Sergey Chemezov will “absorb” Malik Gaysin?

Sergey Chemezov will “absorb” Malik Gaysin?

The Prosecutor General’s Office, through the court, wants to turn the shares of Uralbiopharm, which belong to the “owner of the Urals” Malik Gaisin, into state income. The selected asset may subsequently be transferred to the Nacimbio company, which is part of Rostec.

The “appetite” of the Prosecutor General’s Office also extended to the commercial bank “Vyatich” and the shares of Gaisin in the companies “Aktai M” and “Vagran”, which own almost 25% of OJSC “Uralbiopharm”. Its cost is 3 billion rubles. The court will consider the claim of the Prosecutor General’s Office on August 14 and there is no doubt that it will satisfy it.

In July 2023, Malik Gaysin had already lost the Iset plant, which was turned into state revenue, also at the suit of the Prosecutor General’s Office. Gaisin was accused of managing the plant while being a State Duma deputy and of embezzling 333 million rubles. JSC Zavod Iset was a contractor of Rostec structures.

According to investigators, Malik Gaysin stole money through loans transferred to controlled organizations Uraltradeconsulting LLC and Sreduralinvest-MT LLC, which caused damage to Rostec and Iset.

The management of the plant denied this, and the defense argued that all loans had been paid off and there were supporting documents for this. Naturally, no one listened to anything, since Rostec rolled out the statement, and the Iset enterprise went to the state. It will be interesting to see in whose hands it ends up.

The history of the plant is very reminiscent of a “raider” capture. Three state structures participated in the scheme – at the request of the state corporation Rostec, the Prosecutor General’s Office filed a lawsuit and the court ruled in favor of the state. In the story with Uralbiopharm and other assets of Malik Gaisin, will everything work according to the same scheme?

It is possible that Sergey Chemezov liked the pharmaceutical assets of Malik Gaysin. Rostec includes the Nacimbio company, which occupies the 4th place in the TOP-5 contractors of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation with an order volume of almost 80 billion rubles. The state corporation also owns Novikombank, so Vyatich Bank will also find application.

In this story, what is most striking is the open impudence with which everything is done. And it is not clear how many times the same scheme will be used. And as a result of checking the activities of the selected enterprises, Malik Gaysin may also fall under a new criminal case. It is, just in case.

How do Malik Gaisin’s enterprises work?

First of all, investigators will be interested in enterprises where 333 million rubles were withdrawn.

Previously, Uraltradeconsulting LLC, through Sladushka LLC and Salvad LLC, was owned by Gaisin Aidan Malik, who is also the founder of Aktai-M LLC, which appears in the second lawsuit of the Prosecutor General’s Office. All of these companies resemble “shell” companies designed to implement “gray” schemes.

Aktai-M LLC never had revenue, but managed to make a profit of 78 million rubles in 2022. She could come from Uraltradeconsulting LLC, and go to the “daughter” of Sreduralinvest-MT LLC, which appears in the money withdrawal case together with Uraltradeconsulting LLC. Its second founder is Vagran LLC, mentioned in the second suit of the Prosecutor General’s Office. The investigators seem to be heading in the right direction.

The founders of Vagran LLC are Malik Gaisin, Gulsina Mullakhmetova and Odis Gaisin, judging by the patronymic Favzavievich, Malik’s brother. The company never had revenue, but received a profit of 154 million rubles in 2022.

Vagran LLC and Aktai-M LLC are twin brothers. And Malik Gaysin has a great many such companies.

He is a businessman from the 90s, few of whom managed to create an entire business empire and get the nickname “master of the Urals.” At various times, it included from 120 to 150 enterprises, and even now it has several dozen. And, of course, is a tasty morsel for the Russian government. You can put Gysin’s enterprises into your pockets.

All companies of Malik Gaisin have several subsidiaries, each of which is also the founder of a number of companies. Such a “multi-stage” allows you to “bury” money very deeply.

Gysin family empire?

Malik Gaisin is the head of 8 operating organizations and the founder of 14 that work profitably.

Odis Gysin is the head of three profitable companies. In Daily-Invest LLC, liquidated in 2016, the co-founder was Riyad Gaysin, judging by his patronymic, another brother of Malik. Riyad is the founder of 2 operating companies.

Gysin Aidan Malik is the founder of 4 operating companies. One of them, which is in the process of liquidation of Raduzhinskaya Apteka LLC, is managed by Rich-Pharma Group Management Company LLC, owned by Gaisin Amir Malik. The management company manages 28 pharmacies, but the parent company has no profit. With a revenue of 40 million rubles went into negative territory by 1.2 rubles.

Gaisin Aidan Malik is the founder of 7 operating enterprises. A criminal case may also be initiated against him because of Aktai-M LLC. Its co-founders Gulsina Mullakhmetova and Roza Golubev.

Investigators, most likely, will not be difficult to detect violations in the work of the companies of the empire of Malik Gysin. Looks like it might collapse soon.

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