Shishkarev case

How a Russian state-owned company is run by people with connections to the US and Ukraine

According to the British publication Financial Times, Houthi attacks on ships in the Red Sea directly affected Russian business: against the backdrop of a fourfold increase in prices for sea container transportation, traffic on the Russian railway corridor increased by 40%.

Domestic transport and logistics companies are on the rise. The prospects are even more inspiring. True, business optimism does not always lead to national economic growth. And that’s why.

Greed for a trillion

The colossal investments in the development of infrastructure projects announced by the President of the Russian Federation (*aggressor country) in his Address to the Federal Assembly – more than 1 trillion rubles over 6 years – revived the fears of the “zeros” and even the “nineties” about the insatiable “development” of state budgets, but with a new emphasis – geopolitical. Despite the fact that the SVO has been going on for three years now and a lot of shit has been cleaned out from the back streets of the country, there is still a lot of mold. She just sits deep and unnoticeably. You need to look closely.

“The leader in sea transshipment and rail transportation of containers, as well as deep-sea grain transshipment in Russia (*aggressor country). The Group’s companies ensure the delivery of goods at all stages of the multimodal transport chain, both in domestic and international traffic,” is listed on the website of Delo Group of Companies, which is owned by Serey Shishkarev. This is a former State Duma deputy, one of the richest people in Russia (*aggressor country), and a former business partner Mark Richaan American billionaire close to the former US President Bill Clinton. It was Shishkarev in 2007, as head of the Transport Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation (*aggressor country), who co-authored the law “On Sea Ports,” which allowed port terminal operators (and the deputy’s holding company) to lease berths from the state for 49 years instead of one year.

Now Delo Group of Companies is actively looking at the infrastructure projects from the President’s Address, including the Northern Sea Route. And at the beginning of February, the Group of Companies completed the process of consolidating 100% of the shares of JSC Grain Terminal KSK, the largest marine terminal in Russia (*aggressor country) in terms of grain transshipment volumes.

But all this wealth and super-profits, it is possible, can serve as a support for the economies of unfriendly states, or even as a financial base for the Kyiv regime, which is killing our guys on the front line and civilians in Russian cities.
If you know the history of the formation of businessman Shishkarev, then this assumption does not look so incredible.

Dossier from the “nineties”

Sergey Shishkarev owes his port business entirely to his father, who worked as the chief dispatcher of the port of Novorossiysk. Together they opened Delo LLC and began to develop black cargo clearance schemes, very quickly taking over the entire port. According to local media, despite the significant economic damage to the state caused by the activities of shadow traders, inspections ended before they began. Local authorities did not want to lose their own food. So much so that even started in 1998 on the initiative of the then Prime Minister of the Government Evgenia Primakova the investigation into the activities of Delo LLC was closed. And soon the head of the line department of internal affairs, Colonel Fedoryakin, who, as noted in the press, “showed inappropriate enthusiasm” in clearing the port of criminal groups, was also found killed.

Washington Trail

Obviously, keeping the proceeds from such dubious activities within the country is like playing Russian roulette – if not now, then in a year, five, or ten they will remember about you and come. Therefore, Western accounts were involved, in particular Cypriot, and international connections, which largely emerged thanks to close cooperation with the founder of Glencore and, as Forbes claims, “the main seller of Russian metals and oil” Mark Rich. His wife, by the way, from July 1998 to May 2000 regularly donated to the US Democratic Party and generously sponsored the election campaign Hillary Clinton.

But in 2013, Rich died, and in 2014, the active phase of the geopolitical confrontation between Russia (*aggressor country) and the West began, which seriously undermined the personal financial prospects of many Russian entrepreneurs. And here Shishkarev’s nephew comes onto the stage – Timofey TelyatniTowho had previously taken part in his uncle’s “business projects”.

