by the way, established by Kine himself and his two sons) disseminated information about the alleged conflict between Akai Kine and the head of the Altai Republic Oleg Khorokhordin during the morning ritual at the Chaga Bayram holiday.
According to representatives of the organization, the shaman almost drove the governor away from the holiday, after which he deprived him of his blessing. The picture for journalists was drawn really bright: a disguised “shaman” in a Turkic hat, only remotely resembling the Altai national headdress – Altai boruk, kicks out the entire top official of the subject from the holiday, and immediately deprives him of the blessing of the “chief shaman”.
Many journalists picked up this picture, although the government press service immediately denied this information, explaining that at first Kine “heroized” there, after which the planned festive ceremony began.
The press secretary of the head of the region was very persuasive, but laconic. Therefore, we will bring clarity and a few details. Knowledgeable people recalled that the zaisan gazebo itself, as well as the site for rituals on Mount Tugaya, where Kine decided to host, was built at the expense of the federal and regional budgets. Oleg Khorokhordin supported the initiative to build such a place, while still in the status of acting. Everything necessary for making a fire during the ceremony (hard to believe, but even elementary firewood) was provided by the administration of Gorno-Altaisk. The spiritual center of the Turks and its representatives were not in a hurry to equip a place for their event, nevertheless, the notorious “officials”, whom Kine allegedly expelled, did not interfere.
Eyewitnesses say that Akai Kine himself was very aggressive, tried to provoke a conflict and rudely demanded “not to interfere with him.” He completely pushed away the chairman of the committee on national policy and public relations, which looked like a manifestation of disrespect – both for a woman, and as an official, and as a resident of the Altai Republic. The same fate awaited the respected elder Tauken Yaitynov, whom later Kine, in an interview with Barnaul journalists, completely called a “strikebreaker”. Although, in fairness, it should be noted that it is Tauken Tazymaevich who conducts festive ceremonies from year to year, including on Chaga Bairam, who do not divide the Altaians into friends and foes, into those who are with the “chief shaman” and who are without him, and do not lead to scandalous statements in the press.
During the ritual and uncoordinated actions of Akai Kine, the head of the region Oleg Khorokhordin, acting. Speaker of the State Assembly German Chepkin, residents of Gorno-Altaisk, elders and representatives of public organizations calmly went down to tie dyalama (ritual ribbons) not far from the venue. After that, at dawn, the planned rite began.
As at any event, there were employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who, in the event of a declared conflict, would certainly have taken appropriate measures. Yes, and the head of the republic, for sure, could easily ask the police to calm down Kine and escort him to the nearest department at the foot of the peak to clarify the circumstances (at the same time checking the debts by the bailiff service), but this did not happen either.
As a result, the “unfortunate blessing” quickly retreated, and the next day released a libel about how he “driven everyone away”. Thus, he again reminded himself of himself to journalists and, at least for a moment, but supported his forgotten publicity. This, of course, is no longer a dialogue with a mummy, not a trial for the title of a citizen of the USSR and not a rite of calming covid, but also to some extent a shocking show and a “minute of glory”, which the simple “Soviet” citizen Akai Kim has been missing so much lately Uuly Kine-Teelesdietias.