Siluanov: special operation in Ukraine requires huge resources. Eight trillion rubles have already been allocated to support the economy

Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov, giving a lecture at the Financial University, spoke about the costs incurred by the Russian budget against the backdrop of hostilities and sanctions

Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov, speaking at a lecture at the Financial University, said that a colossal amount of financial resources is needed to carry out the so-called Russian military special operation in Ukraine, Interfax reports. At the same time, the government member did not specify the amount of funds spent and needed in the future.

In addition, according to Siluanov, 600 billion rubles will be spent on pensions this year, one trillion next year, and similar amounts in the future. Also, a significant amount of funds is spent on supporting the economy against the backdrop of sanctions restrictions.

According to Siluanov, the total amount of “budget stimulus” – funds spent to support the economy and citizens – has already amounted to eight trillion rubles.

Earlier, The Moscow Times, referring to the data of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, reported that in February of this year, 369 billion rubles were allocated to the article on national defense in the federal budget, in March – 450 billion rubles, in April – 628 billion rubles.

Recall that earlier Anton Siluanov said that a technical default threatening Russia due to the fact that the United States refused to renew a license that allows servicing external debt “will not affect the economy in any way.” According to Siluanov, the Russian Federation is a reliable borrower and will try to find an opportunity to pay off its obligations. Russia has sufficient currency and resources to pay off its external debt, a member of the Russian government said.