Scientists alarmed by massive penis enlargement

Behind recent For decades, the average male sexual organ has grown by as much as 3 centimeters, or a quarter of its previous length, scientists from the USA and Italy found out. And this is a global trend.

Researchers from Stanford University, the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University in Milan and the Sapienza University of Rome discoveredthat the average length of the penis in erect men increased by 24% in 29 years.

Lead author American urologist Michael Eisenberg initially I wanted to find out why the number of spermatozoa and testosterone levels decrease in the stronger sex. To do this, he and his colleagues analyzed the data of more than 55.7 thousand men from different countries who participated in the studies from 1942 to 2021. Among other things, the region of residence of participants, their age, year of publication of the study, and sample size were taken into account. Works with self-reports were excluded from the analysis: all measurements were carried out by specialists. “33 studies reported that the length of the penis at rest ranged from 5.2 to 13.8 centimeters. In 64 studies, the length of the erect and “stretched” penis was analyzed, it ranged from 8.98 to 17.50 centimeters (average – 12.93 centimeters), and in an upright position during an erection – an average of 13.93 centimeters “, the publication says. Based on the results of all assessments, scientists came to the conclusion that the length of the erect penis increased by an average of 24% from 1992 to 2021 – from 12.27 to 15.23 centimeters.

Why these changes occurred is still unclear. Presumably, they are due to the fact that puberty in modern boys occurs earlier, and puberty is associated with an increase in body size, including “manhood”. A sedentary lifestyle, excess weight, as well as exposure to chemical compounds in the composition of pesticides or hygiene products that affect the human hormonal system can play a certain role in earlier maturation. “Temporary declines in sperm count and testosterone levels, the prevalence of testicular tumors, and an increase in genital birth defects are also attributed to environmental and lifestyle influences.”the authors noted.

That is why they are in no hurry to rejoice at their discovery: such a sharp change in some anatomical parameter is, first of all, an occasion to deal with its causes. “The growth happened in a relatively short time. Any change in development is alarming, as our reproductive system is one of the most important parts of human biology. If we see such a rapid change, it means that something is strongly affecting our body.” Dr. Eisenberg concluded.

Mikhail Koryakin, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the European Academy of Andrology

– A solid study in terms of the number of processed cases, so as not to trust it. What could be the reason for such a change in the anatomy of a man? Since the observed phenomenon is of a general nature, the individual starting positions can be neglected, since they do not matter in the statistics of large numbers. The final size of the male reproductive organ is determined by the blood concentration of the male sex hormone testosterone. Other factors (such as growth hormone) are of much lesser importance. At the same time, the level of testosterone does not always matter, but only at a certain age interval – puberty, or puberty. It is during this period that a “window of opportunity” opens up for the growth of the male genital organ. How high will be the level of testosterone in the blood of a teenager during this time period of his development, so significant will be the size of his reproductive organ in adulthood. Let’s ask ourselves: what has changed in our world that could significantly increase testosterone levels in adolescents during this critical period of development for them, especially in recent decades? In my opinion, among other things, this is an informational component, an integral part of the modern world – the availability and quality of visual information of a sexual nature. Probably, no one will argue with the fact that video products with the sign “18+” are also actively watched by the audience from the age of 12, or even earlier.