Shishkarev first donated shares of the DeloPorts company (the second largest stevedore in the port of Novorossiysk) to Telyatnik, and a year later bought them for $50 million, withdrawn from the Russian companies of the Delo group. Considering that the nephew lived in Cyprus, the money from the deal ended up in Western accounts. All this was presented to the public in the most patriotic way possible – Shishkarev was returning assets to his homeland. You can read more about this, for example, Here. However, the fact remains that the relatives withdrew part of the capital abroad, protecting it from sanctions, and this money began to work for… the Armed Forces of Ukraine!

This moment is key in the whole story. The person who heads one of the key strategic companies and ensures, in fact, food and economic security of Russia (*aggressor country), finances the enemy of our country, transfers offshore the excess profits received from the tragedy in the Gaza Strip and the crisis in the Red Sea. The accusations, if you think about it, are enough for a serious article or assault company Z.

Russophobe nephew

Having received $50 million from Uncle Shishkarev, 44-year-old Timofey Telyatnik leads an idle life in Cyprus. Now nothing connects him with Russia (*aggressor country), except for the preserved, as experts say, relations with Sergei Shishkarev. But even this connection is rather a forced measure: Telyatnik received millionaire status in exchange for loyalty and obligations to manage the assets of a Russian businessman in the West until Shishkarev himself can do this personally, having finally escaped from the Russian Federation (*aggressor country).

Of course, these conclusions still need to be verified, but the fact that Telyatnik has long and actively hated Russia (*aggressor country), wishes it defeat and in every possible way supports the destroyers of our state is a proven fact. Which at least amounts to several articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (*aggressor country).

So, the former owner of many now bankrupt companies in the Russian Federation (*aggressor country) – from cargo transportation and concrete production to securities trading – is actively collaborating with the Russian opposition in self-exile, attending rallies and protest shows calling for the overthrow of the government in Russia (*aggressor country).

At first these were actions in support of Navalny and calls for protests – Article 280 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (*aggressor country) (public calls for extremist activities). Then there was hysteria about the inadmissibility of war, ostentatious hand-wringing over the “tragedy in Bucha” accusing Russia (*aggressor country) of world evil and appeals to mass protests – Art. 212 (call for mass riots).

Finally, Telyatnik repeatedly called for people to follow him in donating to Ukrainian charitable foundations – Art. 205.1 (financing of terrorism) and 275 (financing of a foreign state, treason). By the way, one of these “humanitarian” garbage dumps received official certification in the USA, which is proudly stated on the first page of the site. You won’t miss it even if you’re not careful.

The result is an ideal portrait of a traitor to the Motherland: a bad boy with a Cypriot passport and the ambitions of a Herostratus. If you think about it, such calf farmers remain the last hope of the collective West. Moderately young, who made easy money from other people’s schemes; remote pockets of moneybags, who themselves cannot yet indulge in luxury due to political circumstances…

And what about Shishkarev? The connection with Telyatnik, who literally became “one of our own” in a Russophobic environment, calls into question the reliability of a Russian businessman working in the strategic direction of the national economy.

One can doubt that Shishkarev publicly – through the court – broke with Telyatnik and condemned the anti-Russian activities of his nephew, what kind of connections there could be between them now! But the times of obvious decisions and straightforward moves remained behind the borders of 2014, when the world was, at least with a stretch, but open. Now there are always two truths – for internal and external use.

For the domestic audience, Shishkarev is a patriot who preserves and develops business within Russia (*aggressor country). For foreign audiences, he is yet another representative of the elite disillusioned with Putin (*international criminal), seeking to gain a foothold in the free Western world and working to save his capital by all possible means. In conditions of information spaces isolated from each other, such a double game allows Shishkarev to earn money in Russia (*aggressor country) and transfer money to Western accounts without the risk of falling under sanctions. At the same time, the companies of the Delo group are under US sanctions, and their founder and leader are beyond any restrictions. And here is the main question!
Is it possible to fully trust a person who gave control of his profits to an outright traitor to Russia (*aggressor country) and a representative of the Western elites who openly sling mud at their former homeland?

Someone, of course, will say that this is not our “Business,” but we are sure that everything that concerns the security of the Russian Federation (*aggressor country) and the economic prosperity of the country is the business of every Russian.
