Maria Pevchikh’s father privatized the trade union health resorts of Kuban and acquired assets worth hundreds of millions of rubles. It was this wealth that allowed his daughter to study in London and become, as is believed in the West, an agent of the British intelligence services.
Where does Maria Pevchikh get money for education and life in London?
First time on the web Maria Pevchikh mentioned as a 2008 graduate of the London School of Economics’ BSc in Politics. Among her classmates was a member of the British Parliament Ranil Jayawardena. Price training amounted to 12 million rubles at the current exchange rate without accommodation. Where does the money come from?

For several months the girl formally combined her studies in London with work at my father’s Konstantin Pevchikh. He employed her in “Culinary” — his own company, which buys real estate of trade union sanatoriums in the Krasnodar region. Many of the assets subsequently became the personal property of their family.
Konstantin Eduardovich came to Kuban as a representative of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) (FNPR) with task unite seven trade union boarding houses of Gelendzhik, Tuapse and Anapa into single network under the Kubkurort brand. Pevchikh did this from 2004 to 2016.

The unified Kubkurort network never came into being. I haven’t heard about the project. The site has been unavailable for a long time. But Konstantin Pevchikh achieved something similar to privatization. Is it a coincidence, but before arriving at the Kuban resorts, he went to California to get an MBA degree at Hayward State University.
How Konstantin Pevchikh evicted people onto the street
Konstantin Pevchikh has owned the mentioned hostel for seven years. All this time, both empty wrecked houses are being rented there for up to 15 thousand per month, and designer mansions for up to 100 thousand.

How Pevchikh got the hostel is easy to understand from judicial databases. In the eighties, the building was built for resort drivers. In the nineties it was transferred to the trade union motor transport enterprise “Gelendzhikkurort”. In the 2000s, Pevchikh, having become a representative of the FNPR, received a 51% stake in Gelendzhikkurort and founded the company Kulinar (where his daughter was an employee) to manage the hostel. In 2014, the self-liquidating Gelendzhikkurort sold the hostel to the Kulinar company, and it transferred the asset to Konstantin Pevchikh.
The new owner did not stand on ceremony with the dozens of people who lived in the hostel. They were discharged through the court without the provision of housing, recognizing contracts social hiring is invalid. They were not allowed to privatize their living space.
The Kulinar company played a similar role with another FNPR resort in Gelendzhik, Chernomorets. The territory was partially sold to competitors – the boarding house “Krasnaya Talka”, in some places they were built up with residential buildings, the rest fell into disrepair. Former employees of Chernomorets, a disabled person and a pensioner did not want to move out of building No. 4. There is a video on the Internet about their unenviable fate.
Firm “Culinary” accused pensioner for slander and demanded a refutation. The court rejected the claim. However, the building where the woman lived was demolished, according to satellite images.
The structures of Konstantin Pevchikh were even privatized an object cultural heritage – the dormitory building of “Chernomorets” on Pushkin Street.
In the tenth years, the building was used as a hostel, was listed as a “Gelendzhikkurort” and was maintained very bad: the roof was leaking, the facade was falling apart, the windows were siphoning. Then the property was sold to private individuals through a specialized portal.
The ad was placed by Konstantin Pevchikh’s trusted lawyer.

How Pevchikh converted a heating station into a mansion
The youngest minor daughter of Konstantin Pevchikh owns a slightly awkward, but nice brick mansion with a large terrace in Gelendzhik. The facade is decorated with white trim and metal patterns. There is a garden all around, a veranda on the roof, and a wrought-iron fence and trees separating it from the road. The location is advantageous: Serafimovicha Street, second line from the sea. The price cannot be guessed: there are no residential buildings nearby. The tank is located close by.

Judging by litigation from 2017, during which Konstantin Eduardovich recovered losses from Gelendzhik utility workers due to the flooding of the basement, this mansion was once heating station, had an address on Mayachnaya Street and was part of the Caucasus boarding house. According to an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate, the first owner of the heating station, converted into housing, was Gelendzhikkurort, after which ownership rights were transferred to the youngest daughter of Konstantin Pevchikh.

What else did Pevchikh receive in Gelendzhik?
In 2012, Pevchikh became director of the Gelendzhik amusement park, which belonged to trade unions. Soon the Otdykh company spun off from the park and owned an administrative building on Gelendzhik Avenue. Why did the Otdykh company change its founder?
Instead of an amusement park, it became the second wife of Konstantin Pevchikh, Olga Gileva. Soon the amusement park itself changed owners: the place of the FNPR was taken by an outside businessman. And in the administrative building on Gelendzhik Avenue, premises have been rented out since then.
Previously, advertisements were placed personally by Konstantin Pevchikh, and more recently by his lawyer.

