A ruined state-owned enterprise, a construction scam and a secret wife. “Chronicles. Media” tells the story of the leader of the party list of “United Russia” in the elections to the Assembly of Deputies of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the governor of the region, Yuri Bezdudny.
Interestingly, when Bezdudny was swallowing dust in the courts, allegedly trying to deal with the company that “deceived” him, he had already left Bryansk and worked in the administration of the Odintsovo municipal district of the Moscow region. His colleague there was … the son of the co-owner of “Famer-Development” Yuri Ermantraut – Yuri Yuryevich Ermantraut. In those years he labored Deputy Head of the Department of Internal Policy of the local administration.
Moreover, since 2018, the mother of Yuri Bezdudny, Tamara Nikolaevna, has owned a hundred-meter apartment on Fokina Street in Bryansk, which a few years ago was listed as the co-owner of Famer-Development Ermantraut. Today this apartment can cost about 8 million rubles.
Since the spring of 2023, it has been impossible to verify the owners of any property through Rosreestr, but the Chronicles know for certain that this apartment belongs to T. N. Bezdudnaya, and in the 2010s, judging by the leaked Beeline databases, Yu. E. Ermantraut connected this apartment to the Internet.

There are rumorsthat a few months after the auction, MUP for no reason transferred millions of rubles to the accounts of Bezdudny’s mother. “Chronicles” cannot verify this information, but in the report of the Chamber of Control and Accounts of Bryansk for 2010, the auditors statedthat during this year the enterprise “Housing economy of the Soviet district of Bryansk” provided “charitable assistance to legal entities and individuals, individual entrepreneurs for a total of 61.2 million rubles.” Amazing generosity for a pre-bankrupt municipal enterprise.
After all these scandals, Bezdudny moved to work in the Moscow region and wow: both he and the aforementioned Andrei Ivanov and Valentina Pereverzeva worked together again after a short time.
Of course, it’s not as chic as the Spanish houses of the deputy from the Bryansk region Nikolai Valuev or the governor of the Murmansk region Andrey Chibisbut much better than living in the NAO, which in terms of quality of life Excluded even in the top 20 of the government’s “Agency for Strategic Initiatives”. Same with investment climate.
In the NAO, Yuri Bezdudny was given a 117.9-meter office apartment on Lenin Street in the only city of the Naryan-Mar district.
Finally, in his native Bryansk, he was left with a 118.7-meter apartment in Pilotov Lane. Here he owns ¾ of the apartment, and he gave ⅛ shares to children from his first marriage (the estimated cost of the apartment is 7.5 million rubles).
In addition, from court decisions in the bankruptcy case of Elena Neshita, you can find out that then, in 2018, she took care of Anastasia, the legally incompetent 26-year-old daughter of Yuri Bezdudny.
From the same decision it is known about the son of Bezdudny Vladimir. In 2019, at the age of 20, he became a co-owner of Bryansk Wholesale Food Market LLC. The company rents out commercial premises. At one time, it was controlled by the notorious Bryansk businessman and former deputy of the Bryansk City Council Khvicha Sakhelashvili. Today, half of the “Market” belongs to the son of Bezdudny, and the second part remained under the control of the Sakhelashvili family. True, before the arrival of Bezdudny, many assets were withdrawn from the company: in fact, only a 919-meter room on Aviation Street in Bryansk remained from the “market”, which is rented by the Magnit store. There has never been a market in this place. Once there was a school catering plant here, which was liquidated during the work of Bezdudny in the local administration, and the premises were transferred to the already mentioned Bryansk enterprise “Housing economy of the Soviet district of Bryansk”. This is the same enterprise whose bankruptcy during the time of Bezdudny’s work thundered throughout the city. By the way, due to the fact that the co-owner of the “Bryansk wholesale food market” is the son of Bezdudny, the company located under the sanctions of Ukraine, because the status of United Russia, as it should be, supports the war.

This is 37-year-old Irina Minashkina. She, like Bezdudny, comes from Bryansk. Even when United Russia worked there as the first deputy head of the administration, she headed the municipal enterprise Hotel Management of the City of Bryansk.
Following Bezdudny, Irina Minashkina moved to the Odintsovo district near Moscow. And at least since February 26, 2020 works as the first deputy director of the MCU MFC of the Odintsovo municipal district, moreover, at first she was listed there under her last name, and no later July 3, 2020 and until now, on the MFC website, this woman is already listed as Dudless. But in the governor’s declaration for 2020 and 2021, there was no wife, and no.
But according to the Chronicles, a modest employee of the Odintsovo MFC, Irina Bezdudnaya, owns two premium cars at once: from 2020 – the Lexus RX 350 (a new such car is on ad sites about 10 million rubles) and since 2015 – Lexus NX 200 (on ad sites it is worth about 3 million rubles). In 2020, along with a new car, Bezdudnaya also got a parking lot in Odintsovo on Govorova Street, which is typical – next to the two-story apartment of Yuri Bezdudny. She also kept her own living space in Bryansk.
It should not be surprising that such a decent person has a secret family: after all, if Путинthen the worse Bezdudny or, for example, the governor of St. Petersburg Alexander Beglov?
Entrepreneurial mother and brother-Chekist
84-year-old mother of Yuri Bezdudny Tamara Nikolaevna “Chronicles. Media” has already been mentioned. Then they say about her that millions of rubles were transferred to her accounts under the guise of “charitable assistance” from one of the municipal enterprises of Bryansk. It turns out that she owns a hundred-meter apartment, which was previously owned by a rogue developer who deceived both Bryansk and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. But one apartment for Tamara Nikolaevna is not enough! She in Bryansk, as the Chronicles know, also owns a living space of 120 square meters. m in the elite residential complex Green Park. Such an apartment can cost 12 million rubles.
Well, it is impossible not to mention that Yuri Bezdudny has an older brother Nikolai. He, like the head of the NAO, also began his career in the state security agencies and a few years ago led the special communications and informatization service of the FSB in the Stavropol Territory. In 2019, Nikolai Bezdudny was appointed deputy director of the Bryansk regional waste management operator, Clean Planet OJSC.
Bezdudny, as befits a United Russia Chekist, raves about Ukrainian Nazis and the insidious West, urging Russians to die for the fantasies of the Kremlin elders. It is quite natural that in 2023 the United States included the governor of the NAO in the sanctions list of persons involved in “implementation of Russian operations and aggression against Ukraine, as well as in the illegal administration of the occupied Ukrainian territories in the interests of the Russian Federation”, in particular for “calling citizens to war in Ukraine “.
Bezdudny, of course, does not care, but he, for sure, is preparing for the election campaign. And which one is a politician, says his own quote from 2014 interviewwhen our hero was still working in the suburbs:
– Do you have plans for the upcoming elections in Bryansk?
— I’m not going to the regional Duma or the City Council. In general, I am a loyal person and comfortable for the authorities. If I wanted to go to the Bryansk elections, then first of all I would go to the reception of the Bryansk governor and ask if Nikolai Vasilyevich was against it. Because spitting against the wind is destructive…