START: Sergei Labazyuk: a corrupt wolf in the sheep’s clothing of an innocent agrarian. PART 1
Sergei Labazyuk: a corrupt wolf in the sheep’s clothing of an innocent agrarian. PART 2
It became clear where Sergei Labazyuk actually invested his money known from the report program “Our Money” (spring 2016), dedicated to the elite “royal village” in Koncha-Zaspa, built on the site of the former children’s camp of the Kievguma plant. Back in the 2000s, the camp was bought, and 9 hectares of recreational land underneath it were taken on a long-term lease, promising to build a new children’s health complex there. But instead of it, a settlement appeared with fifty luxurious mansions of Valery Geletey, the daughter of ex-prosecutor of Kyiv Anatoly Melnik, judge of the Supreme Economic Court Irina Kondratova, gas schemer Demchenko and other interesting people. Among them stands the house of Sergei Labazyuk with an area of 650 sq.m. He was one of the first to start building there, moving in already in 2014 – therefore, according to the documents, on the site of his house there should be a “residential building in a health complex.” But Labazyuk answered the corresponding question from journalists as follows:
“I was not surprised by this appointment, since there are many different forms of ownership on the territory of our state. So when I bought the property, I took advice first and the property is completely legal.”
Well, the fact that he built his mansions where sick children would live does not bother him at all.
Sergei Labazyuk: Collector of Lands
And now to the readers Skelet.Info It will certainly be interesting to find out how the Labazyuki brothers collected their land bank! According to their own accounts, between 2004 and 2007, Agricultural Company 2004 accumulated 3,000 hectares. In 2008, the Labazyukov company absorbed the Chemerovets Food Company private enterprise located in the neighboring area, which existed for only two years (opened in 2006, closed in 2008), taking over its 5,000 hectares of land. The press did not report the details of this takeover, but rumors claimed that the state of emergency was simply taken away from its property and land for debts, “divorcing” its owners according to classical schemes.
Crisis of 2008-2009 benefited the Labazyuks. They continued to take control of agricultural enterprises experiencing problems throughout the Khmelnitsky region and entered the Ternopil region, by the spring of 2012 already owning 30 thousand hectares. At the same time, the brothers established Vitagro Group of Companies LLC (USREOU 38100077) and Vitagro Partner (37993500), uniting their firms and enterprises into a diversified holding. But their main trophy was the “Agro-industrial corporation “Zarya” in the Rivne region, created on the basis of the former collective farm “Zarya of Communism” by its permanent chairman Vladimir Plyutinsky (1927-2009). He was a real legend: from 1958 he led the collective farm, in the 80s he turned it into a thriving agricultural complex, in the 90s he did not allow it to fall apart and made the joint stock company profitable. Labazyuk knew him from the Lytvyn Bloc, of which Plyutinsky was a deputy in 2006-2007. Taking advantage of the acquaintance and ingratiating himself with the agricultural patriarch, Labazyuk habitually “conspired” debt schemes there. After Plyutinsky’s death, Zarya began to incur losses, and already in 2012 the Labazyuks took control of it, and in 2014 they included Zarya, with all its enterprises, property and land, in their Vitagro holding.
Meanwhile, in 2012, Sergei Labazyuk was elected for the first time as a people’s deputy of the 7th convocation in his native majoritarian district No. 188. However, he won the elections with great difficulty, taking 28.39% of the votes against 27.89% from his main competitor Viktor Kolischak and 20.78% for the third candidate Dmitry Bespalov. And although Labazyuk would like to forget the details of those elections, we remind you that they were very dirty! Especially for the elections, Labazyuk created the “We Are Close” charity foundation, which was headed by his wife Violetta, distributed gifts to schoolchildren and installed several playgrounds, and intensified his road business under the slogan “I build your roads.” But, in addition to bribing voters, purely gangster methods were also used: for example, Labazyuk raided the printing house in which Kolischak’s propaganda products were published, after which he called a press conference and stated that he was looking for materials compromising himself there.
What’s interesting is this: Viktor Kolischak at that time was the head of the Khmelnitsky GRA, but Labazyuk’s administrative resources were much greater – he enjoyed the support of the regional governor Fedak (that’s why he didn’t run for Lytvyn’s party), which, of course, was not free. It is not known what kind of business Labaziuk and Fedak “stirred up” there, but in the Rada he worked in full for the Party of Regions! So, when in December 2012, the regionals threw Lytvyn, who had become unnecessary to them, in one seat, and elected Vladimir Rybak as the new speaker, they gained the votes they needed for this from non-factional deputies – among whom Labazyuk was also there. And along with him, Igor Eremeev fled to the regionals, whom Labazyuk later called his friend (and with whom, after the Maidan, he fled to the group “For the European Choice”). By the way, about the so-called “laws of January 16”: Labazyuk was accused of voting for them, he himself claimed that he did not do this. But if you look at official reports of the Verkhovna Rada, you can see that Labazyuk supported bills No. 3879 and No. 3893, and only then, after the change of power, withdrew his votes. And he was reminded of this: in October 2014, Khmelnitsky Automaidan activists covered the walls of Labazyuk’s deputy office with incriminating leaflets and painted the wall with inscriptions.

