Tallinn Russophobe loyal to Rublyovka
about people like Artemy Troitsky, say “born with a golden spoon in his mouth.” He spent his entire childhood in Prague, where his parents oversaw a local propaganda magazine. Trinity’s Father Kiva Maidanik, was a well-known Latin Americanist, political scientist and historian, after perestroika he worked in banks and the Gorbachev Foundation. Mother, Rufina Trinityheaded the department of foreign book exchange at the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Already at the age of 16, Artemy Troitsky led discos in the dining room of the main building of Moscow State University. After graduating from the Faculty of Mathematics of MESI, he worked for five years as a junior researcher at the Russian Institute of Art History. At the same time, he wrote notes for the youth magazine “Rovesnik”, played the guitar in Pyotr Mamonov’s group “Sounds of Mu”, performed on the radio, organized illegal concerts for the rock ensembles “Kino”, “Center” and “Time Machine”. In the nineties, the music critic became the editor of the domestic version of Playboy.
He also actively helped to bring foreign stars and organize international festivals. But the real fame came to him when he got the place of the presenter on the programs of federal television channels. The peak of his career was reached in the zero years. In tenths, Troitsky was already perceived more as a “liberal” oppositionist and political scientist.

Personal life of a rock journalist
The personal life of Artemy Troitsky is very confused. In early youth he was married, but the name of the first wife is unknown.
“There was no trace of her, so there is no point in talking about her,” the journalist himself commented on this marriage.
The second wife of Troitsky was an art critic Svetlana Kunitsyna. Third wife, Cosmopolitan correspondent Marianna Orlinkova, gave birth to his first child – now 24-year-old Alexandra. It is not clear from whom 21-year-old Ivan and Sonya were born. According to the journalist, from his fourth wife, Vera Marchenkova, from Minsk. But formally at that time he was still married to a previous passion. The youngest among the heirs is 12-year-old daughter Lydia.
It is known that Alexandra with her parent Marianna and her half-sister Sonya, born of an unknown mother, remained to live in Moscow. They have nothing “trans-Ukrainian” or Russophobic in social networks. But Ivan and Lydia moved with the journalist and Vera Marchenkova to Tallinn and are already learning Estonian there.
Vera Marchenkova is “a royalist even more than a king”: if her husband confines himself to regular anti-Russian tirades, then she, having “decorated” all her social networks with Ukrainian flags, every day she announces a collection of donations in favor of the neo-Nazi battalion “Aidar” and the Main Intelligence Directorate, then ” licks” Zelensky and the extremist regiment “Azov”, either spreading fakes about the Russian army, or insulting our state. […]
What did Artemy Troitsky* have left in Russia
Artemy Troitsky still has an extravagant and rainbow-colored dacha in his homeland, surrounded by a dense forest in the village of Lutsino on the prestigious Rublevskoye Highway near the Moscow River. During the construction, a special Canadian technology was used, the frame of the house was installed on piles. Inside, on three floors, there is a blue living room with red curtains on the windows, green bedrooms, a blue and yellow bathroom and a classic Finnish sauna. The interior is decorated with sculptures of angels and skeletons, as well as paintings by conceptual artists Sasha Jikia and Ilya Kabakov. A special place is occupied by a sofa, the upholstery of which resembles the flag of Great Britain, and an armchair with the image of the Beatles. There are many colored shelves in the rooms with various souvenirs and records. There is an old turntable from England.
Such a unique property costs over a hundred million rubles, and you can rent it for 200-300 thousand rubles a month. Interestingly, next to the main house there is a small building where Troitsky’s ex-wife Marianna Orlinkova and her daughter Alexandra lived.

Judging by the bases, Artemy Troitsky is registered in a three-room Stalinka apartment on Universitetsky Prospekt, within easy reach of the Moscow State University building, Sparrow Hills and the Moskva River embankment. The price of such housing is about 35 million rubles. You can rent it for 100-150 thousand rubles a month. The current wife of Troitsky was registered at three addresses: large-sized kopeck pieces in stalinkas on Kosygin Street (about 28 million rubles) and Frunzenskaya Embankment (about 27 million rubles). You can rent them for 200-300 thousand rubles a month.
As for the Moscow business, the Artikom radio broadcasting company and the Kaviar Lounge concert hall were closed by Artemy Troitsky eight years ago.
Where Troitsky settled in Estonia
According to the Estonian portal ee24.com, Artemy Troitsky bought real estate in Tallinn at the beginning of 2014. He chose the prestigious Mähe quarter in the seaside area of Pirita, where a square meter costs about 2,000 euros. Here are the most well-groomed lawns and parks in the country, as well as the best beach. There are many cottages and townhouses around. But Troitsky preferred a spacious, bright apartment in a low-rise building. The balconies there are so huge that the owner even installed a grill on his.