A new scandal surrounding the topic of school meals. This time it’s serious: it appeared a criminal case against officials of the Krasnoyarsk administration and the Directorate for organizing school meals. A deputy from the Liberal Democratic Party spoke about this Roman Krastelevwho received a response from the prosecutor’s office to his appeal.
It turned out that back in June 2023, the prosecutor’s office became concerned about the organization of school meals in the new school year. Then the department checked the competitive procedures for identifying food operators. By June 28, the Directorate had not completed the competition, which created a threat of disruption to the catering organization. According to this fact A warning was announced to the first deputy head of the city of Krasnoyarsk, Alexei Shuvalov.
In September 2023, the prosecutor’s office conducted a massive inspection of schools. Revealed failure in preparing and organizing meals at 77 (!) schools from No. 101, where services are provided by Interregional Catering Company (ICC) and KrasPIT.
By the way, there are a total of 111 educational institutions in the city. In ten of them, food is provided by the institutions themselves.
During the inspections, the prosecutor’s office revealed many violations in the catering units. Including a lack of employees, inventory, and poor quality of supplied products. And this is a violation of children’s rights to food.

The department sent materials based on the results of the inspection to the investigative committee to initiate a criminal case of negligence against officials of the city administration and the School Nutrition Directorate.
A representation was made to the mayor of the city, Vladislav Loginov, and the catering operators, and an administrative case was opened against the deputy head of the main education department for violating the rights of students.
A criminal case was opened on September 22, 2023, and the investigation is now underway.
The prosecutor’s office also drew attention to a video distributed on social networks. Babr talked about him earlier.

The academic year in the field of school nutrition started extremely poorly. It all started with a competition to determine the contractor, which was the Mordovian MCC. According to other participants in the competition, the organization of the auction was carried out with corruption violations, and the procurement conditions were made convenient specifically for MCC.
Another fiasco happened on the very first day of school, when Krasnoyarsk schoolchildren were left hungry.
Several schools with which the MCC works did not receive food, or the food was expired. Some canteens did not open due to lack of staff. In those days social activist Igor Bolbat I visited two schools and didn’t find anything good in the buffets:
In addition, Igor Bolbat spoke about the lack of workers in the kitchen, and in some schools teachers set tables for children.
General Director of MCC Timofey Fionov made excuses, saying that only in the morning the managers reported the dubious quality of the minced meat from which they were supposed to make cutlets. Therefore, they decided to replace the semi-finished products, but somewhere they still didn’t have time to make the cutlets.
Then the director decided that it was better to serve only the side dish, and not something that could be dangerous for children. Because safety comes first. Fionov also noted that:
The Department of Education even said that school catering units are fully equipped and ready to work on the first day of school. We promptly set up a hotline for parents to address their questions. And they promised to send a complaint to one of the catering organizers who committed violations.
In general, the whole world began to solve problems: acting. The Minister of Education of the region Svetlana Makovskaya visited the cafeteria of one of the schools, Mayor Loginov took a ride to the cafeteria. However, he did not see any particular violations and called a meeting with those involved in organizing school meals.
He also promised to focus his assessments on parent committees and the opinions of children.
The extreme in this scandalous story was exposed Head of the Directorate for Organization of School Nutrition Irina Fominykh. The mayor fired her on September 13.
Irina Fominykh stated to the media that “Her dismissal will not change anything, and the problems with nutrition are just hype made by competitors.”
The results of the prosecutor’s audit and the criminal case reasonably hint that the dismissal of the Fomins is not the best personnel decision. This will not solve a lot of problems in 77 Krasnoyarsk schools. Both the Directorate and the Krasnoyarsk City Hall are responsible. This was confirmed by the prosecutor’s office.