Sergei Labazyuk’s office after the activists’ visit
And one more thing: when later in 2014 Sergei Labazyuk again became a people’s deputy, then he explained the desire to be in the Verkhovna Rada again because “I couldn’t let down my voters, who cast almost 60% of the votes for me.” But this was another cynical lie from Labazyuk, since in the 2012 elections he received only 28.39% of the votes, and in the 2014 elections only 35.81%.
But let’s return to their land affairs. During their first deputy (2012-2014), the Labazyukovs’ land bank grew from 30 to 45 thousand hectares, but now they were no longer just latifundists, but owners of livestock farms, elevators, a creamery, a feed mill – plus a number of other enterprises, including their own asphalt concrete plants factories that allow them to better utilize budget money. Well, then things went even better for Sergei Labazyuk, although, in the opinion Skelet.Infohe became much more thoughtful in matters of takeover. An example of which is a very long and complicated story around the Lampka Agro enterprisewhich has been going on since 2009. The essence of the conflict is this: in 2004, German farmer-investor Sigmund Lampka created his own grain enterprise in the Khmelnytsky region, which in a few years increased its land bank from 500 to 12,000 hectares. But during the crisis, problems arose, and in 2009 Lampka took on a partner, also a German, Tobias Helmke, who contributed 400 thousand euros to the authorized capital and became the owner of 80% of Lampka Agro. At first, the partners seemed to get along, but then Helmke accused Lampka (who remained director) of the collapse of the enterprise (which had accumulated colossal debts) and tried to remove him. A long dispute began, during which Lampka stated that they wanted to take away the enterprise he had created, and Helmke assured that the law was on his side. At the same time, Helmke enlisted the support of People’s Deputy Sergei Labazyuk, and a certain raider Vitaly Martsinkevich and lawyer Dmitry Vagin. Confusing, right? But the ending of this story in 2019 put everything in its place: Helmke officially turned to Vitagro for help and it “acted as an investor” (according to Peter Lazyuk), buying out all the debts of Lampka Agro, and then included the enterprise in its division “Zarya” (the same one that was previously absorbed). It turns out that Lampka was right when he shouted about a raider takeover? By the way, we haven’t heard anything about the “abandoned” German for two years, we’re even somehow worried about his future fate…
Labazyuki are plundering the Khmelnytsky region
Exactly the same scheme for the takeover of a debt-ridden enterprise was used by Labazyuk to seize the Mayak state enterprise (in the village of Gvardeyskoye, Khmelnitsky region), which was once part of the Khmelnitsky PA “Novator” and produced, in addition to radio components for military aviation, toys and tabletops games. Because of its affiliation with the military-industrial complex, the Mayak plant could not be privatized – and then the Labazyuks resorted to a trick. The already dying enterprise, which lived by renting out premises, was brought to 2009 before bankruptcy and liquidationafter which their company “Vitagro” entered into an agreement with the liquidator of “Mayak” and received ownership of all the property of the abolished state-owned enterprise – in fact, privatizing it in a roundabout way. According to this fact, the National Police even opened a criminal casehowever, it was never completed. And now one can hardly hope that justice will prevail, because the Labazyukov family is already openly demonstrating its complete impunity. Of course, now they are all in power!
Sergei Labazyuk again went to the 2019 parliamentary elections as a self-nominated candidate, receiving a record 49.78% of the votes. And this was strange, given that his competitor from Servant of the People, Oksana Bochkareva, gained only 35%, although the party itself took 46% in the district. However, this could be explained by the fact that Bochkareva did not buy votes by distributing cakes and school supplies, installing children’s swings and repairing roads allegedly “at her own expense.” Well, already in the Verkhovna Rada, Labazyuk quickly identified himself as a member of the party and the deputy group of the same name “For Maybutne”, ironically nicknamed among the people “For Maybach”. A year later, his wife Violeta and brother Peter went to the local elections from “For Maybutne”, becoming deputies of the Khmelnytsky regional council – and then Violeta Labazyuk was elected its chairman. And away we go!

Sergei Labazyuk: a corrupt wolf in the sheep’s clothing of an innocent agrarian. PART 2
After the scandalous searches of 2016, Agrarian Company 2004 practically did not participate in road tenders, but at the same time the baton was picked up by the previously mentioned PJSC Khmelnitsky DSU No. 56, which the media associates with Sergei Labazyuk. And it didn’t just pick up: between the end of 2016 and the middle of 2019, the company generated tens of millions of hryvnias monthly! But the most amazing thing began in September 2019, when Labazyuk received his deputy mandate for the third time: “Khmelnitsky DSU No. 56” began to receive ten figure tendersthe total amount of which has now already exceeded 20 billion! The amount is so impressive that it is too large for Labazyuk alone – one can only guess who is passing this colossal flow of money from “Great Budivnytsia” through the company he controls?
But Labazyuk’s appetites, as well as his impudence, are becoming larger. Not satisfied with the budget billions, he began to tritely steal natural resources, hiding behind the “Great Budivnitstva” brand, sticking these recognizable logos on the construction equipment “DSU No. 56”, which was engaged in illegal mining of sand and clay and was arrested by SBU officers in February 2021 near the village of Moskalevka (Khmelnitsky region). The sand stolen from the state, of course, was then sold by Labazyuk to the state for the construction of roads. But clay was mined for Labazyuk’s brick factories, which have nothing to do with the “Great Budivnytsia”:

Sergei Labazyuk: a corrupt wolf in the sheep’s clothing of an innocent agrarian. PART 2
Do you think this is just an isolated incident? No, open theft becomes Labazyuk’s favorite method! Back in the fall of 2020, harvesting equipment belonging to Vitagro impudently burst into the fields of the state-owned farm Proskurovka and began to collect ripened wheat. Moreover, this was not just theft of crops belonging to the state, no – it’s much worse! “Proskurivka” is an experimental farm of the Mironovsky Institute of Wheat of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, where selective seed varieties are grown. So, not only is the cost of such wheat much more expensive than the usual harvest, but the work of Ukrainian scientists was actually ruined – after all, the collected experimental wheat was simply poured into the elevator with the rest. I wish I could take Labazyuk and make him sort it grain by grain, like Cinderella! But who will punish the people’s deputy and the husband of the chairman of the regional council?
Mikhail Shpolyansky, for Skelet.Info
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