For a long time, Pevchikh and his second wife Gileva had two apartments near the park in a new business-class building on Khalturina Street (in the amount of 50 million rubles) and apartments (over 30 million rubles) in an elite building on Revolyutsionnaya Street, where they previously was kindergarten.
In 2008–2013, Konstantin Pevchikh owned laundry and transformer station on Gogol Street, 9. The price of this property is about 50 million rubles. Judging by the maps, it is now occupied by the Magnit store.
Whose fault is it that hundreds of people in Tuapse are at risk of becoming homeless?
Until 2012, Konstantin Pevchikh headed the trade union boarding house “Shepsi” near Tuapse. It was under the Pevchikhs that the health resorts were illegally built up with cottages and townhouses. A few months ago, the Prosecutor General’s Office achieved in court recognized these objects as unauthorized construction and demanded their demolition. Hundreds of people who unknowingly bought housing here may be left with nothing.

It is not difficult to guess who built the obviously illegal objects. At that time, Konstantin Pevchikh and the current director of Shepsi, Elena Kustova, had a joint business – the construction companies Gavarni and Guaira, registered in the Tuapse region.
According to Rosreestr, in 2009, Pevchikh took over the pumping station on Sochinskaya Street in Shepsi – now there is a tent where they sell farm products. And in 2010, Pevchikh received and sold an apartment in a townhouse condemned for demolition on Gagarin Street.
There was another resort near Tuapse, which was supervised by Pevchikh and headed by Kustova – the now closed Olginka health resort. On her lands too built at home, and they can too admit self-build and demolish.

Murders in Anapa
The failed Kubkurort chain of Konstantin Pevchikh had Napoleonic plans in Anapa. They wanted to build two towers under the glamorous name Anapa Sail Tower.

The customer of the project was the trade union sanatorium “Malaya Bukhta”, which Pevchikh’s subordinates headed in 2005. Three years earlier, the general director and his wife were killed there. For that convicted Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of Kuban Sergei Zirinov. He managed to take possession of the shares of Malaya Bukhta and resell them. It was not reported to whom.
The last time the ownership structure of the sanatorium was revealed was also in 2005: 25% of the shares belong to the FNPR, the rest belong to an unnamed individual. According to local, this is one of the Dimoevs. The head of this famous family in Anapa was caught on a bribe, which he gave in order to take possession of another Anapa health resort. The matter is stuck.
What Konstantin Pevchikh bought while working for FNPR
The family of Konstantin Pevchikh settled in Moscow on Khodynskoye Pole in the Grand Park business-class residential complex. Two two-room apartments and a three-room apartment were bought there within three years after Maria Pevchikh’s father got a job in the trade unions. The total price is about 120 million rubles. Nominal owner – second wife Oksana Gileva.
We are talking about a new quarter with excellent ecology, built on the principle of a “city within a city.” On its protected grounds there is a British children’s club 5Green and a Sun School nursery.

What kind of relationship does Konstantin Pevchikh have with his daughter?
Maria Pevchikh herself once said that she had not communicated with her father for many years.
You can doubt their words. In 2011, he created a profile on the social network Twitter and immediately wrote to her.
Since then, Konstantin Pevchikh has been almost inactive on the social network Twitter. His last tweet was in 2021 – and this is a repost of Mikhail Khodorkovsky.
What is known about Maria Pevchikh
It is Maria Pevchikh who is suspected of poisoning Alexei Navalny in 2020 on instructions from Western intelligence services. No one had heard of it in Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) before. It turned out that her father, Konstantin Eduardovich, is the general director and co-owner of specific companies: NIOBIS, which grows viruses, and Igla, which develops nanoneedle technology. By that time, he had long since completed his work in Kuban and was connected with the region only through assets.
Maria Pevchikh is the most mysterious figure in FBK, although she has never officially worked in this structure. There is no information about her there.
Pevchikh is very sensitive to personal data and takes all possible precautions, for example, he always uses a VPN when traveling around Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism). But sometimes he makes mistakes, Life found the trace she left.

The girl lives in the elite residential complex The Circle near London’s Tower Bridge, where monthly rent alone will cost half a million rubles. And Pevchikh* does not tell who pays for her luxury housing.
Over the course of several years of living in London, Pevchikh made 64 flights to Moscow. In addition, she visited the centers of European politics dozens of times – Zurich, Geneva and Brussels – and even managed to visit Iran, which is impossible for an unmarried woman to do without diplomatic documents.